
Nvidiots will defend this probably saying "poor fags" etc, not realizing how retarded they are

> random poll that says nothing

I like the rx480 but these kind of threads just hit a new low. Good fucking job mate.

source of poll?

>Using 3dpd Ruby instead of Amada

Poor fag is not an argument. remind the Nvidia Users of this.

Remind them that pascal is the future.

Tell them that anything other then RX 480 is the meme.

Go now AMD users, spread the word.


>random poll that says nothing

It says how many people out of 11,000 are going to buy what GPU. How fucking stupid are you?

>not amada

>pascal is the future
This. 1080 all the way.

pascal is not the future*

I'm sorry desk Senpai but a 1080 is a waste of money. 1070 is within 10% of it for 35%less money


That graph tells us that AMD is going to generate 1.65 million in sales while Nvidia is going to generate 840k

That's a massive difference. If that pattern extrapolates out to the entire market (it wont) it means Nvid is going to lose maybe half their dGPU share (they wont) and AMD might more than double (they wont)
Nvidia still has to release the 1060.

>shilling this hard

whenever AMD hypes something this much it turns out to be a pile of dogshit.

Actually your post is shilling. Clearly you don't know what it means. Irony.

Shill pls go

really? what company or brand am i shilling for by pointing out that AMD always markets it's bad products using hype?

>picture of a monitor screen

one thing these graphs never say is how the OEM market is going to react, as the RX480 means OEMs like dell, acer, asus, and HP, can sell prebuilt gaming PCs, for not a lot and they can actually perform, rather than using shitty GT740s or R5 series cards, or being super expensive just for a 390/970 tier card.but we just have to wait for it to be released before we can see how the market and customers are going to react, as

OEMs don't even ship discrete GPUs anymore.


Who /960->1060/ here?


Of course a poorfag card will see more. It doesn't mean AMD is gonna make more money rofl.

goto nvidia.com

As someone who currently owns a gtx 980, im a little bit salty that the rx 480 is expected to be comparable to a card i spent like $500 but for only $200. But I'm not convinced of anything until it's in the hands of users and a definitive more encompassing review of the card exists. I've been nvidia since I started doing computer stuff, but I'm by no means loyal and if this card is what they are hyping it to be I'm probably gonna recommend it over anything else.

yes they do.

I'm going from a 660 to potentially a 1060, 1070 if prices aren't ridiculous but probably will be in UK

>RX 460

>prices not being ridiculous

haha nice one, m80

anyone know if the 4gb 480 is enough to drive 1080p games in the foreseeable future or should i get the 8GB version?

will it be worth the price jump if i get the 8GB?

Was true for the 970 and 980, but the gap between 1070 and 1080 is larger. They are both waste of money though.

>use "idiot" in post title
doesn't know how to screenshot

4gb is enough, but it wouldn't hurt to go for the 8gb version, and it may be better for resale value.

You should go with the GTX 1070 instead to have some future proofing.
$200 cards have historically never lasted long. The R9 270X was $200 at release and it is too slow for everything these days.

Nigga my R9 270 is still kicking ass. It runs dark souls 3 at like 35-40fps 80% of the time.

Down talking products while secretly endorsing others indirectly = shilling

normally yes i would buy a card like the 1070 and have it last 3 years, but the 1070 has really disappointing async gains compared to AMD. not ideal for futureproofing since DX12 will take over soon.

so i'm settling for the RX 480 now and have it last for 2 years until the next cycle of cards come out.

>Poll if from AMD biased site



> saying anything negative about my favorite brand = shilling

i bet you support bernie sanders too

35-40 fps?! 80% of the time??? HOLY SHIT WOW!!!

>str8 pimpin'

What else do you expect out of an old $100 card?

I think the RX480 is going to be good, but OP you look pathetic spamming these threads all over Sup Forums . Get a life.

Nothing, but I wouldn't call getting 40 fps on a not so graphical intensive game kicking ass either.

your tears are showing

If you can't max a new game at 120fps why even bother playing it? This is why AMD will always lose.

nice UMAD BRO argument
>tfw I actually became someone that thinks this way

Its the bottom of an article all about the rx480

whats your point? are you nvidia/intel share holder? why do you care about profits?

you should only care about the best price/performance for your hard earned shekels moron

>being a nigger who spends all his welfare money on GPUs

>what is price to performace, what is marginal utility?

He's a good goyim who has to satiate Nvidia's hunger for shekels.

>Straw poll
>Useful and reliable
Pick one.

My problem with focussing on the price to performance ratio too much is that you could buy an ancient 10$ GPU and be the price/performance god.

They already made a ton of $ from server deals in China.

The goal now is to rack up market share on desktops by offering low cost GPU's.

the 1080 is SO close to not being a waste, but it cant do 4k without compromise. and the 1080 is overkill for even 1440p 144hz

1070 may be the card for that resolution and hz, but even then, a moderate setting adjustment (likely unnoticeable) would put the 480 in the same performance segment.

once the 1070 is actually 380 and not 450+ it may well be the best value proposition in a single card setup till at least october.

Why the fuck is the 1080 wasted on 1440p 144hz if for example you cant even get stable 144fps on Witcher 3 (ultra w/o hairworks) on a 1080p screen.

no, I only care about the best performance bar none, because I'm not poor as fuck.

I'm not salty at all and I own 2 of them. It took 2 generations and nearly 2 years for AMD to catch up. Buying early is always a poor decision money wise, and buying beyond X70 for nvidia or X80 for AMD is always lower price to perf. You're paying a premium for the best at the time and that's it. I fully understand this and am ok with it because I am gainfully employed full time. For the future I will only be buying X80 TI cards and only at their last stand when new gen cards come out.

What you really have to focus on is that every generation Nvidias X70 matches its previous gen full architecture (Titan / x80 TI). AMD on the other hand only does half steps by comparison (480 is equivocal to a 290x / 390 at best). Further, we haven't seen anything besides "leaked" fire strike, ashes of faggotry and doom. Come July AMD will either sink or stay afloat a little longer.

because nothing single card is going to put it to 144, and that's the point of the 1080, single card power.

some engines literally break before you can max everything, look at gta5 and their advanced graphics setting that push the engine to far and it fucks itself.

for witcher 3, turn something like grass down some, the max and the second max are visually almost identical but performance gain is immense, you cant just mindlessly max everything all the time.

but getting 4k to 60 requires many games to go down to high medium all round...

4k may be there for productivity, but not gameing.

>affordable Premium VR ROFLMAO
>low-cost meme
>Every rx 480 is FE just like nvidias while nvidias price will stabilize after few weeks

So it basically says nothing. Good job retard

"how can one man be so based?" -Gaben 2009

Seriously though, why couldn't AMD produce atleast a 1070 competitor this time around? Is their tech just not up to snuff?

They're trying something new, just starting out with mid tier stuff to get that market whilst nvidia leaves it open.

It's going to backfire though, given the 970 is the single most used GPU on steam.

If anything backfires, it's Nvidia overpricing the 1070.

This. Op is just a stupid shill who hit a new low. At least he's not a tripfagging degenerate though

It's more this