Wifi sickness?

Anyone switch to a wired only network?

After years of having wifi I did and my headaches have stopped and I generally feel better and more healthy. Guests to my home, however, express shock that they can't connect their iPhones or laptops to a wireless network. And when I leave my home the headaches and nausea return.

I feel like I'm being casted out by society.

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You're a faggot and your psychosomatic nonsense don't belong on this board. It's funny it is always the people who know the least about physics who make these claims.

You're not allergic to electromagnetic fields dickwad.

It's not fake. Some people are sensitive to even more signals, like cellular phones and electronic devices generally. Some people have moved to remote regions because of it.

They used to put asbestos in everything, before they realized it wasn't healthy.

>it's not fake
Then explain the lack of scientific evidence saying otherwise. It is physically impossible, and you refuse to believe that because you have no idea how electromagnetism works.

They knew this was dangerous from day one, you flaming faggot. But it's fire resistant properties outweighed the risk of accidentally inhaling it.

It's not exactly healthy to inhale concrete dust either, but concrete is still used in buildings.

>courts have ordered that disability be given over EHS
Great discourse there, buddy.

> Allergic to electromagnetic fields
So which planet are you living on user?

There is no medical research concluding otherwise. Reporters can't into science, you should know this.

All wireless devices transmit at miniscule transmission power, and the symptoms you are describing aren't even possible to be caused by it (you would get skin burns, not headache and nausea).

Also, moving to the mountains to escape radiation is like the most retarded thing you can do. The level of background radiation increases exponentially with altitude, the same does uv radiation.

Double blind tests have consistently shown those claiming to suffer from EMS to be unable to sense wifi and other em signals.
Judges and legal institutes typically have little scientific expertise.

Earth. The problem is the source.

Humans have spent thousands of years and evolved to coexist fine with the electromagnetic fields that naturally occur.

Electromagnetic fields are a recent phenomenon within the past century or so and the human body isn't always able to acclimate to them.

It's not real dude.

You know why?
You talk about people's phones not working in your house but they're giving off wifi radiation looking for wifi signals.
You didn't even notice.

does anyone know how wifi compares to phone radiation shit

is it the same or different

I ask guests to my house to turn off wifi when they enter my home, they'll usually ask why, I'll explain that it makes me sick and I have no wifi anyways.

When the phone is not actively connected to wifi it just occasionally pings for a network with a weak signal. It's like the difference between someone spraying you once with a spray bottle of water in the face and holding a pressure washer a foot from your face and pulling the trigger (actively using wifi)

It's something else, go see a doc. You might be lacking iron or something.

EHS is a myth.

>"The majority ofprovocation trialsto date have found that self-described sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitivity are unable to distinguish between exposure and non-exposure to electromagnetic fields.[2][3]A systematic review in 2005 showed no convincing scientific evidence for symptoms being caused by electromagnetic fields.[2]"


I hope you're not just doing this for attention, because you're wasting everyone's time.

There is a difference between wifi and cell service and living under a high power broadcast tower/powerlines.

It's the same. Neither of them produce radiation of significant volume or strength.

WiFi = 2.4 GHz (aka microwaves) or 5 GHz
Phones = a wide variety of standards exist, but commonly used is 400 MHz band.

But there's also fm radio, from 80 to 106 MHz, Bluetooth, automatic garage doors, etc

>the majority
Most scientists have an agenda to fill, you can structure a study to favor the results you want. Note it says a "majority" of studies, not "all studies" discredit EHS. Some have found exactly what people describe: That a proportion of the population is sensitive.

>Hurr durr it's not natural

Hoe are the sources different? Would you mind explaining?

It's slightly different.
Neither interact with the human body though.

OP I hope you never learn how much radiation comes from space
And not even the harmless kind like that you're complaining about, but the super nasty ionising kind.

>scientists have an agenda
Do you know how famous you would get and the prestige in making findings that not only contradict the current understanding, but also exposes a massive conspiracy from appliance companies?

>scientists have an agenda
Do you know how famous you would get and the prestige in making findings that not only contradict the current understanding, but also exposes a massive conspiracy from appliance companies?


You don't become famous if the NSA uses their spying to find out what you're doing and kill you and destroy your work before you can release it.

I moved to a big city a few months ago and I live in a flat. in my small apt there are like 30 wifi networks available. since I moved my head hurts much more often than when I loved with my parents in the countryside. I know there are no scientific evidences. or maybe, who knows, it's the air pollution.

scientists also say circumcision has little effect on sensation

thats right, im going there

They have LITERALLY tested these "sufferers" by switching them from exposure to non-exposure of EMR found in wifi/cell phones and they could not prove that exposure to EMR was causing their headaches/pains.

>"Since then severaldouble-blindexperiments have shown that people who report electromagnetic hypersensitivity are unable to detect the presence of electromagnetic fields and are as likely to report ill health following a sham exposure as they are following exposure to genuine electromagnetic fields, suggesting the cause in these cases to be thenocebo effect.[4][5][6]"

Much more likely to be something else. Well I say 'much more likely', but what I really mean is that it's definitely something else.
Did your diet change? Did your sleep pattern change? The water you're drinking certainly changed.
Do the usual things like staying hydrated and eating well.
And don't fall for memes- psychosomatic pain is all in your head but the pain is real even if the causes aren't.

It's more likely the wifi, people lived in london for years as they burned tons of coal and are still healthy today. Wifi covers so many urban towns like a blanket, smothering everything underneath.

Non-ionizing (or non-ionising) radiation refers to any type of electromagnetic radiation that does not carry enough energy per quantum (photon energy) to ionize atoms or molecules—that is, to completely remove an electron from an atom or molecule. Instead of producing charged ions when passing through matter, the electromagnetic radiation has sufficient energy only for excitation, the movement of an electron to a higher energy state.

Ionizing radiation which has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength than nonionizing radiation, has many uses but can be a health hazard; exposure to it can cause burns, radiation sickness, cancer and genetic damage. Using ionizing radiation requires elaborate radiological protection measures which in general are not required with nonionizing radiation.

All studies discredit EHS. It is not real.

You can find lots of studies on the nocebo effect though. If people think x causes headaches, headaches they will get on exposure to x.
While the headache is real, the cause is not.

It's most likely because you went from eating your mother's varied cooking and going to bed at reasonable hours to staying up late, eating nothing but hot pockets, flapping to anime and crying your self to sleep

Governments and megacorporations have incentive to cover up the truth that having gadgets with wifi is making us sick. We must continue the wheels of consumerist, buy, buy buy!

Your TV needs wifi! So does your action cam! And your drone! And your cameras! And your cell phones! And TV! And Smoke Detectors! And thermostats! Oh wait theres a new wireless standard, better drop $300 on a new router!

Anyone that goes against the wheels of consumerism gets crushed, discredited or worse, all so we can continue to buy shit and keep the economy going.

Studies aren't free, scientists have to eat too, and you're a fool if you don't think that the powers with money don't influence the outcome of studies.

>people lived in london for years as they burned tons of coal and are still healthy today.
Uh, what?
Seriously there's stupid and then there's stupid
I seriously hope you never reproduce.
London has MASSIVE problems with air pollution and spend millions of bongdollars to try and reduce congestion and emissions.

>people lived in london for years as they burned tons of coal and are still healthy today
Are you fucking insane?


tl;dr the reason brits have bad teeth and brittle bones even today is because of them polluting so much you didn't get enough sunlight


Thank you for educating these people.

>governments and megacorporations care if you own a Sony XYZ or a Huawei XZY or an Apple ZYZZ
They compete, dumbass.

>double newline

So they say, as they get you to buy your hybrid with bluetooth radio and wifi internet so you have another gadget making you ill in the car that you don't need. Smog is bad, wifi good! You can't see it so it's healthy, just like carbon monoxide!

You know I'm correct.

Governments care that you're spending shit to generate sales taxes and pay for jobs where people pay income taxes and companies pay import duties/corporate taxes.

Link a study that proves your claim.
Tip: there are none.

I don't think you understand how the scientific community works. Scientists get grants through the government and private institutions, and/or companies. When they write their papers, they must disclose their funding sources. If they are found lying or covering up anything, they become an outcast. Who wsnts to be affiliated with a known liar?

Not everyone in the world is in on some big conspiracy.

Do you also have your brother bring you ice, food, and mylar blankets?

> I ask guests to my house to turn off wifi when they enter my home, they'll usually ask why, I'll explain that it makes me sick and I have no wifi anyways.

> When the phone is not actively connected to wifi it just occasionally pings for a network with a weak signal. It's like the difference between someone spraying you once with a spray bottle of water in the face and holding a pressure washer a foot from your face and pulling the trigger (actively using wifi)
you are a fucking nutter

>Not everyone in the world is in on some big conspiracy.
Speak for yourself.

You're confusing a very real issue (corporatism, restriction of information, science funding) and rolling it up in your stupid electromagnetic delusions.
Lunatics like you stop real progress in solving these real problems by making up fictional ones.
We have enough real problems you don't need to make shit up.

I love how that cat has that "is this nigga serious" look on its face.

There are none because if anyone studies it, the powers that want consumerism silences them by whatever means necessary.

When everyone is in the game, everyone ignores the conspiracy. We KNOW that there is enough flouride in products we use like toothpaste, but instead we continue pumping it in water until people get fluorosis instead.

Honsesly I might be a fucking retard, but im not retarded enough to belive this emc or whatever shit.

you did good not to mention chemtrails but you fucked up by bringing in more dumb shit.

When trolling, stick to a central issue. If you scatter the stupidity over several topics people stop caring, and see you as a lost case.

There are benefits of using small amounts of fluorine. Go to scholar.google.com and search up the papers.

>wifi is like carbon monoxide
Confirmed for not knowing how wifi works.

>Governments care that you're spending shit to generate sales taxes and pay for jobs where people pay income taxes and companies pay import duties/corporate taxes.
The government is incompetent. For fuck's sake, they couldn't even unlock a fucking iPhone.

Do you really think they are able to cover up a massive conspiracy involving hundreds of thousands of scientists (not only in the US, but in the rest of the world too) and millions (if not billions) of people affected?

Not only that, but your post in confirms the opposite, that the government in fact wants the opposite.

>They used to put asbestos in everything, before they realized it wasn't healthy.
>Something people thought was safe turned out to be not safe
>Therefore, anything at all is also scientifically not safe because I say so

Florosis is not believing that fluoride allows the government to control your mind with the substance they put in the water.
>20% of the US population gets too much fluoride

Yet the state will continue to put it in the water anyways

>the powers that want consumerism silences them by whatever means necessary.
See Apparently, they aren't silenced.

Is this what we do now? Just google for the first one-off news story we can find instead of searching for anything remotely scientific? Jesus Christ, for a generation so supposedly tech-savvy we're pretty goddamn bad at the internet.

>Guests to my home, however, express shock that they can't connect their iPhones or laptops to a wireless network.
>Guests getting internet access

Fuck off mate come to fuckin australia. we aint got fuckin internet here. guests here lucky to get a fuckin 8inch huntsman spider in their fuckin tea. fucck off ya wanker.

OP is not tech savvy. OP is a luddite that has convinced himself that he is allergic to electromagnetic fields.

OP is Chuck from better call saul
OP why don't you take an overdose of Wifi and kill yourself? Double blind tests have proven people can't tell; get a friend to try on you whether you can tell. That's if they don't think you're a tinfoil retard

But he has to leave his phone and watch in the mailbox first.

You can't kill judges, dumbass. There has to be an occasional show appearance of maybe tolerating the narrative. Less consumer driven economies/parties are also more likely to allow small, controlled opposition for the sake of appearancew.


Someone should turn off all their wifi shit and then invite OP to their house. OP will complain of headache at which point they can say "Ha! my wifi is disabled!" that'll teach him

>You can't kill judges, dumbass
I'm pretty sure you can.


How are random numbers god again?

>not using 802.11y for nuclear fast internet

We actually had a case like this at the university. There is a group there claiming to be suffering from EHS. The university had recently mounted some equipment on top of one of the buildings, and they started making a huge fuss about it and threatened with lawsuits and whatnot.

The university simply moved the equipment 5 meters, so it was no longer visible from the ground, and guess what, the complaints stopped coming...

Fuck off CIA nigger.

They let crazies kill people once in a while, but if you kill judges in more than a handful then they won't sign your warrants and secret court orders anymore.


OP get a friend to double blind test you, and then see. If they don't think you're a tinfoil wearing retard that is

>implying the effect isnt long term weakening of the immune system or some shit

Do you have a faraday cage built around your house? Your neighbors probably all have wireless routers and they're saturating the air around you with their signals.

>they won't sign your warrants and secret court orders anymore.
Which one is it? Are judges under government control or not?

Because you're saying one thing and then saying the opposite right after.

I heard a similar story back when UMTS was a thing, they simply turned off the transmitters for a few days or something

This is stupid
> Induce High Currents
> Heating

I'm not with OP but you can't dismiss everything altogether. I guess we're not only talking about cancer.

How is a skin burn going yo make you feel a headache and nauseous

better call jimmy


They are because to keep them on edge they kill them once in a while, but the government can't kill them en masse or they won't cooperate. It's a never ending détente, where both sides push the envelope but fear the consequences of going too far.

My nearest neighbor is a half mile away. If I turn on wifi on my cell phone then no networks show up while in my home.

There's scientific bias right there

>It's a never ending détente, where both sides push the envelope but fear the consequences of going too far.
So in other words, parliamentarism and separating the three branches of government actually works as intended?

Good to know.

Even if you switched to wired, you're probably not even aware how many wifi waves are around you every day unless you live in a cabin in deep woods, and that's only counting the wifi. You're experiencing a placebo effect.


He could be cured by the effect of placebo though.

>no networks show up = there is no electromagnetic fields where I live
Pants on head retarded

>cured by placebo

Google "nocebo"

Get this fucking garbage off of Sup Forums

My neighbors are far away, I don't have wireless devices, I live in the Adirondack park, there's not even cell service. Could there be a wireless signal too weak to be usable but technically present? Yes, but it's like counting a part per billion of a toxin, it's just not enough to cause me discomfort

Not only did you manage to convince yourself that you are allergic to electromagnetic fields (lol), you also believe that there is a massive, world-wide conspiracy, that is out to get you (double lol).

It never occurred to you to stop and think that maybe you're just batshit insane?

>My nearest neighbor is a half mile away.
Let's put aside the wifi for a minute, do you live in the woods? I've been thinking of living in a cabin in woods, I just wanna get away from the concrete jungle and spend some time with nature. Sorry for derailing.

Yes, I live in the Adirondack Park in upstate New York on a small remote lake.

So you live a mile over sea level, where the level of background radiation is about four times as high as at downtown New York, the levels of UV radiation is even higher, and you still think you are allergic to radiation?

That's of course also ignoring the fact that any wired device or cable you run current through will also have an electromagnetic field.

Cool, I'm jelly.

I'm sensitive to wifi, not all electromagnetic radiation. And while background radiation may be higher upstate, that's nothing compared to all of the artificial radiation from wireless devices in NYC.

Are you allergic to just 2.4GHZ, or also 5GHZ?

I discontinued use with a single band 802.11N router. I never tried a dual band router, which is a good point.

>I'm sensitive to wifi, not all electromagnetic radiation
How can your body tell the difference? It's the same principle. Do you own a microwave oven?

>And while background radiation may be higher upstate, that's nothing compared to all of the artificial radiation from wireless devices in NYC.
Actually it is, look at the fucking measurements. There are a bunch of normal household appliances that will emit stronger fields than the maximum transmission power of a 802.11a/b/g/n/aa/ac access point for example.

Do satellite radio signals give you headaches? They're at roughly 2.4GHz.