Hi Sup Forums.
I'm trying to assemble my new PC.
How do I do this?
>pic related
Hi Sup Forums
install gentoo
You guys said it was like a puzzle
Those little ones are the speed boosters, they work better when charged. Rub your feet on the carpet to generate some static and touch the shiny parts to charge it
Stop being a dumb fuck.
Looks like you need to clean off those processor pins my dude! they appear to have a golden layer of oxidation on them, this is an easy fix, cover a rag in a mixture of petroleum and milk and rub until they turn... grey.
lol nice b8
This troll could have been a lot more clever, if you had just asked a few newbie questions and maybe given some background it would have been believable.
Stick it up your pooper.
What do I do with these?
This. Literally 101 stuffs here come on guys
The brown things are pills. Eat them to get stronger.
Im watching tips on youtube right now. I wanna know if I can use these 2 processors at the same time to give that humble boost Ghz speed
I also found this in a different trash bag
The computer gradually absorbs nutrients from those.
If you don't put them back it will get malnourished.
You have to defragment it with magnets in order for your OS to boot faster.
Baby smash
Put it back, it belongs in the trash.
give it back tyrone
If WD belongs in the trash, where does SeaGate belong then? A radioactive dumping ground?
What's on it?
Deliver OP