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But he's JK tho right? :^)

Are you telling me a 2+ year old device isn't getting the latest software update?! Preposterous!

Your fault for using android. An iPhone always gets the updates and runs fast after years of use.

Thanks for buying our $300 piece of shit, you get to use it for 2 years.

Why can't I use the latest iOS on my iPhone 3G or iPhone 4, then?

>still using android

this ain't news anymore, it's been like that since forever

Custom roms are FOSS and always run fast :^)
Enjoy your botnet newfag.

It should get them if the company cared about the user. With apple you don't have the planned obsolescence problem unless it's a very old product but then it's naturally obsolete not artificially so

Apple is all about planned obsolescence mate

Because those things are 6+ years old, you clod.

Where is the part on the terms of use that says it should get them?

Apple long support is not really that. The latest software updates for old models don't have all the new features, it's more like bug fixing.

The 4s can, the rest well, they are very old phones. There's a limit to backward compatibility

>Where is the part on the terms of use that says it should get them?
It's a customer care thing, they don't have to do it but then I don't have to buy their products if they don't do it either.

Then why do their devices last longer than any android one?

The difference is the iPhone 4 really is obsolete whereas there are many android phones not that old that are artificially obsolete

>they don't have to do it but then I don't have to buy their products
I'm glad we agree.

And my computer running Windows 10 is 16. Your point being?

Yeah, 500-600 dollar hardware from less then a decade ago is incapable of displaying a grid of icons and a dialer.

Nah, they support their products well after the same generation of Android trash phones has been long abandoned.

iPhone software support lasts almost as long as MacBooks and Windows laptops (~5 years).

We'll know today how far back iOS 10 support will go.

>Yeah, 500-600 dollar hardware from less then a decade ago is incapable of displaying a grid of icons and a dialer.
It can do that and faster than many current gen android phones, just not on the latest OS version

Don't care about camera
Get fucked

If iPhones are so superior in terms of updating, then why can't I update it to Windows 10?

>And my computer running Windows 10 is 16.
I very highly doubt that, but that isn't the same thing. Back in 2010 1GHz CPUs was bleeding edge in smartphones.

>comparing a workstation form factor that can be upgraded piecemeal to a monolithic mobile device

Nice comparison, dumbass.

They make new Android versions run progressively slower, just like iOS. My N5 is beginning to get slow. It gets really hot when I just browse webpages or do normal things. I don't install junk on my phone either.

My theory is it has to do with the Google framework. Before I install it, my phone runs very fast. If I use stock browser it's also really fast, phone doesn't get hot at all. Then I install GApps and my phone is slow again.

There's a reason it's called Lagdroid.

Are you telling me that an insignificant hardware update can't get an update for technical reasons?! Preposterous!

>normal things
I doubt that people on Sup Forums are able to do that.

>just like iOS
I also have an iPad Mini 2 and it's gotten slower with every new update. It's all a big money grab for the industry because these little ARM chips are fast enough to last a really long time.

Sadly this.
No android device has more than a year if you've a high end device then maybe two of software updates.
Software updates doesn't make manufactures money goyim.

If you have kitkey phone it's pretty much still fully supported without any update.

>expecting to receive more than 2 updates
Lmao, sitting here with no updates since 2014

I got 2nd generation anyway

>With apple you don't have the planned obsolescence problem unless it's a very old product but then it's naturally obsolete not artificially so

This is why my next phone wont be an Android. Im currently on iPhone 5 and despite Sup Forums telling me that apple updates old devices to lag on purpose, its running flawlessly on iOS9.

Considering I got this phone in 2012 Im pretty impressed. I imagine if get myself an iPhone 7 later this year I wont have to worry about a new phone until the iPhone 10 in 2022.

You don't HAVE to upgrade anything. Newer versions of Windows still boot and run fine on a Pentium 4 with 1GB RAM. A top of the line smartphone from 5-6 years ago should be able to handle a fucking OS fine, especially when the difference between an iPhone 4 and a 4S is practically negligible. A slightly older SoC matters FUCK ALL for booting and running the OS itself.

>Newer versions of Windows still boot and run fine on a Pentium 4 with 1GB RAM.
Windows 7 may boot and run fine, but nothing else will.


Windows 10's requirements are literally identical.

And then you ignored the part where I said 'nothing else will'

Sorry, what?

Nothing modern will run well on 16 year old hardware, face it.

>all these cucks stuck on kitkat/lolipop

I still don't see your argument, or how it relates to smartphone manufacturers' arbitrary decisions of dropping support after 2-4 years.

90% of Windows computers in 2000 had 256 MB of RAM or less.

My parents have an ancient Dell desktop from 2002 with 512 MB of RAM, and it can't be upgraded to Windows 10 without hunting down some ancient, proprietary, and expensive Dell module (that is if the chipset even supports 1 GB).

Fuck I never once use M and N is about to come out

>I still don't see your argument
My argument is that you are a retard for comparing smartphones and computers and also delusional.

See this

>smartphone manufacturers' arbitrary decisions of dropping support after 2-4 years
>2-4 years

Wow now that's being optimistic.

Also the Pentium 4 had only been introduced at the end of 2000, so computers then we're far more likely to be on PIII.

iPhone 4S is still supported.

It still displays a grid of icons and a dialer though.

Most computers didn't use proprietary Dell modules. The point is that hardware from 10-15 years ago CAN run modern OSes. At the very least, my midrange phone from 2010 should be able to run the latest version of fucking Android. The reason it doesn't is completely arbitrary, and has nothing to do with the capabilities of the hardware.

If you seriously believe that you need an overclocked 8 core chip clocked at 4GHz for running a smartphone OS, YOU are delusional.

>If you seriously believe that you need an overclocked 8 core chip clocked at 4GHz for running a smartphone OS, YOU are delusional.
Because that's what I said. I'm sorry about your illiteracy.

You got me thinking

Considering how hardware evolved since when the 4S was released and also considering that iOS doesnt require a lot of hardware to run. For how will apple keep supporting the 6S?

If they are actually supporting devices for as long as its possible (running the OS without being laggy) I dont see support being dropped before 10 years.

Apple is probably going to have to start making an artificial limit here.


Why? They still support ancient MacBooks, iMacs, and Mac Pros. I've got a 7 year old MacBook Pro that still runs flawlessly, even with 10.11.

>Because those things are 6+ years old, you clod.
>I very highly doubt that, but that isn't the same thing. Back in 2010 1GHz CPUs was bleeding edge in smartphones.

Apologies for being completely retarded, but I somehow interpreted that as you saying that a 500-1000Mhz CPU from a 2010 smartphone is simply incapable of running modern versions of Android or iOS, because unlike conventional workstations, phones run on fucking fairy dust.

KK was the best. Screw material design.

There's been big strides in smartwatch CPUs since those first gen watches, it's not just obsolescence

Those first watches are using phone CPUs

if apple releases ios 10 for the 4s then fuck.. that'd be a solid 6 years of official support

They probably won't.

I haven't even seen a 4s in a couple of years, now.

>battery needs to be replaced
>can't just remove it and buy one on eBay for $7
>has to get cucked by apple or a repair service

it can barely run ios 9, there's no way it will be able to run 10 unless they optimize the fuck out of it (they won't)


my dad's on a 2008 imac. still receives supported updates to el capitan. let's hope for another year


The only relevant post in this thread gets completely ignored.

What a fucking shithole.

Fuck off. Better than forcing you to update your 5 year old phone to run any apps like Apple does and essentially crippling your phone so it runs like fucking garbage and you buy the newest one.

Because it makes no sense. What do you think the second gen watches run on, Xeons?

I didn't know we were talking about smartwatches, desu. This thread is even dumber than I thought.

Why is Google letting them get away with it?

Specialized CPUs for smartwatches. Idiot.


>>runs fast after years of use
>implying an iphone 4/4s doesn't lag like shit on ios 9
>mfw my s5 is still going strong with good community and manufacturer support

You mean the Galaxy S5, the device launched in mid 2014?

Community support is generally worthless, though.

Someone was suing apple because the new updates made his phone too slow to be usable

>tfw my Xperia Z2 still supports the latest available updates to date :^)

Sony master race as always.

S o n y

Xperia z is supported for like 5 years

You won't be running Windows 8+ on anything consumershit made before 2005.
Pentium 4 Northwood / Pentium M Banias and earlier lack PAE needed to run Windows 8+.

N5 here, still runs as smooth as the day I got it. Might even get to see N on this thing, suck it moto fags.

Xperia Z came out in 2013. Sonytards are too retarded to even count.

Nearly 4 years, close enough.

Wow, three whole years of updates before it's abandoned.

My laptop is six years old and still receives OS updates. There is no logical reason phones should be any different. They're fucking us all.