Did Sup Forums fell for the in-ear meme?

Ok, everyone use and love in-ear headphones, they are the new standard, but I can't stand things inside my ear, so yesterday I bought a low-priced akg y15 earbuds, and they sound fucking great!....no bass distortion, sound quality is good for the price
so, are in-ear headphones a meme? do they just sound better, period?


become an hero

Xiaomi Air master race

> I bought a low-priced akg y15 earbuds, and they sound fucking great

Sorry, you're clinically retarded

man. I said for the price. sound is very balanced, I also have a pair of k141 and k702, and y15 don't sound cheap at all compared. obviously you have less ambience an not as much detail, they are fucking 20$ earbuds, but I expected worse!
did you ever try any of these?

how the fuck do you guys even get the white ones to fit? do you really have huge ears?

I like the new in-ear shapes. I agree that the older ones with the big ass buds going into your ears are uncomfortable but the new ones which are smaller and more ergonomically fit are great

How to use in-ear earphones

Step 1: Take off the plastic nub that it comes with that is sized to fit elephant ears
Step 2: Put on the smallest size nub that came with the earphones
Step 3: Enjoy not having to hear people on the train making noise during your commute

My ears hurt after some time. I can't deal with it, even with smallest pieces

i have unusually small ears and they fit just fine.

That's only because your ears are still virgin. Once you break your ear hymen, you'll be fine

No, no, I've had it in the ear before

Anyone else have pain/excess wax formation in their ears after using it for extended period of time?

It creates pressure so at first you interpret it as wow this will make sound better, because the whole way of perceiving sound is altered.

not really and i sleep with those things on to block outside noise
im probably fucking up my ears but i cant sleep without them

using in-ear-dildos is the gay

In-ear is actually quite dangerous. I've heard stories of Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and other vestibular issues directly caused by these shits.

Don't joke with your ears. Actually don't put ANYTHING in your ears. Put something OVER them but not inside.

My Piston 3's sound much better when coupled with the proper sized rubber nubs and inserted in ear

My ear canals are actually very small and cannot fit earbuds so I must use IEMs or headphones.

I currently use Etymotic MK5s and they're great after some tinkering in Viper4Android. The seal they provide basically deafens you to outside noise. It's fantastic.

>In-ear is actually quite dangerous.
>I've heard stories.........................

nice input buddy. Glad to see you have posted relevant peer-reviewed sources for your "Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo" claims.

I hate in-ears because I can hear my heartbeats and foosteps and whatever slightly touches me like a thousand times louder

Every headphone/headset sounds equal to me, I can't tell the difference. But I use in-ear because they are more comfortable. Anything other than a headphone with soft plastic buds hurts my ears after 10 minutes.

>in-ear headphones
>not listening to music via bone vibrations

>bone vibrations
I bet it just plays music normal way and faggots think it vibrations.

When getting inserted the foretip needs to retract to expose the moist audioglans and create a smegmaseal

no, it is transmitted via a particular part of your skull

It may use the same technology as Bone Anchored Hearing Aids except shittier because its not bone anchored.

im totally opposite. Earbuds that hang on the ear slide out; they dont fit me. However, I love the inserts because of the noise cancellation they offer along with enhanced audio sounds.

>audio sounds

>people actually think blocking airflow is a good idea

my case has good airflow though


Wrong thread?

>Implying sound isn't always vibrations

Learn2highschool faggot.

Push a match stick down your ear until you hear a pop, easy way to clean your wax and improve hearing.

>he fell for the everyone is the same and equal an shheeeit meme


Don't dew it!

Anyone who doesn't like IEMs hasn't used foam tips and has a worthless opinion.

how does the brain convert sound waves into electric signals in the neurons?

Earbuds are shit, they fall out easily. Use over ear headphones at home and good iems for on the go.

Yeah get some cans, fuck getting penetrated but these little things

Seriously though dont in-ears damage your hearing more because they dont have airspace between the output and your ears.

I could care less about having nice IEMs. I have actual open and over the ear headphones (DT880s) for home use (when I care about having nice sound quality) and when I'm traveling/working out I just use apple earpods. IEMs for me just need to be 1) cheap 2) sound ok 3) comfortable which the apple ones do. They are too fragile for me to invest on a nice pair.

>I could care less

Millennials, everyone

>I could care less
How hard it is to get your little think gears in your tiny peabrain going fast enough to understand double negatives, really?

No weird trends in your generation then, you didnt buy a load of shit in your time.

Idiots, everyone

earbuds are great if you till want to be aware of your surroundings.
back at home you can enjoy your big phones.

so yes, they do have the right to exist besides those idiotic noise dildoes you fags love to shove into your holes

>I could care less

Nice blog, faggot.

They do sound better, idiot.

Bought about 4-5 years ago, best portable audio I've ever had.
Shame the wires aren't braided, they're starting to get sticky for no particular reason.

Seconding this.
Gotta get some comply tips.

And wrap the cable over ear to eliminate microphonics.

If you don't have a cochlear implant you are a peasant .

Funnily enough i usually go from the smallest size to medium after using in-ear

Enjoy your hearing loss by middle age, in-ear faggots

Peer review is a meme and over half of peer reviewed studies fail replication

>loud noise

Look I don't even have the words.

depends on whether you're talking about sound as vibrations (tautologically, physically) or about the perception of sound (psychologically), because Terry certainly hears things that aren't caused by vibrations

my primary reason for choosing one design over another is that it wont hurt my fucking ears after a few minutes of use. dat fucking cartilage pain

> but I can't stand things inside my ear
You'll get used to it.
> no bass distortion
And no bass as well.

>muh base xD

Panasonic RP-HJE120 master race. Nearly perfect sound quality for $7 without any need to enter the ear canal.

You're supposed to take a rest if you find that it's causing pain after extended use. You're supposed to take a rest and clean it when you find it's forming wax in your plugs.

>nearly perfect sound

I didn't believe it either until I tried them for myself.

>they're starting to get sticky for no particular reason.

This happens to a lot of cables. Why Sup Forums?

u dun gufed

I hate these fucking things poor sound quality the fact i can hear myself breathing and i can hear everytime the cord hits anything id rather sowmthing like this i just wish its cable didnt have all the durability of a sheet of tinfoil

>without any need to enter the ear canal.
>headphones are literally sold as "Ear Canal Headphones"

Just get complys if iems cause pain or keep falling out. Thought they were a meme until I shelled out for a pair.

I bought them from Amazon and don't see anything about ear canals here, but regardless they are basic earbuds and don't extend into the ear canal at all, and you should be able to see this just by looking at them. They're nothing like IEMs.

Those ARE IEMs. Regular earbuds look like pic related.

Shure-SE215 best price/performance you can get. Equalize possibilities can give you nigga boom bass or crystal clear synthies. And they don't fall out as easily as the standard design.

Xiaomi Piston 3's with memory foamies are God tier.

What is this shape called anyways?

I keep re-buying the same $20 earbuds (top left) Because I either lose them or they break due to me being stupid. They are the most comfortable earbuds I've ever worn, pretty okay quality, and almost never fall out unless I do it by force.

My Galaxy S6 came earbuds with relatively the same shape as well and they're about the same but quality isn't as good.

I want more options, I just need to know what the industry markets it as

Applel calls them earpods

I see what you mean just by looking at them, but the looks are somewhat misleading. The way they are designed the plastic stops them from being pushed into the ear any significant amount. The rubber part that extends out a bit and makes them look like IEMs is extremely flexible and doesn't actually hold its shape and doesn't even push into the ear canal. In practice they are more like earbuds and nothing like true IEMs that actually hold their shape and go into the ear canal.

you don't put the whole thing in your ear user

There's a big difference between something going into your ear and just hanging on it, no matter how big or small the former is

also, checked