Tfw you will never be smart enough to be an engineer at SpaceX

>tfw you will never be smart enough to be an engineer at SpaceX

Feels bad.

they work on earth. it must be boring.


check yourself before you rek yourself

It's a meme like Sup Forums projects
Elon Musk only creates memes

>It's a meme like Sup Forums projects

Logo is pretty crappy for a Sup Forums project.

what a fucking joke. how can one believe this webm is real? give me a break

what are the speed at reentry? why no glowing plasma?


Because the rocket slows down enough to not cause a plasma burn with it's main engine just before reentry. (video 0:13)

People who work for him say he expects you to pretty much give up your life and devote yourself fully to his vision.

Even of I was smart enough, which I'm not, I would not work for that man.


as someone in the bay area, SpaceX isn't even a desired company to work at

the are notorious for underpaying and overworking their engineers

he didn't say he wanted to work there, read it again

Don't worry pham use this cheat sheet on the interview.

looks liek chicken scratch

the engineers that work there are so passionate about what they do that they choose to work overtime and finish what they are working on.

is there a cheat sheet for reading and understanding that cheat sheet?

I doubt it
They just means he expects you to work hard, like any boss

This. Freaking wagecucks I swear.
>WAHHHH I'm not bold enough to go out and build my own dream!
>any person whose dream I slave away for better not expect anything more than mediocrity from me
>Costco here I come!

>muh slavery
You know they can leave anytime they want, right. pretty much covered it. If they can land a job at SpaceX, finding another one isn't a worry.

how long is the non sped up video duration? many spacecraft (especially soyuz) descent took much longer than 10 minute yet it always blazing with plasma. this vid seems shorter than 10 minute yet no glow which means a lot slower

ThisAlso you have to realize that most high paying tech jobs right now are not rewarding (facebook, google,etc). If you work at spacex you are working towards something no one has ever done (reaching mars).

>said the NEET virgin

>muh helping humanity
Not even quads can cure your naivete.

Musk-senpai has blessed this thread

>what is a time-lapse