So I bought a Raspberry Pi 3b. I want to start programming. I took some courses on programming in high school and shit like that. Pls no bully.
What languages are popular these days? Pls no meme languages. Is C# still viable?
Is it a good idea to install something like Windows 10 IoT and use it for C#?
Please correct me if i'm being a retard.
Gavin Sullivan
>Is it a good idea to install something like Windows 10 IoT and use it for C#? Just do Python on it like a normal human being, holy fuck why would you install W10 on that piece of shit
Kevin Gutierrez
Windows 10 IoT Core is a special light version of it that is built for Visual Studio programming
Hunter Robinson
Why do people think you need a pi to program?
Jack Taylor
internet of things meme
Jacob Perez
The pi isn't just for programming, they're literally made for projects that require small functional computer.. Jesus fucking autism
Build an MP4 player with it, I'm trying to make something similar with a pi zero
Dylan Fisher
I don't. I just wanted the programming stuff to be on a separate machine from my main computer. And I like tinkering with shit.
Blake Hughes
Honest advice.
While many resources on programming are free, you won't get anywhere without an investment. Be it money or time.
If I were you I'd prefer spending the first rather then the latter.
Hence, buy this book called "Automate shit with Python" or wahtever it's called, can't be bothered to remeber, but it's from stach press.
If you're a complete beginner, and don't want to get formal education, go with python. Full stop.
Chase Morgan
I got ya. Thanks for the advice. What OS and Programs would you recommend? Sorry for the spoonfeeding.
Connor Stewart
>ARM asm
There's not really any other language (for the sake of simplicity I'm lumping asm into the programming language category) I can think of that you couldn't learn on x86/AMD64 just as well. Yes, you could also learn asm on x86/AMD64 too, but ARM and MIPS are RISC architectures so their versions of asm are smaller, and more simplified, which might make it easier to learn asm in general. Once you have a good grasp of it, picking up x86/AMD64 asm should be much easier, than doing it from scratch.
Play around with RISC OS too. It's written entirely in asm. It's a bit different than any OS you're used to. It's not really one you would ever want to use as your primary, or only OS, but it's neat to mess around with, and will give you a better idea of what ARM is all about.
Dominic Wilson
Automate the boring stuff with Python. It's online too. If I were you, I'd read the book until you have an idea of how programming works in general (control flow and logic and shit) then move onto something more useful, like C, Java, C# or whatever. Or, since you have a miniature computer with an ARM chip - why not assembly?
Gavin Martin
>I just wanted the programming stuff to be on a separate machine from my main computer There is zero reason to need this. It's not like you can blow up your computer if there's a bug in your program. And if you're really, really worried about it, you can do your programming in a virtual machine.
downvoted because you're a stupid normie who literally bought a meme.
Lucas Myers
I never said that it was going to blow up my computer, retard. How fucking dense are you?
The main reason for it is that I bought a fucking RP3 and thought that a good clean programming environment away from my main computer would be a good thing.
Kevin Watson
Considering the "PI" on its name stands for Python, what do you think?
Dylan Brooks
Oh, yeah, it's free online. Good catch, user. I can't get myself to read shit online. SICP is online too, just can't do it.
Connor Bailey
That book is shit.
Read "Learn python the hard war"
Levi Morales
Is it good for a total beginner?
Dylan Davis
Juan James
i have a 2b.i use it to play doom and watch movies
Gavin King
I'd never touched programming before reading automate the boring stuff, and it was the first thing that ever made me actually understand, like everything would 'click.' never touched the other one. I only read the first chapter or two before I got sick of python and wanted to try a 'better' language.
Andrew Reed
>being this stupid
Christian Torres
Install Noobs on the SD card, makes reinstalling your OS a lot easier. Use Raspbain, seems to be most stable.
Adam Sanchez
no juse use arm arch
Joseph Martin
I rather want to see them start on free and open hardware, using a free and GNU OS than seeing them code their own jailcell on a Windows machine that runs on proprietary hardware with proprietary firmware.
Daniel Hill
Zed Shaw that writes the 'learn x the hard way' writes in a bit of a douchey way but the books are good step by step guides and the difficulty / complexity of the things he has you do increments very slowly so you get a lot of practice on each new thing that gets introduced, that being said I've found that automate the boring stuff has you do more interesting stuff earlier.
I'd recommend buying LPTHW and then doing automate the boring stuff as well since its free online. (you could always just pirate both though but what ever)
Joshua Richardson
>being mentally incapacitated
Christian Lewis
i use c++ for most things, geany is a pretty simple compiler. you can try that
Christian Miller
cant see total
Juan Peterson
>buying a pi for programming I think you fell for a meme. I don't know which one but you definitely fell for someones trap/bait/etc
Brandon Butler
>buying a toy cause you feel like doing it is a meme
Dominic Peterson
>So I bought a Raspberry Pi 3b. I want to start programming. You don't need a Pi for that
Adrian Hall
maybe he just needed a dedicated UNIX computer because frankly programming on windows is an exercise in frustration
Christopher Myers
You can buy it alright. It is a handy little thing for little money and I have one too because you can make cool little projects.
But learning to program doesn't need it.
Just install eclipse, netbeans, codeblocks, VS or anything and go from there. It really isn't that hard.
Joshua Reed
Can't you read what he wrote?
And since when does it have to be hard to become frustrated?
Tyler Johnson
but that means i don't get to deal with the simplicity of the UNIX environment
no make or anything
Dominic Johnson
A simple virtual machine would be enough.
Camden Diaz
i hate VMs, to be honest
they're WAY too slow
Leo Russell
Faster than rpi, that's for sure.
Zachary Taylor
This rp3 may have some stronger specs now but it still has some lag once you have a browser and some pdf files open.
Owen Long
OP enjoy your raspi. Disregard the jealous shills trying to shittalk the rPI