Hear my phone vibrate and get excited

>hear my phone vibrate and get excited
>look over and see it's telling me my battery is almost dead

I cant keep living like this

>get a Sup Forums app
>set it to send notifications when someone replies
>make a windows thread
>get replies and feel happy as if you had friends to chat with

You did it to yourselves

For me it's the opposite, I welcome the few hours each day when I don't get any messages.


Happens to me way too much. Sup Forums is the only true friend I have.

Become an expert in machine learning. Build yourself a child.

>phone vibrates
>Oh boy, it's a Twitter notification!
>it's just recommended tweets or people to follow

You can always talk to us.


I can't see you all in person and have fun with you though. Not the same. I haven't gone out and done something in like a month. All I do is sit home and play video games and get drunk. Fuck

Go outside user. Humans need sunlight, it's science

>order technology goods every month to have a reason to look forward to the future

>All I do is sit home and play video games and get drunk.
No one will break into your home in order to make friends with you, mate. You have to go out yourself.

Dude get a job. Even burger-flipping part time is better than nothing.

Sunlight kills people


Have autism.

Universe is full of pieces of shit.

Can't stand people.

Hate most of everyone.

Have awesome g/f who puts up with my ass. Educated, job, floats me. Don't know why.

On a mission trip to Africa for the summer.

No one to talk to.

Considering suicide, but I couldn't do that to my dog.

i know that feel bro my phone has pretty shit battery life also.... I need a new phone

me too user except for the gf and africa
the one girl I was talking to there was a conflict of interest and we stopped talking today

You're a nice guy. You are probably the nicest most constructive trip i've seen on Sup Forums. Stick around man.

>Educated, job
>Has awesome gf
>Has awesome dog
>Literally goes on fucking mission trips to faraway continents
>Considering suicide

>That one email/text/notification you've been waiting for for weeks
>Tfw your phone buzzes
>It's not the notification youre waiting on

What were you expecting?

What a fucking whiner
Kill yourself, I heavily recommend it.

> get a message on tinder
> check it
> it's a spambot