Build a pc or get a custom built one ?

Build a pc or get a custom built one ?

Other urls found in this thread: to build a computer

build it yourself

Is your IQ above 60 and you have at least some hand eye coordination and no major physical disabilities?

Yeah if you have me the parts I could easily put it together. But is it cheaper and easier ?

If you have a job and have better shit to use your time for using a custom builder is fine. If you're a NEET, student, or similar. Just build it yourself and save the money, or get better parts with the money saved.

But again, custom builders are fine if you have a job and are willing to pay someone else to go through the building process for you. Just depends how much you value your time.

>better shit to use your time for

Such as?

Inb4 hurrdurr making moar money

Student yes
Neet yes
Lots of money no
Looks like I'm building my own !
Anyone got a guide anywhere ?

If you have a family or other regular social responsibilities as well as a full time job youll quickly find too little time left to do much more besides eat and sleep.

Not everyone lives the same life you do.

Youtube is a pretty good guide. You can find everything about assembling it there

Hahahahahahaha social life XD ha

How about getting up to date with latest hardware I'm finding that a bitch

build one yourself, if you have issues, get help from someone

if you want one built with components you pick out, or buy yourself, but dont want to deal with assembling it (even though its not hard), hit up craigslist
there are shitloads of people who charge like 50-100$ to stick a computer together and get it set up with the OS, drivers, etc

ill be ridiculed for this, but i paid 45$ to have someone come to my house, look at my build, install windows 7 and make sure everything was set up properly with software and firmware and shit, and they de-bloated windows for me

worth it IMO, just to have someone who does that shit as a job make sure shits ok

Just wait till the new release... perpetually.

Anandtech and other tech sites are good places to stay up to date on modern hardware. If you have specific questions just ask here or the stupid questions general thread

Unless you're mentally retarded or physically disabled, build it yourself.

howtobasic on YouTube

It doesn't take that long to assemble a computer, and you don't have to do it all at once. It's a fun thing to do.

What if you're job is to assemble computers?

>being this kuked by life
>still finds time to post on 4chins about how he has no time

Fascinating, tell me more.

There is always time for Sup Forums !
I want to learn and know my computer too to build a computer

Yeah But those dumb ass websites don't te you everything and Sup Forums does so fuck google

Build it yourself. Here's a case suggestion.

>build own pc
>insatiable desire to constantly upgrade components

Why me

What's that case called ?

Disgusting case


I have a case suggestion for you.

What's that one called ?

What's that one called ?

Go to the Sup Forumsuts thread if you want to see a variety of cases on display

Cooler master haf x Nvidia edition

Any difference between the regular and the nvidia edition ?

>Putting the case between the keyboard and monitor
It's like you don't want to be able to see your work at all!

Only color I believe.

Nah it's all about basking in the glory of your new pc

Damage control: the post.

The nvidia version is a bit faster and has better airflow