Just installed Arch

Just installed Arch

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It kinda sucks. Going back to Ubuntu in a sec.


Did it pull in that 4.6 automagicly? The .iso has 4.5xx on it.

install gentoo

sudo pacman -Syu


Too hard and not worth the effort IMHO.

Install Debian

what if i have some bug where hdmi dosent work so I cant have a screen?

Nah more like this

Then you don't use arch because then it breaks stuff that should just werk for you.

At least you dropped the tripcode, but you're still too much reddit so fuck off back to that place


>not using a TWM

Don't worry it'll be back soon

Install Paper icon theme and Adapta GTK theme. Also, could you share your browser start page config?


Plz dis OP


It seriously looks like shit.

Got a better one?

le happy wheels meme


you mean like startpages.github.io/ ?

you fucked up.

It's the only distro that has 4.6 right now. That would fix muh problem.

Mine's pretty neat

le le meme

Doing everything by hand is retarded, the future is in automated task. We don't need time-waste OS like that.
Debian testing is the way to go

>too hard

You mean you're too retarded to follow a guide?
Installed Gentoo when I was a fucking edgy 16 year old.

Everything is automated after it's installed

Only real difference between Arch and Debian is the package manager/rolling-release model

Though nowadays, the same can be said for all Linux distros, since you can install just about any DE and any Linux software on any distro.

In my opinion all the niche Linux distros will eventually fuck off and become increasingly irrelevant until there is just one Linux distro called Linux.

That will be the year of the Linux desktop. But you might have two, like rhel and then Linux.

Well done.

Now your next task it to run the operating system without catching an inflated ego from the user base.

Oh no worries, I already went back to Ubuntu.

I had archlinux a few years ago and it was an hassle to manage my dkms kernel modules due to conflicts with the AUR ones and I ended up with no wifi and no printer at every kernel update.
Bad experience for me, I know now how to solve it but it was this problem that made me change.

That was the good thing to do Kevin.

which drivers are best for 720 nvidya?

Nice blog, where can I subscribe?

Autism is strong on you

post screenfetch plox


Is this a real post? What is making you go back?

nice botnet

Which browser is that how'd you customize it like that?

firefox using stylish for custom css

what makes you say that?


What graphical environment is that?


Wow! Congratulations. Now install Gentoo.

That looks like crap

Thank you kind friend