What does OS X have that Windows doesn't have?

What does OS X have that Windows doesn't have?

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DPI scaling that works

Hardware compatibility to be honest

Shit ACPI implementation.
Shit driver implementation
A shittier kernel.
Proper Printer support (windows fucks up older printers)
Easier to use UI.
"Cross Compatibility" with linux and BSD binaries.

Fucking this.

A hipster fanbase

Nope windows has that too.

The ability to reopen windows from last session when shutting down
Native fucking pdf/AI/Mp3/aac support
Native gif support
Native great browser which shits on firefox and IE. Chrome is still needed sometimes tho
Native CoreAudio
Native everything support because you don't need bloatware to actual use it


>Shit driver implementation



>Shit driver implementation
Yup. Apple own the hardware too so itll never get better.

Also, the ability to move and rename files when they are open or in use.

babysitting features that piss you off (this shit pisses me off a lot)

>pic related is enough

right clicking

I don't know what kind of shit you're smoking that makes you think Safari is better than Internet Explorer, but Safari is the worst browser on the market, hands down. There's literally a thread on g right now asking how to get webm to work properly

Windows has bash now

Windows has right clicking too

>A shittier kernel.
How's it shit, buddy boy?

And IE can do WEBM?

UI that isn't garbage

The only thing that came close was a few custom Win7 skins, I switched to OS X when Win8 was released, their design style is shit and it always has been.

>There's literally a thread on g right now asking how to get webm to work properly
So it's the worst browser on the market because it doesn't support a meme container?

How is this OSX's fault?

it aint even close fâm

Oh my god you are such a retard.

Well, actually, it's the worst browser on the market due to its history of hilariously easy security breaches. It's the least secure browser you can use, and that's including IE, think about that for a minute. It's less secure than a browser that uses ActiveX. It's even less secure than Edge, which is a fledgling browser (3 vulnerabilities for Safari vs. 2 for Edge at pwn2own 2016).

it's not the network that is preventing me to share it.
I can share it if I'm using windows or linux.
OS X won't let me share my connection while I'm authenticated via 802.1x, so the only way I can create a wifi hotspot is either to use windows or connect to a vpn and share that connection (which is a pain in the ass because using a vpn prevents me from using a lot of things)

fuck off

No, I want you to know just how retarded you are. This nigga thinks 802.1x is Apple's fault.

802.1x on windows doesn't stop you from sharing the connection

It should because that would defeat the purposes of 802.1x.

Disgusting Hublot

I live on campus and they use 802.1x. I asked, there is no policy against creating your own hotspot.
In previous OS X versions sharing wasn't blocked.

I'm convinced that most people use hipster incorrectly, and identify the wrong people as hipsters.

nowadays, you cant identify hipsters by identity, because true evolved hipsters don't adhere to the identity game

I'm willing to admit that while safari si a very easy to use browser, and pretty much does everything I need it to do, it is indeed a shit browser.

>daily errors
>no webm support
>plugins only work halfway
>tfw you cant full get away from the chrome shit game

OS means Operating System. It's a piece of SOFTware. HARDware has nothing to do with SOFTware. Learn the difference between soft and hard retard.

if you have to ask youre better off staying on windows/loonix

Tabbed file browser.

>daily errors
What errors? Safari is one of the more stable browsers for me.
>no webm support
In reality that only matters on Sup Forums, but it would be nice to have.
>plugins only work halfway
Plugins work halfway? All my plugins work fully.

Apparently in last few years, it got way more buggy. Even their fans started to complain. OS that needs daily restarts is shit and OS/X has arrived there.

>Native fucking pdf/AI/Mp3/aac support
W8/W10 had that at least. ALAC no, but that is a stupid me too format.

>half the time when I try to save an image, I get this weird shit where it saves a google captcha, rather than the image, even off Sup Forums
that's the only one I can think of right now, but that's mainly because it happens so often, I rage

for some reason, my adblock absolutely refuses to block most ads. I use the same plugin on chrome and it blocks everything, but in safari, I'm better off just not having it.

I'd use Safari since it's the best optimised browser on OS X, but incognito windows don't support local storage, which can be a bit of a pain in the ass

A good search
Have you tried Windows search compared to universal search on Apple?

Also the Automator on OS X is based

>that's the only one I can think of right now, but that's mainly because it happens so often, I rage
I've never seen that. Have you tried a clean install?
>for some reason, my adblock absolutely refuses to block most ads.
Also weird. The only known problem is YouTube preroll ads but my adblock works on them 99% of the time.

I would reinstall OS X.

>Also the Automator on OS X is based
How do you use this?

Why are desktop macs so fucking garbage? Mac mini, iMac, Mac Pro, overpriced and worthless compared to the Macbook

Mac Mini isn't bad, the iMac is kind of hard to judge.

Mac Pro isn't worthless at all, but it is overpriced because of how outdated it is.

Sketch D:

Have you used Windows since Vista?

Windows has every single one of those, and has for years

Cool. I seemed to have missed the gif/pdf/mp3 support.
Oh and I can't reopen windows automatically when restarting- what gives?

I too would like to know this. for whatever reason, I have yet to see this prompt but a few times, generally only when its update time

fanboys that would die for it.






Are you fucking stupid? Since when have drivers been considered hardware?


>Have a Mac OS
>Make it looks like cheap c64 linux
>Animu meme wallpaper

From WinXP to WIN10 folders cannot natively be arranged/displayed according to size.

>tfw ranger previews don't scale properly in my iterm window

Hardware compatibility?

You are talking about an OS that is designed for a select number of platforms, versus one that is to be used on any PC you desire...

Especially online, do we get reminded of how doomed we are as a species.

Windows has bash.

You forgot the extremely shitty filesystem

>Also the Automator on OS X is based
Fucking yes
Creatively. You just create your own scripts that can virtually do anything

All of this.
Plus free software updates (that are not pushed down users throats), font rendering that doesn't make my eyes bleed

The only thing that surprised me about OS X is that they didnt decide to just copy re-brand Windows at this point.

Windows Media player handled mp3 since at least when Windows 98 was still supported, and GIF since when 95 was still supported. Even then GIF could always be viewed in IE.

PDF support came in like IE6, Windows 8+ uses Windows Reader and Win 10 is using Edge for pdf by default.

Windows opens to the previous session if you switch users, suspend/resume, or lock. Not on a full restart (does any OS retain the session on a restart? My Xubuntu and BC Chrome OS doesn't either)

>using a browser to read pdf or a gif stores on your pc
Kek, Windows user think this is actually ok
And yes, you can restore session after a full restart on os x

A consistent interface


Uh, why would it not be "okay"?

It's functionally no different than the alternative, which would be to have a separate app to open the file formats.

A native application opens the file. Why does it matter if it's IE instead of some hypothetical 'MS GIF Viewer' or 'MS PDF Reader'?

It's actually better from a design standpoint to use a consistent interface for everything.

No, it's native, you don't need to open an application to view images, gifs, pdfs and a whole bunch of other files

>Apple logo
>training wheels

>tfw I know the doujin that trap image is from

less malware, better ui, unixy goodness.

Are you implying that your Mac doesn't use application for that?

Also, you have very strange concept of native handling something.

Who is this semen demon?

Final Cut which is so FAST that you can edit 4k on a core m macbook.
DPI Scaling that actually works
Terminal packages, albeit you need to install the homebrew package manager but it's easy.
Much better virtual desktop navigation and management.

A consistent look between most applications

Better font rendering and scaling

Better file manager

Better version of iTunes

Better gestures for trackpads

>Better file manager
Explorer is the best file manager on the market.
Finder is cucked as hell. You literally need to pay for alternate file managers to have basic functionalities which are available in Windows since XP.

Such as?

Windurrs user here.

Explorer still doesn't have tabs. You can't sort folders by size. Dragging a file to a folder in details view it's hard to find white space.

It's clear you're a gaymer but people with actual work and lives have to often annotate pictures and pdfs. Have fun annotating in IE you dumb neckbeard.
Also forgot spaces, swiping gestures, 60fps animations, and pleasant typefaces which are actually paid for unlike microshit inventing their own just because they don't wanna pay the artist.

Except for the fact that Apple devices are extremely mainstream. Hipsters use desktop linux.

i tried one of the signature model windows laptops...touchpad drivers were so shit...

MS and the hardware vendors will never recreate an Apple touchpad. You could go back over ten years ago to Powerbook-era touchpads and the Powerbook's touchpads would still beat modern Windows touchpads (barely, but still). How some people use Windows trackpads is mind-boggling.

Inb4 use a mouse. That defeats the purpose of a laptop.

Sup Forums is made up of hipsters. ask them when apple was good and they'll say pre-2000 (i.e. before they hit mainstream appeal). ask about the thinkpad, and they'll say when lenovo bought them and went mainstream as well.

basically Sup Forums thinks everything was better before it became popular. is there anything else that defines a hipster? oh, needlessly taking more complicated, obnoxious options to do the same exact thing - like installing gentoo.

apple touchpads are unmatched.

but something as simple as non jumpy behavior should be a bare minimum, and they couldn't even get that right on their signature model...

the ubuntu drivers seems fine, sans some gestures (windows only had 1 or 2 gestures anyway).

>How some people use Windows trackpads is mind-boggling.
honestly my bet is that these people have never used a macbook trackpad. a lot of kids have used iMacs at school but those don't have trackpads usually.

Fucking this

Only the Chromebooks come close to the trackpad quality of Apple's macbook.

A hybrid kernel.


Pick one.

Since windows 7 there's always a gutter on the left of the list for the same purpose.

>exchanging the end of every polysyllabic word with "shit"
wow u r so edgy and clever!

You might not have owned a multitouch touchpad laptop. Windows 8+ has upped the game. Three fingers gestures are pretty common. Also there are many hardware vendors like synaptics which allow you to specify your own gestures.


bash, homebrew, a sane file system

It's literally an entire Linux subsystem.

> a sane file system