
Did better smartphones like S7 kill the Vive / Oculus or did it just not live up to the expectations?

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nah, vive/oculus are really cool and, 5 years ago, no one would have guessed that such awesome headsets would reach the average consumer market.

it's just that redditors and Sup Forumstards didn't understand the tech and thought it'd be like the matrix but with video games.

sitting down in a chair and playing a game using normal controls but using a vr headset gives you motion sickness.
using the vive's motion controls is cool but motion controls suffer from the same exact problems that motion controls did for the wii/ps move/kinect. meaning, there's just not enough methods of input from the player, which limits the type of game you can make. you basically have to try to make a game in which the player doesn't have to move much, which limits you to little minigames basically.

smartphones will have lighthouse support built in by next year. Vive will be obsolete

What does VR video have to do with VR gaming? They aren't even the same market.

>sitting down in a chair and playing a game using normal controls but using a vr headset gives you motion sickness
depends on the game, Racing games with a frame of reference aren't bad. Shooters with your head moving the mouse cursor are

>there's just not enough methods of input from the player
I disagree, I thought the touchpad and lack of tactile buttons would suck but it worked out really nicely. You don't need that many buttons in VR

The touchpad can be used in many ways like,
menu navigation

multiple buttons

The side grips really suck though, they shouldn't have made them tactile so easy to misclick. That is my biggest gripe with the controllers at the moment

>limits you to little minigames basically
I agree most games seem to be limited in space since locomotion is the biggest hindrance at the moment due to limited physical space and the fucking cord

But there are some games experimenting with ways to work around it

Teleport is very comfortable but detracts from the experience if it isn't incorporated into the lore and mechanics of the game

There is another mode of locomotion where you swing your arms forward to move

I am very sensitive and prone to motion sickness, got a little bit dizzy with that method but it was much less irritating compared to using button bound locomotion because you can control the speed by how quick you swing your hands in an arc while holding side grips. Suprisingly simple and effective

The wii controllers suck complete ass they aren't even a valid comparison, the tracking system on the vive is superior and the frame of reference is your head which feels way more natural.

It won't replace traditional vidya on a 2D screen anytime soon. It is a different medium with a different purpose in mind. Great for simulations like shooting at a gun range or playing billiards and airhockey etc...

you use bluetooth controllers that talk to the phone just like the vive controllers

I wasn't aware they had phones as powerful as high end desktop graphics cards.

The Vive/Oculus have a $600/$800 price tag, not to mention a huge portion of gamers will need to upgrade their graphics cards to hit the minimum specs. Plus supply was limited for the last 6 months.

VR will continue to grow, the ecosystem will continue to get bigger and bigger and eventually will get picked up by larger and larger development studios.

We are still in the early adopter phase, still need another 2-3 years before it really kicks off.

They wouldn't need to be, it would be very doable to basically have a computer use a smartphone as a monitor. Samsung already has the option to use their proprietary Micro USB to HDMI adapter. Why buy a 600 dollar headset when you could just use your phone and a cheap plastic headset case.

>In b4 some people have accidents due to walking around with VR headsets on.
I'd rather just sit and use some kind of hand controls. They don't need to make the characters head bob up and down every time they walk in first person games.

Why buy a 600 dollar headset when you can buy a 600 dollar phone and a 100 dollar plastic case. A phone that can't render at 90 fps if it wanted to.

Because it's shit

galaxy s7 has vulkan support, soon all new samsung phones will have vulkan and better specs each year

You cant use anything else than samsung controllers on the galaxy S7 as far as I'm aware

>Things that are wrong


Maybe some others. But ive still heard that ALOT of controllers dont work, including bluetooth ps3 controller because samsung wants people to buy their controller. Theyre blocking it

I've heard that PS3 controllers need to have your device rooted to work, even with something like a Nexus device.
I don't think Samsung is blocking anything, tinfoil friend.

What's the best VR headset for smartphone

I just want to masturbate and watch porn without having my monitor in view

i guess im just some sort of master race who doesnt get sick using my rift while sitting down

there was that one first person shooter that was kinda like mad max fury road. i forget what it was called but you had your vehicle and you could only walk within that space

hover junkies

phones will be covered in IR spots just like the vive? I bet.

Smartphones didn't kill anything, they provide a VR experience, yes, but it's a really bad one compared to what you get on a proper VR headset.
The thing about phones nowdays is that they do a little bit of everything but they do it half baked and badly most of the times.
That's like saying no one buys DSLRs anymore because phone cameras have 2 lenses nowdays and 20+MP

I don't think so, there are some oculus videos my phone can't even open ;_;

I really want the Vive, but muh money...

>Smartphones didn't kill anything, they provide a VR experience, yes, but it's a really bad one compared to what you get on a proper VR headset.
not anymore. The next galaxy will probably be 4k even.

Because smartphones don't allow IPD adjustment, have too much latency for gaming, and no low persistence monitors.

If you don't understand why a phone doesn't work you're retarded.

all of that is changing. Every year we get improvements.

Yes, on the headsets as well.

You think this is the only model they'll ever release?

No phone manufacturer is gonna give you 90hz low persistence screens because they do ZERO for the average consumer.

S7 vr not really vr like occulus vr. Youtube is cool and all but that's the limit.

the only headset that will succeed is the one where your phone plugs in to it. Even Carmack acknowledges this.

HTC alone has sold roughly 80 thousand headsets so far.

Clearly there's already a market for it.


>80k is alot

I played Quake on google cardboard and that didn't get me motionsick... Well I also cried as a child when I was too young for the rollercoaster ride, so I guess I'm the exception?

Well whatever the case, my Oculus is arriving next week and I'm excited.

>tfw my smartphone doesn't have a gyro, so no cheap vr for me

I owned the Vive for 3 days before i sold it on;
>all those cables
>pixels the size of match stick ends
>heavy as fuck/does sit right on the head
>shitty fucking party games

Disappointing to say the least; you can see the potential, maybe the next revision will be better.. if VR survives to a second revision..

I'm buying an S7 in a couple days and it comes with a free VR headset.
I know practically nothing about smartphone VR, is it easy to share screen from a PC do cool stuff in it? Or are you limited to shitty smartphone apps?

VR costs more than a 27" 1440p/144hz monitor.

Why are you even asking why it didn't take off?

Yeah for sure bro!

Enjoy getting 90fps on good games on your shitty phone.

Limited to smartphone apps. Granted they're not as good as the shit on Vive, but you do get access to most of the occulus store.

there are a few apps for pc->phone VR. I think one of them is even wireless, though lag is probably a concern

It's neat for porn. The problem is that it's $10 neat. Everyone already has a phone.

It takes years to make good/long games. Come back in 3 years.

all the games outright now are just kinda "eh. not buying a whole new set up for that"

vive owner here, I honestly think the vive is worth the cost, if you already have the pc hardware specs to run it and you have space for roomscale games. it's a completely different way of playing games. I get that a lot of people don't like the resolution but the VR games are out there are pretty fun (audioshield, space pirate trainer, hover junkers and a bunch of the free and cheap ones.) and maybe I wouldn't recommend it if all you want to do is play sit down sims like racing games and flying games.

you really need to try it out is what I would like to get across, watching videos of people playing won't give you the idea of what its like to use. The next gen of VR is going to be a visual improvement definitively but it might be two years away based on what the hardware requirements will probably be to run at a higher resolution

Why do you keep making these threads? What exactly is your stake in destroying the VR industry?

80 gorillion multiplied by

1200 canadian rupees is quite the sum of money for a totally unproven and (to the consumer space) new concept.

That's 96000000 monopoly dollars for something that, by all rights, should have been literally crushed by everything else, especially given that every previous attempt at VR was awful.

Unfortunately all of the GAMES for the vive and oculus are actually garbage tech demos and anything worth playing for any length of time is going to be at the very least four years down the road.

oculus doubled the price just before launch and people lost interest.

I don't think it was a mistake to dive headfirst into full scale VR headsets but I think phone-based VR is likely the way all mainstream VR will go for the next few decades even.

There's that old silent film about a train pulling into a station and whenever I hear that talked about people say that people who saw that movie screamed and jumped because they thought the train was going to fucking hit them. I think it's the same way with VR, brains will adjust themselves to anything they are exposed to with time. It's going to take a while for society to get used it but the next generation of kids will never get motion sick in VR like we do. People will talk about us getting motion sick in VR the same way we talk about the people trying to dodge that train movie.

>lol did you not know it was fake, grandpa?

He's poor and he really wants one, but his mom won't cave and buy it for him. So he comes here to rage and try to make himself feel better that he can't have one. The suffering of a 12yr old..it is a shame.

It's pretty obvious.

Got a co-worker who has a Oculus ready cell phone that's going to let me try it out when he gets the headset. He said a friend of his let him try out his and said it was amazing and comfortable to wear. So I'll find out soon for myself.

Still can't find anywhere I can test out the Vive yet.

This is the only real way I'll be able to decide. Some things you just have to personally experience to see if it's for you. You can't rely on reviewers for everything.. Like headphones, I tried a ton of them before I finally found a pair I loved.

>Oculus ready cell phone
I can't even imagine what you could possibly mean by these words.

Same, got my s7 edge 4 days ago and submitted my claim for a free Gear VR online. Still waiting on the confirmation though. I can see that the delivery might take a while.

its funny how the shills come out of the woodwork for these threads. i can almost guarentee you have never even used one

stay poor

VR will fail for the same reason Playstation Move / Kinect failed.

People like videogames because they can rot on a couch with a pepperoni pizza, and make shit happen on a huge screen in front of them by moving ONLY 3 OF THEIR FINGERS. Gaming is supposed to be a relaxing experience.

I'm sorry folks but the tech for VR just isn't there yet. And I'm personally going to skip it even when they manage to make some sort of a neural interface thingy, because I don't want Google, Apple, Microsoft and the rest of the Zaibatsu to have direct access into my brain.

it's ok I guess

lol I can see the dust on it.
VR is a gimmick.

I use it literally every single day

>plastic still on the front lens

You want to know whats funnier? Some poor faggot who spends his time arguing about a piece of hardware he does not own and has no stake in. Yet for some reason he has made it his little mission to try and stop others from buying a piece of hardware he has no stake in.

Isn't that funnier little faggot? Of course it is,

Vive Owner, absolutely love it. Would easily pay 1000$ for it. There are a solid 10 games that I love for it, and will be using it as a developer tool. If you haven't tried it, you really can't understand.

Smartphone VR is miles behind something like the Vive. Always will be, but eventually the convenience of phones will outweigh the quality of desktop VR

Yo, what USB cable is that? I got a right angle one from china on the way but not sure it'll work.

pre-retail release with little marketing. Check sales after this Christmas and see if VR is failing.


So it works even without the extra part for USB 3? No issues?

the extender cable for the vive is only 2.0 anyway

Cool. Time to grope people in Altspace.

>those straps
big head


>smartphones vs rift
even most advanced cardboard thingie with external sensors is not even near the level of Rift tracking. And tracking is basically most important thing there, not to mention many smartphones still have terrible refresh speed and everything gets blurry when you start moving your head

>A) high pricetag, lots of content
>B) high pricetag, not much content
>C) low pricetag, lots of content
>D) low pricetag, not much content

Those can work, except for B, which is where these VR headsets sit.

The problem is, it's not a proven consumer product. It's not like a new Playstation or a new type of car, where you can buy one with a relatively low risk of being trapped with a product you can't really use. Virtual reality is very close to breaking the threshold from niche hobbyist product to a proper consumer-driven product, but it's not quite there yet.

One good example I heard, was around the time of the Nepalese earthquake, and some film crew realised they could do a VR tour of the temple that collapsed to give a real perspective of the destruction, but they had to make up an array of GoPro cameras to do it.

Therein lies the problem, we've got plenty of ideas of how to use it, in news media, in games, in porn, etc. and we have the tool the consumer can use to experience those media ideas, but a lot of the elements in between are missing, which stops content creators from producing the media at a price point which makes it worthwhile. Games here have an advantage, because through 3D engines, they're already experienced with that kind of thing, but still.

Same situation happened with the television, hardly any content and a high price point. The technology for televisions existed since the 1920s until technological improvements brought the price of it down to a level where consumers could start to buy them in the late 1940s. Very similar to the situation today with VR. I remember at work reading a mid-40s copy of Time magazine talking about televisions and how they were finally becoming affordable; the public were aware of the technology before they became commonplace, just as the public has been aware of VR.