New clover release when? It's been so long...
New clover release when? It's been so long
You are aware it's been delisted from Google Play, yes?
But you're right, it hasn't been updated since January.
The github was updated and some user made a build of it. It seemed fine for most people but I didn't try it. Not sure why it hasn't been released yet officially.
Yes I'm well aware
I'm on 2.1.3
Same.. it's pretty cozy
Wish Google Play would just ban all applications related to this site like iOS did. Would reduce the cancer
Still bug with keyboard and captchas on Nexus 5
I support this
Why is he not telling that ugly hyperactive cunt to fuck off?
Really? I'd love to be bullied by a qt like that
>it hasn't been updated since January
some user on here compiled it with the new features on the clover github like a month ago.
Tfw I'm using clover rn
>trusting some user's apk
applefags can't even browse Sup Forums on their ishits? AAHAHHAHA
Why though? Everything works.
Does anyone have a link to the apk?
it works tho.
at least the f-droid latest works for me.
I just use safari. I never understood having dedicated apps for websites. It seems pointless
Me too, wanna rub our feet together?
Same. New phone last week, downloaded latest apk.
It's better than whatever I was using before, seems fine.
Downloaded just now
what is it with this new generation that think the only way a software can keep function is when an update is released?
Then you are a pathetic subby boy and deserve the coming cucking men are dominate not submissive
Just use Chan Burauza
Who gives a shit, fdroid is a thing.
Clover is much nicer to use than the mobile site.
I had it from long ago from F-Droid.
Animations on new versions are so slow it drives me nuts. This stupid smooth interfaces meme is going too far.
There's no reason for him to update it anymore.
They removed it from Google Play and nobody uses F-Droid, he has no audience anymore.
Just use something that's actually on Google Play.
Why was it removed ?
It can be used to browse NSFW-boards
have you thanked based floens for clover today, user?
thank you floens for I not only use clover for Sup Forums but also to consume instagram.
What? How?
used some third party instagtam api. then just reform the data so that clover understands it. and compiled clover with changed URLs.
Works fine as it is. I stopped using Sup Forums on the desktop because this is so much better
Could you link that magic?
These post numbers
yeah, I had to change all ints to longs in clover
thing is I have all things hardcoded. and for example I don't plan to modify clover further to set these things programmatically.
the api I use is from mgp25. very easy to use.
I would encourage everyone to write something like this yourself. ain't that hard.
but if I ever manage to make a nice package I will link it in another clover thread.
for example it's only readonly atm
so google should remove chrome from playstore
because it can be used to browse NSFW-boars
Updated my rom Friday
Tried to download clover.
Could not find it, got mimi instead
Found this thread
Now have clover again
Thank you OP
>unironically using clover
lmaoing @ your life
who said unironically
What so you use that joke dashchan?
Is there a reason I shouldn't be using mimi? Did I get bamboozled?
Are you a wizard
Clover is cancer
He was supposed to have new release last week.
wish he would have a version on fdroid that builds latest from github