Does anyone know any good media players for linux?

Does anyone know any good media players for linux?
SO I can search for songs and not have to find it by scrolling?

Other urls found in this thread: Classic skin for Audacious?content=135799

quodlibet / gmusicbrowser.
also: >>>/sqt/ >>>/flt/


Windows Media Player

>foobar will never be on linux


Press ctrl+f

>wanting propreitary shit on loonix when there's literally thousands of open source ones that do MUCH better

wut. My version of Rhythmbox lets you search.

Just use Clementine.

aimp4 should work with wine.

>t. never used foobar


Foobar is just a UI wrapper on top of open source libraries.

cmus is king

I actually tried finding a decent audioplayer today because my Rhythmbox kept crashing (switching songs sometimes, importing Audio CDs) so I tried a couple ones today.

Deadbeef is decent and really lightweight, but very limited library capabilities ootb.

Clementine is feature-rich and pretty neat, but looks atrocious in my opinion

I've settled with Lollypop as of now which looks great, is pretty responsive but seems to have some minor bugs still. For example, it will display certain albums under "random albums" but not on the "all albums" pane. Also, no real playlist view as far as I can see so far.


Another vote for Clementine here, but I tend to just find my music with, you know, find, then throw it at mpv. Because it makes me feel 1337 af.

you dont need to do any scrolling in ncmpcpp

Deadbeef or banshee

fuck Rhythmbox, it's like they had an expert of unintuitiveness working on the interface

Clementine is fine

If you don't use Cantata, you're doing it wrong


Just press ctrl+f
And install alternative toolbar for better UI
Rhythmbox is best music player for GNOME 3. Clementine is great but it's QT not GTK. It will look very bad on GNOME.

Even in CLI music players like MOC I can type "/" and perform searches.

DeaDBeeF and MPV

I honestly use winamp in wine. I know, I know, but almost all media players in linux just suck.


Wine wrapper available on AUR. Install Arch.

Nothing beats mpd + ncmpcpp


>looks atrocious
I never understood that. Audio players are supposed to sit at the background playing music. What does it matter how it looks like?


seems a bit bloated.
Why do you like it?

Just don't use linux based distro, they are the BOTNET.
Just use windows and musicbee.

>but looks atrocious in my opinion
I think it's pretty nice but why don't you try with cantata, tomahawk, banshee, amarok, audacious or sayonara player?

For music and browsing library: cmus
For just playing some media, like video: mplayer

install audacious and download this skin Classic skin for Audacious?content=135799
save it here /usr/share/audacious/Skins
go to "view" -> "interface preferences", and change skin

the qt build of audacious

>Does anyone know any good media players for linux?

>even ncmpcpp has a search option

fuck you


What's that musicbee theme user?