Leave Nvidia to me

Leave Nvidia to me.

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>I'll shit on Nvidia so bad the nvidiots will cry over in tears.



Nvidia in the poo




He looks like a caricature

The day is finally here. All the amd fanbois burst into tears by watching how huge the memory bandwith of the vega gpu is. Only $500 and rekts 1080ti by 40% while the 1080ti sweats even on watercooling and its gddr5x consumes huge amounts of electricity. All the amd fanbois celebrate over the world this victorious day when nvidia literally cant sell any gpus because they are too shit.

While cooled with designated liquid shit cooler

>Only $500 and rekts 1080ti by 40%
This could be true and Nvidia would hold at least 51% marketshare anyways. Never underestimate stupidity.

>Implying gameworks won't fix this


Designated based engineer


>Where the plot thickens is when you look at the Koduri’s unwavering ambition. Koduri’s ultimate goal is to separate the Radeon Technologies Group from its corporate parent at all costs with the delusion that RTG will be more competitive with NVIDIA and become a possible acquisition target for Koduri and his band of mutineers to cash in when it's sold. While Koduri is known to have a strong desire to do this by forging a new relationship with Apple on custom parts (no surprise there) for Macbooks, the real focus is on trying to become the GPU technology supplier of choice to none other than Intel. While this was speculated some time ago I can tell you with certainty that a deal is in the works with Intel and Koduri and his team of marauders working overtime to get the deal pulled into port ASAP. The Polaris 10/11 launch, and all of its problems, are set to become a future problem of Intel’s in what RTG believes will be a lucrative agreement that will allow Koduri and his men to slash the lines from Lisa Su and the rest of AMD.


how awful does a tech site have to be to get blacklisted from a DESIGNATED company, Kyle?

Everything in that is total truth with backed sources and not wild speculation from a man butt-hurt AMD didn't invite him to their annual POO IN THE LOO fest.

Based Raja "The only good shitting street is NVIDIA's shitting street" Koduri.

Our guy


Anime Micro Devices!


he may have left us, but his legacy will live on when Zen BTFOs the world

Polaris will literally poo on Pascal


>not bursting into treats
okay shill, but I certainly hope you are right





Damm my next build will be zen, with a green color scheme or possibly red I think of combining it with green spot lighting for the cpu and red everything else. Amd mascot a cute, a glass etching with leds so a silhouette of her image will be lighted.

>Everything in that is total truth with backed sources and not wild speculation from a man butt-hurt AMD didn't invite him to their annual POO IN THE LOO fest.

that sounds almost on par with coolermaster_nvidia_case.jpg
Having Amada on my case or gpu would be naisu though

Na the case will be silver front, black inside, the lighting for the gpu block will be green, should match the silver front nicely and the red possibly orange lighting on the side panel to make this effect.

yfw Polaris are the first GPUs he is directly involved since his return from Apple 3 years ago and is going to be amazing, but just half amazing as Vega.

Polaris is just a shrunken Fiji

green+red=bad ~ christmas theme

I personally don't care much about looks in my sustem, but I do mind when they start to become simply awful.


Can't help but hear it as Armada in my head.

Pascal is just a shrunken Maxwell

There is nothing wrong with this. Maxwell already won last gen.


I'd rather a shrunken Maxwell than shitty AMD Poo-In-Loo technology

$799 for the 1070

Do you guys feel proud when you say poo in loo?

>these buttmad amdrones



Samefag. How much do they pay you? Was it enough to get your House restored?

What keeps AMD fans going?

It's always the same. AMD announces bulldozer, everyone says it will be the next greatest thing, it fails completely.
AMD announces Mantle, everyone praises it, Nvidia is kill, nothing happens and no games utilize it. At least it sprung life to Vulkan I guess.
Rinse and repeat.

Every time the same shit over and over again and AMD just never proves to be competent enough for anything. Their drivers became such a meme that everyone takes it as granted and doesn't even mention it anymore.

Everything AMD touches seems to end really bad yet people still buy their shit. You guys don't buy GPUs every now and then right? What the fuck is the point for settling with inferior products you know will bite you in the ass later. Were those $50-100 bucks really worth saving for that?

Why you mad user?

$.17 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for supporting Nvidia!

i get paid by amd to shill so it's the money in my case, i guess.

>At least it sprung life to Vulkan I guess.
And DX12

>Implying anyone gets paid to shill on Sup Forums
Why would any company want sales from this shithole?

based Raja

Raj don't hurt em

you'd be surprised


Looks like a dapper chief architect to me.

Smug Raja

True, because there's this thing called "drivers" and another thing called "working product" which AMD doesn't seem to comprehend. It's been that way for the past decade. Cry more AMD fan boy.

He just hops around from company to company sharing bits of the advanced alien tech he's hoarding.

>Please let this be real


Damn man

What cave do you live in lol

>backed sources

It has dual 6-pin power it's not rx480

Thats how he rolls. He comes in, designes the best product, then leaves. Rinse and repeat.

But mantle was utilized in many games considering its short lifespan.

Mantle scared the shit out of Microsoft.

why did it have a short lifespan then?

Do you know what happen to Mantel? It became Vulkan.

That justifies it's existence in and of itself, considering before dx12 only had texture streaming going for it.

Anything that scares microsoft into doing something good is an overall positive thing.


End goal was a api that utilized intel nvidia and amd, but amd decided to hand it off to kronos instead of doing it themselves.

Congrats shitposters and tripfag, literally the first non image I added to filters after been using extensions for Sup Forums for the better part of what, when did Sup Forums x first come out on firefox?

But Nvidia drivers have been even trasher than AMD lately.

Keep peddling outdated memes though.

thank god nvidia head vulkan development and the khronos group. if mantle was left in the hands of amd it would have died a shitty death.

>nvidia headed vulkan development

Source that please?

>thank god nvidia head vulkan development and the khronos group
top fucking kek


lol Neil Trevett Works He also headed OpenCL, total shit. Na I think I will go with the Mantel code in an of it self is that made is good.

>using bait this stale

At least use some update memes.





poo in da gpu

i dont see what you guys are bitching about. theyre just gpus. me and my friend both build our own machines. i prefer an intel and nvidia rig, he prefers an intel and amd rig. its doesnt matter what you use as long as you build your machine right. we both play the newest AAA games on ultra with at least 60fps.