How much do you spend on apps and app subs each month?
How much do you spend on apps and app subs each month?
Fuck all, most apps are just bullshit wrapped up in pretty graphics just so norms can review it as 'amazing'
>tfw my waifu gets posted on Sup Forums
0 dollars
apple music 10 turkish liras.
used to pay for too before it went to shit.
Your waifu is budget Shana?
Negative two dollars. I get credit on Google play for filling out surveys and there hasn't been anything worth spending money on in months.
Sup Forums - "Technology"
for "technology discussion"
15/mo for an mmo i don't play
other than that i haven't paid for any games/software this decade as far as i recall
0$ I don't see what apps would be useful. The only app I have bought is an adblocking app.
>15/mo for an mmo i don't play
It's Eve Online, isn't it?
>You're waifu doesn't get posted on Sup Forums and everyone is in agreement that she is best girl.
I've bought GMMP, foxfi and juicessh
>not paying $10 and change a month with the annual recurring payment
I once got 25€ Play Store credit as a gift.
Bought some shit and a CyanogenMod theme.
That's about it.
o god louis rossman is hot
>dumb makiposter
you take that back, bastard
It's "your", dumbass.
Have probably spent $20 in total on the play store over 5 years.
$0 seems like apps are all just reskinned websites. There has yet to be one good game released on Android or iOS. Pirating an app takes like two seconds which I did for easytether pro. Uhhh yea
Yt red
Apple tv
Reddit gold.
Convert that to your currency for a better idea
I have Netflix, Sling, Lynda, Audible, and a Plex Pass. All worth it. Especially Audible. Pirating audiobooks is a huge pain in the ass.
Bait: The Post
>on apps
>each month
Max $5 in apps.
Bought a whole bunch of Play Music gift cards when they were on sale so if you do the match about 6 AUD/month for that.
your waifu is budget louise?
What it said subscriptions as well
Budget? That's not her? (not OP)
i used to be a big bookfag but dont have a lot of time nowadays, whats audible all about user
shana's shit. i tried to watch it and i tried to like it but she's terrible. louise is both loving a pure
It's an audiobook storefront. You can buy audiobooks from them outright, or you can subscribe monthly for a number of revolving credits. Credits can each be redeemed for one book, regardless of price. Alternatively (or additionally), subscribers get a discount on purchased audiobooks.
The biggest draw is syncing between devices.
>mistaking Louise for that seminal vessel vessel
That is her, is talking shit about Shana, in order to maintain the illusion that people whose waifu is budget Taiga have taste.
Trips of absolute plebeian devastation.
Pokemon Bank on 3DS. $5 a year. That's it.
I love that you have to pay to store pokemon when theyre only a few bytes of info per pokemon. You could easily store one as what, 30 -50 characters?
what the hell is this?
The charge probably exists to prevent hackers and miscreants from exploiting huge numbers of accounts as much as anything else. You know, *something* to discourage your bank activity from scaling to infinity and beyond with impunity.
What? I hack ev6 dittos and trade them for free on the gtn.
I've never understood people grinding / giving a shit about their pokemon and all that EV garbage when you can hack your dream team in less than a minute and even on the same card only a reboot away.
Right. Pokemon is one of the most hacked games, but you mainly do that on your own time and your own resources. Nintendo doesn't give a shit about that. What they do care about is when you start taking up exponentially greater amounts of space on hardware they pay for (making infinity Bank accounts with no drawback).
What? What i mean is the games could store more pokemon or you could store them on the sd card instead of paying for a subscription.
Maybe $100 a month on my weeb game. I just dropped $1000 the other day rolling for a specific card.
0 because i'm not stupid
Louise a qt
Micro-transactions are already fucked, mostly in the sense that 'micro' is a joke.
Paying for subs? Never heard of that before.
Do you have like, a savings account, bills or insurance you could be buying instead? Goodness me, $1000 on a game.
Total Sup Forums tier but some people really enjoy it. They have fun with all the little shit you have to do for good IV and move sets and shit. They enjoy putting work into it and taking pride in it. I've been at both ends when I was a kid. Grinding matches on shady battle or whatever it was called and breeding a good IV chancey. Different people have different motivations. Also keep in mind it's target audience is children and I enjoyed Pokemon red before I could fucking read.
fuck you
I spend F-droid
>ITT: edgy do-nothings who gloat about the fact that they spend nothing to do nothing
I'm not gloating about anything, simply stating that I don't pay for apps.
And you're stating it here, in front of everyone. To what end do you do that? For that matter, why would you never pay for an app?
$5/mo for Netflix.
>And you're stating it here, in front of everyone.
Yes, I am.
>To what end do you do that?
I was asked so I'm answering.
>why would you never pay for an app?
I don't pay for intangible content.
All of it. I spend all of it.
Why not just cancel the subscription if you dont play it?
VPN is about $3 month
Mom no
fuck you cunt
No, kill you're self.
My dad pays the other part of the $12/mo. One of his gf's kids uses it also, but probably doesnt pay.
I spend like 90 dollars a year if you include Netflix. I only spend money on apps that are 99 cents. If devs wanna be dicks and make an app 5 dollars I won't support them. Instead I'll buy some taco bell that I'll eat while I browse the pirate bay for the APK.
You know google play credit isn't real money right? You spent zero dollars not negative two.
fuck you
Not really.
0 each month, 0 this life
>used to get a survey every 2 or 3 days
>out of nowhere it get $5 over 3 days
>haven't had a survey for 3 weeks
~10€ handy, ~20€ Computer. since 2011.
Your waifu is budget Nagi?
Bitte lern Englisch
Whatever crunchyroll cost
Fuck you?
Umar a shit, worst than fucking kirino
$10 VPS
$10 Spotify
That's it
Are you fucking retarded?
>tfw your waifu doesn't get posted on Sup Forums because she's banned on all boards but one
Your waifu is a funny banana?
>posting on /d/
Hang yourself