What are some Sup Forums approved subreddits...

What are some Sup Forums approved subreddits? /r/technology is full of americans complaining about comcast or whatever and i'm not interested in that.

/r/Sup Forums is pretty good

/r/netsec. /r/linux is full of Sup Forums-tier shitposting so you might like it there.


drink bleach and die


/r/changemyview is great for autistic people who will argue about everything.

/r/TheDonald the one and ONLY Sup Forums approved subreddit.

fuck I hate /r/linux and all the inexperienced pompous cunts who post there

it's /r/The_Donald, but good try.

Voat's is /TheDonald


I approve of none you reddit loving faggot


Anyone have an opinion on Hacker News?

All I see there is shit from Leftist / basically-government-owned media, and Medium. And lots of bullshit that isn't even related to tech at all.

I've also heard they've began shilling for Microsoft lately.

I think I might give up on tech news.

hacker news if good if you want to read about some new javascript framework every fucking day

>I think I might give up on tech news.
as if tech news even exist, it's just paid shilling since ads don't pay shit

Do you have anything else to add about HN?

I'm trying to put my finger on why I dislike HN, but its change/decline has been so gradual that I can't tell if it's different or if I'm just imagining things.

Just like how eBay changed their site from yellow to white over the course of a year, one tick lower per day until it was completely white. Nobody even noticed.

Paid shilling as in their entire show/podcasts/news are dedicated to shill a product, or, paid shilling as in "now we will interrupt this podcast to shill for our sponsor"?

Because I don't have much of a problem with the latter.

As in the first option obviously, tv commercials type shilling is shit tier and it probably pays peanuts.

>/r/coontown is gone

>going to reddit
Fuck off and stay at your infested hugbox website, you traitor.