I just created one through mailinator and from a private browsing tab and with no need to add my phone number, so I was curious if this was secure enough. If not, were you able to create a totally anonymous account?
Is there such a thing as an anonymous google account?
Are you autistic?
use F-Droid and Blackmart u fag
google is smarter than you and already has a profile for you. so fuck it and be a normie.
What are you hiding and why are you afraid of Google?
I want to have my professional and personal account as separate as possible. Not that I use it for anything questionable (mostly dumping e-mails, some documents ans pictures), but I would like to have no way of tracking my personal account.
Can't hide that cp forever OP.
Almost every website uses Google services. Even Sup Forums.
You have demons inside your head
As soon as you log both in from the same IP within a short period, they're linked.
Blackmart is even worse than Botnet Play. It just gets you viruses from Russian "hackers"
It's absolutely impossible to outsmart Google as a regular person.
nigga, i'm wearing a tinfoil hat right now, and my laptop has a sticker over it's camera so they can't see me. i use a proxy to use a proxy to use a proxy to use google. i live on an island in an undisclosed location with no locational data available. there are no gps towers near me for hundreds of miles.
do you really think google could outsmart me?
same ip
same browser
same resolution,color depth, fonts
same plug-in versions
they can link them
What about the mic?
>i live on an island
That makes you stand out, idiot.
If you didn't use a VPN or TOR, they have your IP, and can link it to you. If you've connected to another Google account from that same machine, they know that you made the "anonymous" account.
>post on the internet
>on sites that use Google Analytics
>having any form of communication that requires your ID
>owning or using anything that required your name
>not hiding innawoods
i'm never talk so they cant hear anything.
the island is undiscovered. im the only person who knows about it. soon i will live subterranean and just live my days in a hole i dug. good luck trying to find me there google.
>i'm never talk so they cant hear anything.
>what's background noise.
well obviously they are in some way connected through the IP you have used, private tab or not
I keep two accounts, one for my "regular" email, one for youtube and other shit. Fresh Windows install, I log in into account 1. Then I log in into 2nd account, Google instantly shows me my profile picture and name, which it only does if it "recognizes" you. Either my IP or the fact that I use these accounts simultaniously has triggered something. I suppose you will never be able to keep them truly separated.
It's very possible to go Pseudo-nonymous but not anonymous, no.