Sup Forums, Which edition of Linux mint do you guys prefer?

Sup Forums, Which edition of Linux mint do you guys prefer?
I prefer KDE.

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Anything KDE is automatically a better choice

Mint 18: Mate right here. Running like a mutha. Shit is cash.

Is Mint still No1?

Or did the February fiasco fuck it up completely?

Cinnamon is cute. CUTE!

It's a joke distro now. Just use Debian instead.


>It's a joke distro now.
Nothing has really changed.
If it's a joke to you now, it should have been a joke before.
If it wasn't a joke before, you probably don't see it as a joke now.

Why should i choose mint, compared to other linuxes?

using fluxbox (as usual) like a charm

What's the point of mint kde? It's just more outdated kubuntu.

None, Linux Mint is fucking garbage.

Oh yeah, debian, also known as "LMDE with fewer drivers in the installer (for your freedumbs)"

Fedora 23

Mint is very easy to install, use and work with. It's arguably one of the most windows-like linuxes out there with the option to look like any flavor of windows you prefer. It's also spyware free and runs much lighter than windows. The security being better than windows is debatable, but at least beefing the security up is free in Mint so no worries there: if it works on Ubuntu, it works on mint. Most windows programs have similar compatible Mint versions (ex: Microsoft Office = Open Office) and many games run in Wine or Virtualbox, if they don't have native linus versions already that is. You also can run Mint from a DVD or a thumb drive. Windows can't do that! This is great for trying it out or rescuing a windows/mac machine that is Fubar.

I have been using mint on my main computer for about four years now. There have been kinks in the past, but it just keeps getting smoother and smoother with each new stable version. I don't regret upgrading to Mint from Windows isntead of getting in on the ugly Windows 7/8 mess and all of the sad crap going on now. I suggest always using the LTS (long term stable) version as it's made for the long haul and more likely to be stable for years to come. Most of the time they only offer the LTS on the main site because of it. It takes digging to find the minor update versions.

All of those things apply to literally any Linux distro.

You shouldn't. There's no advantage to choosing Mint over Ubuntu, and Ubuntu is more up-to-date and takes security more seriously.

>All of those things apply to literally any Linux distro
No they don't and you know it, fuck off

install gentoo


Oh yeah, also known as a derivative for people too dumb to download the Debian installer image with nonfree firmwares included.

XFCE cause my computer is from the 2007 era and I heard that the XFCE OS is the lightweight one.

Outside of fringe autism distros, they sure do.
>easy to install, use, and work with
Except for distros that deliberately make it difficult (Arch, etc.), Linux distros are pretty much all "easy to install", and using Mint is the same as using anything else with a friendly DE.
>most windows-like
>look like any flavor of windows you prefer
You can install MATE/Cinnamon on anything and it's exactly the same.
>if it works on Ubuntu, it works on mint
Most Linux software works on most Linux distros. Being deb-based like Ubuntu makes it easier, sure.
>Most windows programs have similar compatible Mint versions
>many games run in Wine or Virtualbox
Yes, because OpenOffice, Wine, and Virtualbox are Mint-exclusive and won't run on any other distro.
>You also can run Mint from a DVD or a thumb drive
Everything has a LiveCD these days. Mint doesn't make for a particularly good recovery disc, either.

Care to explain what supposedly makes Mint special?

Cinnamon for me would have been the best if any addons weren't so fucking buggy

Like only half of them work.

Cinnamon masterrace here

>Care to explain what supposedly makes Mint special?
The dev's concern with the security.

True, the Mint devs' competence is indeed quite "special".

I use Xubuntu but I'm thinking about checking out Mint Xfce. What should I expect?

-> It's just lightweight Mint for either a slow computer or a laptop that gets very warm easily. It depends of what you're using it for.

I always saw it as a joke. Actually a distribution based on a distribution that is also based on a distribution is a joke.
Now about the various issues there is which are often posted here sometimes, it's just some people that realize it is shit.
People are free to change their minds