Why is planned obsolesce legal?

why is planned obsolesce legal?

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>What a piece of work is Man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? man delights not me: no, nor woman neither.

>quoting captain picard

excuse me?

I didn't understand it until he said it. Pissed Q off.

Because the free market will fix it.


I used to talk shit about Apple after even having used an iBook but there's no arguing that the iPad is currently the best tablet on the market so I got one and I don't regret it.

I'm not a fanboy or shill for any company, I just simply get the best product.

thank you rajeesh, 1 poo has been deposited into your mouth

2 rupees have been deposited in your iShill account Pajeet.


Is this a new dank may may? I've been gone for a bit.



hahah thank you this shit here had me confused


Apple releases a dozen iPad models in 6 years.

Meanwhile in Samsungistan.

You know you can just restore to whatever version of Android you want or flash a pajeet rom?
Forced and irreversible iOS updates is what kills older devices.

>18 models in 4 years
Fuck, that is some market saturation, yo.

Go away Samsung pajeet. I wish it were this fucking easy, but they take every effort in making it difficult to install custom Roms or even make them. LG/Nexus or the shield tablet all the way for Android. Your mileage is likely to be better with an iPad however. My niece is still using her iPad 2

>buying literally anything but Apple/Sony/Samsung
>buying LG, HTC, Moto...

>>Forced and irreversible iOS updates is what kills older devices.

Are you fucking serious? iOS updates are never forced, and you can restore previous versions if you know what you're doing.

Android OEMs just don't release updates for their older devices, so people will just give up and buy a new handset to get the newer (not newest) version of Android.

>why is planned obsolesce legal?
The auto industry standardized on it before WWII. Ford said their aim was to make a Ford owner dissatisfied with his car after 12 months, so he'd buy a new one.

I have no major problem with planned obsolescence, as long as the company is reasonably honest about it, or at least not trying to cover it up.

The companies involved should be forced to accept and recycle the broken electronics though.

We value your support. $0.5 have been deposited into your itunes account.

>you can restore previous versions
Absolute bullshit, you can't even do that from backups

>Absolute bullshit, you can't even do that from backups
You have been badly mis-informed.
You have also failed comprehension on the "if you know what you're doing" part of the post.

because muh free market and muh economy

Typical Sup Forumstard

>Confronted with Android
>You just have to use a custom ROM, it's no big deal!

>Confronted with iOS
>BllllHUURR Nppfpffp NURrrrr HBLLlll

because it is not illegal

With a lot of Android phones you get 2 or maybe 3 updates from the carrier if you're lucky. If you still want support after that you'd basically have to unlock the bootloader and flash a custom recovery and a ROM that still supports the latest version. I guess that's ok if you're into technology and you have a Saturday to waste.

With iPhones it's a whole different story. In the old days there were bootrom exploits that could be used to flash custom IPSWs without getting them signed by Apple. This would allow you to use custom kernels and any new features you liked (see whited00r and greyd00r for more info). Now the hardware and software is so locked down that the latest version of iOS hasn't been rooted in about a year. Hasn't been jailbroken in a while either. Apple knows you can't just flash custom iPhone software whenever you want, so they support older devices for a long time. Instead of leaving your device behind, they keep bringing you new security fixes and cool features even if it does drain your battery or eat more system resources. If they wanted you to buy a new device each year, Apple would leave you on the iOS version your device came with.

Obsolescence is not planned, you conspiracy theory neckbeards. It's a natural consequence of new technological advancements. Anyone who believes this shit is an idiot. Apple devices are perfect for normies who can't even tell you what RAM stands for. Android devices are better for people who understand how they work like most on Sup Forums because after your device is dropped you can still develop and update custom ROMs. My first Android was a Motorola Atrix and it's in my desk drawer running 4.4 KitKat. Fucking idiots.

>why is progress legal

>Forced and irreversible iOS updates is what kills older devices.
iOS updates aren't forced, just don't update. Plus iOS9 still supports the fucking 4S, and ancient phone.

>Android devices are better for people who understand how they work like most on Sup Forums because after your device is dropped you can still develop and update custom ROMs.
Yea, except fuck that.

>cause of tos

click "ok" accepting unread text should not be valid as contract, thats like forcing a illiterate person to a contract

>ib4 every body understand laws and thecnology

>Yea, except fuck that.
Lazy nigger detected.

suck me white boy

Work my fields.

>a Saturday to waste
takes maybe an hour if you count time for downloads, all you have to do is follow the guides

>implying there are guides for every device

Don't buy an ipad. wew that was hard.

After your girl works this dick, ho

>Being so poor that you can't afford a 5k, 10-bit, wide gamut IPS display running the world's most advanced operating system

I fuckin hate weebs

Jokes on you faggot, I'm gay. If your dick size is your whole argument, go play with the other plebs on Sup Forums you filthy nigger.

my favourite quote
kinda unexpected to see it here

what argument? i'll plow your lil bitch boy too, nut all up in his face.

when will the government stop your pedophile hands

Because it helps the economy murks-nein-danke.de/blog/download/London_(1932)_Ending_the_depression_through_planned_obsolescence.pdf

I'm not dating anyone. Damn, you niggers don't even use your brains. All thought takes place in your penis.

>business prosperity

The free market rewards innovation and lowest cost. Also, planned obsolescence isn't entire bad. If things lasted twice as long, you'd be stuck with older gadgets due to less frequent upgrades.


I'm not breaking the law though. I stay away from lolis too.