Getting an IT degree

>getting an IT degree
>start going to classes
>walk into computer science building
>smell of curry and BO hits my nostrils
>literally every person here is a poo in loo
>can't understand what my TA is trying to say in python class

Sup Forums was right. How am I gonna find a job if I have to compete with all these pajeets?

Sup Forums is all pajeets, why are you asking them?

>goes to school for IT
How are you surprised

this, try asking

I thought it was one of those dank meme like waiting for next gen GPUs

Be prepared to work with the halfwit developers for the rest of your life
"Okiezz u fix computer now??"

I'm just trying to be an IT guy and tell people how to install outlook.

>tfw landed a Summer internship w/ a company's IT department
>tfw the department is entirely white & hispanic, no pajeets
>tfw CS major in a uni where 90% of the CS students are either white or black, no pajeets
Sucks to be you, OP.

Sup Forums is too busy reacting to terrorists right now

>getting an IT degree then actually working in IT
>not getting an MBA and working in management

All the business programs even for shit like MIS require you to take stupid amounts of upper level math courses. If I could realistically do those I would. It isn't like you need a degree in a specific field to work in management anyway, I know plenty of people that work good paying management positions that only have 2 year degrees in unrelated fields to their job.

What does an IT degree even get you job-wise? a programming/networking job?

If all it is is help desk / desktop-support then why bother?


Hopefully it can get me a network/system admin type job. Don't want to work in programming though.

loli attacks are dangerous

i couldn't fap to this she was too cute

>sata data
>molex 4 pin power
what the fuck japan

perhaps its one of em hybrids

Once Trump gets in power and closes our borders and throws out the foriegners, this will no longer be a problem.

Wasn't there an anniversary drive that had this?

Nice, good luck with that user.