I want to become a hacker. And hack stuff like websites and so on. Where do I start?

I want to become a hacker. And hack stuff like websites and so on. Where do I start?


Install Gentoo



Installation windows first

im on windows. can I do anything on windows? Do I have to switch to linux right away, or can I switch later, when windows becomes too limiting?


You obly can hack on windows

Why do you want to hack websites and stuff?

well, where do I start on windows?

>Can you do anything on windows
Not to do with hacking anyway. Gentoo is best for hacking. It is also a good test to see if you have what it takes to become a hacker.

you need updoc

To be able to hack you need to be able to build it first.

For fun, now. In a few years if I become skilled enough it may be useful for all kinds of things..
I know the basics of programming and html.

>For fun

this may shock you but hacking something without the owners prior knowledge is actually illegal

Open the window


yeah I know

Learn networking, network protocols, osi model, etc.

If you're an underage kid who wants to hack the Xbox website because they banned you, get out of Sup Forums.
If you're old enough to vote, however, hacking websites without the owner's permission will get you into juvie or jail, friendo.
Good luck with your hacking career with L3 4N0NYM00S3Z0RZ!1!!!!11!!!1!!11

Why are you guys such assholes on this board.

OP, start with www.hackthissite.org. Move on from there. Follow your interests. Learning a programming language is a great way to start.


if u can't hack your highschool's website your not a true hacker

and that programming language should be R

There's a big difference between a hacker and a haxor.

A hacker is a guy that knows lots of stuff about computers, and uses his knowledge for the benefit of humanity.

A haxor is a guy that uses his vast computer knowledge to harm the humanity, and in the end, himself.

If you want to become a hacker, then good for you, learn a programming language (and read pic-related) and help companies do stuff.

If you want to become a haxor, then I got bad news. You will be catched in your early days while you are training on, let's say, small websites. There are no proper haxor tutorials on the internet that help you to become a pro haxor, or that help you stay undetected.

Good luck becoming a

Install Gentoo and never look back.

You're now an OS hacker,

Within C:\Windows\System 32 there is a file called l33t.dll. You need to change the extension of this file to .txt so you can read its contents in a text editor. Paste the contents into any text box in any website you want to hack and it should give you root access to that webserver through the porocess of sql injection.

Protip - Make sure you delete the System 32 folder and restart whenever you try this as Windows does leave a trace and increases your chances of getting caught.


So is watching TV without a licence.

uhm... yeah

things that require a licence is illegal without it