ITT post stuff you programmed that you think is pretty cool. It can be anything, no matter how basic

ITT post stuff you programmed that you think is pretty cool. It can be anything, no matter how basic.

>made a program in C too access serial devices from telnet (minus special characters)

Other urls found in this thread:

I made an information system that parses data from other systems (had to write my own parsers) and shows them on a big screen. Made it for my school as a school project, it still runs there.

> that view
everything I see when I look out of my window is old women, trees and turks

where do you live?

That's nyc.

This kind of flat are expensive ?

$3600 a month, 1 bedroom

Fuckings heights man, im getting dizzy from that picture.

if i had to live there, i would kill myself right fucking now

fuck, that's depressing

if you afford to live there, you wouldnt kill yourself

The only functional thing I have ever written is a python script to download Soundgasm files so I can archive lewd audios before the girls inevitably get doxxed via their reddit accounts and delete all their files. It's a horrible spaghetti mess but it does what I want it to (the whole reason I "learned" python).

I tell myself that I will one day rewrite it as a firefox/chrome extension but I have never got around to that.

You know it would take like 5 lines of super simple JavaScript to do that, right?

what the fuck, I was just on reddit and was clicking on random subreddits. I landed on /r/raining and checked their top post which was this picture. Literally 2min after that I go on Sup Forums and see this picture

seriously the simplest thing but i think it's kinda cool that it can be done.
Note: it's a desktop shortcut

exec /home/milton/bin/surf Sup

But it looks like a living nightmare.

Why would anyone want to live there?

>I was just on reddit
this place has really gone downhill.

I'd rather not live in a big city, but if I did I'd definitely want a view like that.

I've been working on an implementation of Conway's Game of Life in Java. It's my first project outside of coursework. Hacked together a basic version, but now I have an idea to turn it into a 2-player game. That's the plan for the summer.

Oh, as far as coursework goes, one of my assignments last year was to put together a Monty Hall simulation. Pretty simple, but it was really cool to see the simulation back up the fact that the switching strategy really is the best.

I tried to run it but I got this error

-bash: ./test: /bin/zsh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I get enough wriggle room to write a bunch of scripts to try to automate things for my small company, which always starts as somewhat messy at the least. The proud moments are when after I've rubrik's cubed some recursive mess to solve a horrid little problem, I come back 3 months later with newer knowledge from newer problems and can cut out swaths of complication with fewer simpler lines. The current issue involved taking all the input elements of a website, names and values, into a 2d array so I could pass forward crc values as post data. Turns out lxml has an iter function that can be quite selective.

Install zsh you nigger

Godspeed. I didn't make conway two player but I optomized the shit out of it. I then made march of the pawns into fullblown chess and figured out how to put audio into a card game to go along with a friends dare to make the card's background color change rapidly. That one disgusted my teacher; I had gone with a lil john sample.

Okay, but now I get this error.

./test:3: no such file or directory: /home/milton/bin/surf

Can anyone help?

or he can just change the script to use bash

that's fucking retarded

install surf
change "/home/milton/bin/surf" to "surf"

Thanks for the help. But now I get all these errors.

usage: install [-bCcpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode]
[-o owner] file1 file2
install [-bCcpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode]
[-o owner] file1 ... fileN directory
install -d [-v] [-g group] [-m mode] [-o owner] directory ...
./test:3: command not found: surf

What kind of optimization did you do? I've read a bit about hashlife, but I'm not really at the stage where I'm concerned with optimizing yet.

linux? what distribution?

Wrote a synthesizer & sequencer, with effects, in C. Feelsgoodman.

I'm using the Terminal app on Mac OS.

I would murder for that apartment.

Sounds cool, always wanted to write one. Can you show me?

i can't help you then. you're not missing much. it's just a shortcut to Sup Forums in a simple web browser called surf.

Okay, then fuck programming. Maybe more people would code if it wasn't so cryptic.

>literally running "install surf"

probably a compiler for my own programming language. The language sucked, but I thought it was neat.

Yeah where's the "Do some programming, plz" checkbox in my Windows Program Maker 2016?

Its complexity isn't the issue, you're just a fucking moron

NYC is a shithole

you seriously don't know how to make a fucking shortcut, that opens a webpage? what the fuck? that's not even programming

is that the ubundu girl?

Kind of off topic but that is the most comfy hacking station I have ever seen.

mostly scripts to wget and display stuff. weather radar, a comic or two. I'm trying to make it easier to scp stuff to a specific server folder but figuring out why it doesn't show a password prompt is holding me up


Is it summer already ???

It's mid June, the board started going full summer like a month ago

Its too small, doesnt have a view of central park and no record players.

An anime usenet indexer. I think this is far and away the best project I've worked on from an educational point of view.

Basically the process is:
>Request headers from Usenet server for anime groups
>Filter out any non-binary or malformed headers, the subject line has to be something like [1/X] "Title" (1/Y)
>Group together all the posts that share a similar post time, author, newsgroup and title
>Generate an XML file that references the articles (anywhere from a few hundred to a few hundred thousand articles need to be grouped)
>Download a small part of each the file and run it through ffprobe to get the media information (codecs, dimensions, languages etc).

It's genuinely a lot of fun working with postgres, flask and python. I've been really busy with university lately, so the site is still really basic, but I've got a lot more I'd like to add.

A script to download images from any Sup Forums thread:

curl -s boards.Sup$1/thread/$2 | grep -o -i 'href="//[^>]*>' | sed -r 's%.*"//([^"]*)".*%\1%' | sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D' | xargs wget -c

In the first URL, change the first variable to the correspondent letter board and the second variable to the 8 number thread identifier.

Do one better:

Do you know how to assign $variables through an interactive prompt?

I wrote a small shortcut program this way, to quickly download a bunch of youtube mp3s via ytdl. Was dope. And my girlfriend was amazed at my super scripting abilities.

a pretty nice computer algebra system

it's got all the bells and whistles and it's extendable in GNU guile

That's it. You can ever restructure this script so you could assign many threads at once. And don't worry by the variables. I just put that way so people could find them easily and change them to use on the command line directly.

Example: they want to download all images from this thread? Just do it:

curl -s | grep -o -i 'href="//[^>]*>' | sed -r 's%.*"//([^"]*)".*%\1%' | sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D' | xargs wget -c

It will save all images in the current directory you start the script on the command line. PROTIP: You need to have both CURL and WGET installed in your system (they don't came by default in many distros).

Its an easy script. The most interesting part is only the regexp to cut off HTML code from the target page.

baller. shit is expensive as balls. but with that view. it is worth it

Wow! The CODE tag doesn't work for Sup Forums URLs...

I wrote a lisp dialect that could program a 3d game in REAL TIME but nothing ever came of it.

This is why I hate programming, because you rarely get awarded for the effort you put into something.

The working code IS the reward, user.

Wrong! You program because its fun, not to be acknowledged by others.

t.Poor fag

just wrote a script that sends a request to my router, then scrapes the connected devices data to send via pushbullet, named it "whoishome", no bully

Made a mortgage calculator once, it was pretty basic.

I code because I'm having fun, but I also like to get acknowledged. It sucks when you think something you made is pretty damn neat and no one pats you on the back.

i know that feel

Wrote a program to keep track of a user's chinese powerpoints(visual novels), download metadata about the game, and keep track of the time played. I can post source if anyone wants

Same view in Chengdu, Shenzhen or any other God tier China city for about 400 USA... I'm moving there

>using fluxbox inside of unity
Aside from the fact I have no idea how you did it, It looks pretty disgusting.


programming is for those that can't do anything else right

maybe post it on github u cuck

but I can watch anime just right, you cuck.
Why not kill yourself soon?

>I can't figure it out, better make fun of those that can

Made a simple app to quickly send messages on Telegram, Whatsapp or every other application supporter by the share intent
Pretty basic, but gets the job done.

There is no way he spends less than $1000 a month rent, and anyone who thinks $1000 a month is nothing doesn't need a job.

lighthouse, a little popup box that aims to be super unix-y

I made a website for an association. A lot of my friends said it wasn't beautiful but I find it nice, simple, easy to use. It loads fast, and everything made from scratch with php, javascript and sql.

I also made a software that reads your finger print to compare it to a database using an usb device

I'm also making a 2D game, a hack & slash. Sadly I didn't found the time to code for it so there isn't a lot of things, but I like the code I made for now (it only have 2k lines of codes) and I find some stuff beautiful on it. I should find the time to continue it.

>dat view
What I would like : live in Paris on the 5th floor of an apartment, with a view on a street, or even the roofs..

acutally in my country, every guys that went on the networking stuff are those that hate programming and can't into it.

Yeah, exactly. I love programming but can't into networking

the bottom panel looks like stock tint2 to me

Intel 8080 emulator in C with a little bit extra to get it to run Space Invaders. Was my first time programming in C, which was much easier than I thought. After my internship ends I have about 2 weeks until I start school again, so I think I'm gonna write a NES emulator in that period. If I'm not lazy I will emulate via dynamic recompilation instead of interpretation.


a lot of shit from reddit is being posted from here lately, which is why this website is soontm gonna die

thats pretty neat user

Before I set up my media server I had lots of videos from youtube and other places on my harddrive in addition to movies and I never new what to put on as background noise while programming, so I made something in C++ that gets a list of every file of a certain extension (mp4, mkv, etc.) inside the current directory and all child directories and picks a random movie by querying for a random number.

I've also made a number of windows batch scripts to do things like add or remove a string to every file in the current directory's filename, extract all archives in the current directory, generate a bunch of files going by a naming convention (I actually used it to save 10 minutes at work to generate a couple hundred config files)

Made a library for very easy creation of artificial intelligence via neural networks, NEAT to be precise. My goal is to give newfags the tools they need to create good shit WITHOUT knowing anything about AI or neural networks in general

>pays more a month than my mortgage, all utilities, food, and gas
>and he has to live in NYC

why do people do this?

>tfw you will never see a beautiful scene outside your window like that

i look outside and i just see more condos
its depressing, my lights are almost always on, theres never any ambient light


>take a vacation from nyc
>can actually afford to go somewhere fun

>live elsewhere
>make $1500 a month doing same work
>can't go anywhere
>nothing to do except meth

C firmware to drive an analog joystick with an ADC on an AVR

lol, are you in germany or turkey? Either way, gross.

>go outside in nyc
>50 stores in walking range
>millions of fun things to do

>go outside in bumfuck, indiana
>there is nothing but corn
>can't even hang yourself because the corn is not tall enough

NYC is a toilet

that view looks shitty

>going outside



Then go to LA, Seattle, Philly, or something. Hell, go to Tokyo, London, Moscow, Hong Kong, whatever.

Cities are an objectively better place to live in.

>going outside
fuck off

>In middle of the city with decent view
>Misc stacks of stuff off to the side
>LG smart watch and probably LG monitors
>Prescription drugs, probably benzos or adderral
>Probably has a handgun you don't tell anyone about somewhere close

Yo what the fuck man stop stealing my life. You are me and I am you. R u me?