What has Sup Forums hacked before?

What has Sup Forums hacked before?

I've used Ida to crack stuff

the dark web

yo momma's pussy

You're mom

My own wifi after I forgot the password and didn't want to get up to reset the router.

my ex gf's msn
he secret pass answer was her cat's name
there wasn't anything wrong on it though


I hacked the mainframe once

Many friends facebooks and emails.
Enemies facebooks and emails.
My old boss' computer.
Producer of the first two strokes albums computer.
Music festival website.

>dating someone who you can't trust

ur mom *

The Gibson.

Used to man in the middle my douchdbag roommates and redirect all of there Google dns request to gay port and listen to them call each other faggots. Shit was jokes.


The mainframe.

>What has Sup Forums hacked before?
Not really a 'hack' but I remember when I was a teenager and Google was becoming big about fifteen years ago, I was learning how to use it, filtering and using options.

I was searching for FTP sites and was filtering them by tld. I think I must've mistyped .com and put .co instead. I found one that looked interesting, so I logged in with an FTP client and checked to see if any default admin passwords worked.

One worked, logged in and out a few times. I was browsing around their server, it was a mixture of English and Spanish and there was a bunch of text files. Then I realised something. There was a phrase in the MOTD that was vaguely familiar.

>Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia—Ejército del Pueblo

At first I thought 'holy fuck derrordisds!!' and bailed. I realised later it probably was more likely research on them or something, or government reports maybe, but it freaked me out a bit. Probably not the actual FARC. Probably...

not very computer literate, but one day uploaded "New Folder.zip" to a file hosting site

Noticed the download url was something like "blah.com/uploads/NewFolder38482"

so I just changed the last digit from a 2, to a 1, and sure enough, I downloaded the shit from the last person to have uploaded a file named "New Folder". Format didn't matter, some were zip, rar, 7zip, etc.

Anyway I spend an hour doing this, most of it was stuff like school assignments or personal pics. Saw some nudes, family photos, etc.

Eventually I got to one that was some russian scammers folder. It had about ~1,500 peoples stolen financial info in text files.

Names, Addresses, Social Security, email, password, Paypal account, password, credit card, etc.

I logged into a few of their emails and they all seemed valid.

I found a file with some URLs which were apparently some kind of underground russian credit card validation sites. it cost money for each validation, and I bled his account balance dry checking a bunch of them.

He also had a bunch of social media and hacking and scamming forums with his credentials in another text file in this format: username:password-site url

so I looked at those for a bit. Then I found his ICQ account, and logged into that and fucked around. Eventually made my own ICQ account and contacted him, he asked where I was from, and then tried to get me to cash fake checks for him. He thought it was kind of funny how I found them and didn't seem upset.

I called him a faggot and ended up deleting the folder, because I'd feel bad about ripping people off and didn't want to be involved so I never reported him.

One of the emails I logged into was a french government workers yahoo. That kinda spooked me.

tl;dr, had access to presumably 10's of thousands of dollars, but didn't do anything with the info


Should have archived the data. Could be interesting to look at today.

i hacked my lasts jobs servers
it was really easy they had the pass for the database in a .ini file next to the management software(stole tons of document including research (solar manufacturing))

not hacking, just doing shit stupid kids do
>rats on windows machines
>some mails (hotmail, yahoo)
>scripts on usb to plug it in a computer and getting pictures or other stuff unnoticed
>deleting and breaking shit using rats, scripts, usb
>neighbourghs wifi almost each time internet was down (one summer I took the liberty to update all their shit routers firmwares)

absolutely nothing, but i have manipulated a few things to make them do unintended things. would be hard to prove in court as fraud and/or abuse.

I hacked this with a hatchet.

Install gentooWhy do people care about this case? I know its fuck ugly, but why?

Gay ports huh, is that port 6969?

neigbour wifi's
I also set up keyloggers and hire girls to collect FB signatures for welfare efforts. For keks.

VulnOSv1 & 2,
Tr0ll 1 & 2
>Sniffing around the network

I did this too but I had to add my password to the word file


someones gmail, they misspelled their recovery email so I brought the domain.

ctOS in Chicago


you can't trust anyone


fuck off retard

I crack wpa keys every now and then. I like having an external ip to help evade bans on games.

What ever happened to those 8000 open modems that anyone could access to, it happen like a year and a half ago?

I used to find exploits in games and sell them for money online.

Cracked the copy protection on a game many years ago.
Though the game was primarily written in BASIC and I noticed a machine language routine call up near the top of the program.
But I was feeling like a boss that day.

Well I did a counter hack.
There was a website I frequented vulnerable to html injection. A guy was using it in comments to redirect people to a 3rd party site, so I went and wrote a piece of javascript disabling his redirection and putting a nice big red text with impact font and turned 10 degrees on top of his comments saying something along lines "Banned!"

I installed gentoo on a pentium 4 without compiling elsewhere

I installed a web exploit kit on an apache server on my phone and arp poisoned wifi networks so that all traffic was redirected to the exploit kit on my phone. It's kind of like dragnet fishing!

I guessed my friend's AIM password when I was like 15. It was 'monkey1'. You could say I'm an expert hacker.


But you cant crack denuvo

Calm down, Aiden

>cracked few non native programs
>got roots on vulnerable training VMs
>coded my own bot in C with ring3 hiding capabilities

A few things here and there. I love working with mobile devices. I'm actually typing this from an AT&T Galaxy Note 5 that has been fully rooted. The bootloader is still a work in progress, but eventually I'll be able to flash a custom recovery and try out a few touchwizz based ROMs. My other project is working on a permanent jailbreaking solution for the iPhone 4s-5c. I've already successfully exploited the iBoot on devices as new as the iPhone 6 and dumped their SecureROMs. KPP makes it impossible to dump from userland. I've noticed common buffer overflows in the exception and main stacks of all bootroms in 32-bit iOS devices using an Apple SoC. With stuff like the iPhone 3GS and iPod 2G these vulnerabilities are not present. I'd be curious to know if Apple or any of the old dev team members know of them. Exploiting them is proving to be more challenging than expected but I remain hopeful.

some stuff (utility programs) for personal use, nothing to special though (didnt even cared to share the modified versions)

I wrote a script once that reset a registry entry for an iolo system mechanic demo every time i started my PC, got a 30 day trial forever. that was about 15 years ago and the hackiest thing i ever did.

oh and i just recalled that 13 or so years ago, the dsl provider i had at the time had the AS control panel port visible to clients and i could log in to that and clear the amount of traffic used for the month (using hyperterminal i believe), lel

it's what you do in the dark, user

[spoiler]except for the horrible dark secret you wouldn't share on Sup Forums[/spoiler]


my man!