what's a good terminal emulator that supports w3mimg and bold fonts, and isn't urxvt
What's a good terminal emulator that supports w3mimg and bold fonts, and isn't urxvt
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Gnome, I'm serious.
it supports w3mimg?
no idea im just shitposting
tell me about it.
I love it. It has a right click menu for theming, fonts, saving config in dedicated file, supports bold, I used it with vim, tmux, etc.
>isn't urxvt
what do you have against urxvt user?
And I used it in XFCE and AwesomeVM.
u can't use ctrl left/right, and have to use instead alt, this Co flicks with interactive sessions on ghci and python, and also with my wm
UXterm mustard race reporting in.
Here's a table of terminal emulators and their w3m-img support. (Ignore the \033[14t part)
Any terminal emulator from this decade should support bold fonts.
what does w3mimg need? doesn't it just need $WINDOWID to be set?
what's wrong with urxvt?
read tbread
plus, some bloat
suckless simple terminal
doesn't support bold fonts
doesn't even support scrolling up
Whoever drew this forgot blink182 in the poobar window. It's not Sup Forums without enema of the state and loli wallpapers
theres a patch
Terminator every day of the week and twice on Sundays
xterm does the job. Support scroll bars, every font on the planet, etc.
no w3mimg support
>all these inrorrect answers