Sup Forums memes you couldn't be happier you fell for. Had this baby for a little over 4 years now

Sup Forums memes you couldn't be happier you fell for. Had this baby for a little over 4 years now.

masochism is a common trait among homosexuals

I love my T420 more than my T440 from work. Thanks /tpg/.

OP here. Also fell for the T420 meme this year. Great Linux machine.

>Pistons Hybrid
>Thinkpad T420

I'm running the default windows 7 and Lubuntu on the side too. Shit is ridiculously aesthetic and comfortable to use. The only downside now is that I also want a X220 but have no need for it if I actually get it.

Same. After getting the T420 I want to get the X series tablet.

This mouse is amazing. Too bad they don't make it anymore

Mechanical keyboards

CM quickfire rapid here (poo keys)

Got a G400 right now. After 2 months the right click is starting to get shinky. Still functional, just really loud.

Doubt I'll ever buy Logicrap again.

I just upgraded to a Ducky Shine 5 with blue switches.

Works on my machine :)

16 GB of RAM. Had 3 before. God what an upgrade.

16 GiBy meme is bad tho. You fell for a nu meme.

If all you do is play games then yes. I get the feeling it's the same retard posting that every day.

I have a mouse that looks just like that but is wireless. It stopped charging so i added a cable and connected it to my old phone's battery. Works fine and is comfy a.f.

Well back in 2007 when I found this place I decided to build a PC as soon as I could. It wasn't such common knowledge that building a machine was easy and by far the best value back then.
I also fell for the g400 meme, but I lost mine and now I can't find any mouse nearly as good for it in that price range.
The only reason I learned about Linux's existence was Sup Forums. I needed to get bit of performance out of my Celeron p4 3.0ghz Dell desktop back in the day and Gentoo was legitimately the best option for that
>lol cflags
I'm about to fall for the thinkpad meme. t530 probably

What the FUCK do you need 16 GIB for

Illustrator, Spotify, Brackets, Chrome and some other small programs like Pushbullet and side sync are the ones I use on a daily basis.

>working with hires raw photos
>rendering 3d models
>database caching
>testing things in virtual machines
That's what I use my 16gb for.

Kek they fell for the meme alright. First step is denial IIRC.

It's so cheap why not buy it? I'd love to stroke my epeen to 32gb ram

Denial was me hitting the wall on 8gb every day and thinking there was no need to upgrade. Either way you're getting assblasted about someone spending $60 on ram instead of $40.

So I can give my virtual machine 8GB of RAM, Im not running Windows natively user, no way.

16:10 screen

You're rght about one thing, it's a meme

i got a 16:10, 1920x1200 monitor, never again. it just gives me black bars everywhere.

a meme that I enjoy

How is there even a differnce between 16:10 and 16:9. If there is one it's negligable x200 has been the most loyal piece of hardware I ever had, well meme'd


>black bars

Now make it fullscreen.

I have one too OP, it's amazing. I've had mine for 3 or 4 years at this point and I love it,

It is.
MPC-HC is extraordinarily well designed.

that isn't fullscreen dumbass

Double click in the middle of the video. Maximized is not fullscreen.

Its the maximum size in width and height the resolution can display. He prefers to look at a taskbar instead of a black bar I guess.

It's not exclusive fullscreen. It IS fullscreen though. With the UI set up like this it is native 1920x1080 on a 1200p screen.

Logitech G502
IPS monitor
Mechanical Keyboard


Just got a T60, installed SSD. It absolutely flies now.

Thanks Sup Forums

mechanical keyboard
ips 144hz monitor

Is the T410 decent too? I got one from work, they had Windows 10 already installed. I don't think I'll be using it a lot, but if it's garbage I'll probably just carry around my old Latitude.

I paid $5 more for 16GB over 8GB. Bite me.

How did you find one that wasn't dirty as fuck.

Buckling springs keyboard is the only Sup Forums meme I've fallen for and it's glorious

topre realforce, xubuntu, chromium instead of chrome, ublock origin instead of ABP, qbittorent instead of utorrent, 7-zip instead of winrar and flux. Quality memes in my book.

local surplus. i think it was a piece of test equipment of some sort we have a lot of electronics manufacturing here that seems to like IBM stuff it's not hard to find a Thinkpad I've even seen old 760XDs and they look almost mint

this one is immaculate even the stickers look nice

Where did you get it from tho, ebay?

Little place in Melbourne, FL called Comcycle. Look them up, they had a couple more T60s and T61s and I hear they do ebay too. Give them a ring. I paid 75 for my T60 with 4gb RAM, 1.86 C2D, and added my own SSD. They have newer Thinkpads too. Lots of enterprise-level stuff

Im not going anywhere near Florida