Why does Sup Forums hate people who spend money?

Why does Sup Forums hate people who spend money?

>Buy Noctua fans
>"H-Haha, tough luck friend. You could've bought four cheap Cougar fans for a third of the price!"
>Buy an iPhone
>"H-Haha wow user! You sure like wasting money, you could've bought a cheap-ass Google phone for a third of the price!"
>Buy an Intel CPU
>"Wooooow kid, you just love blowing money. You could've bought an AMD CPU and saved yourself money!"

Why does the majority of Sup Forums do this? Can we all agree that products are high in price for a reason? They're premium products that warrant their price tag.

Other urls found in this thread:


literally no one here tells you to buy AMD CPUs retard

Because we are all poorfags with no jobs

>Why does the majority of Sup Forums do this?
Discouraging people from wasting money is a kindness.
>Can we all agree that products are high in price for a reason?
>They're premium products that warrant their price tag.
Not always.

Only responding to this bait because your image gave me a muscle memory erection.


an iphone isn't the same as Noctua fans. One is actually a quality product and the other is entirely brand

Noctua fans have actual worth and function with regards to CFM.
An iPhone over a cheaper Android phone given no value to the price whatsoever, because beyond the $200 mark, the only thing that improves is gayming framerates with the worthless hardware increase, and you have to be a faggot loser to play mobile gaymes.

>you have to be a faggot loser to play mobile gaymes

>Can we all agree that products are high in price for a reason?
Yeah, to make the companies more money.

Being marketed as a premium product doesn't actually mean something is of better quality than the competition, it just means they have a good marketing team.

Except Apple products aren't known for their quality given how they release a flawed/broken product nearly every year, and their hardware is stitched up with fucking adhesive.

i c what u did there

Speak for yourself. Feels great having independence.

A large majority of the people here don't have much money. As such they can't imagine paying for quality and longevity. Instead they cheap out and buy for now rather than the long term.

In some cases, their way it works out better. For instance, in many cases, buying a cheap thinkpad every year is definitely better than buying a macbook for and keeping it for 5.

In others, like buying an i7, in the long term you win out because you'll be able to go longer without having to upgrade.

To extend on this, just look at the amount of money Apple has made off the iPhone. They can't be selling them at a low profit margin or their profits wouldn't be so high.
So the only conclusion to make is that the price is high because they know people will pay it and they get greater profit.

The same can be applied to other "premium" products, not only electronics like audiophile gear and "premium" network, HDMI, SATA and USB cables, but also with things like clothes.


Source that Pic senpai

[Katou Jun] Giniro Nexus (Koushoku Shounen Vol. 05) [English]

the only thing we can all agree is on is pic related and you are an idiot

I see that we have an expert on the matter.

Never change Sup Forums

Actually i'm newfag here

Thanks a lot, senpai

Oh OK.

I never wanted to fap today though.

Thanks for ruining it all.

B-But those are two boys!

What did you expect form a guy who bought an iPhone?

>trap on male


Sup Forums doesn't post the way you think.
>noctua fans
Nobody ever talks about them here. This isn't a board full of system builders trying to get a WR on overclocked i7 chips.
>Buy an iPhone
True. Sup Forums hates Apple.
>Buy an Intel CPU
Nope. Sup Forums hates AMD cpus because they suck at everything other than gaming and Sup Forums hates gaming.

>Nope. Sup Forums hates AMD cpus because they suck at everything other than gaming and Sup Forums hates gaming.

You got that backwards. AMD CPUs aren't great, but they do offer pretty good price/performance for pretty much everything EXCEPT gaming.

is that Taiga

Because people who are loose with their cash tend to support shitty companies who then grow because they have income from nimrods.

When they grow they provide unhealthy competition causing cool businesses to try otherwise shifty tactics to gain marketshare.

That's all

If you're not financial hurt by buying an iPhone why would anyone care? The iPhone is a great phone looking at application performance, camera and overall design. It lacks on battery (although the SE has a decent battery performance, but the 6s just sucks) and it's a bit overpriced, but look at the Galaxy S7 and it's almost in the same price category.

Same goes for the rest. Just don't spend 1000 euros on a phone if it means you don't have anything else of money to leverage yourself out in a bit future. That's just plain dumb.

>AMD cpus because they suck at everything other than gaming
>Sup Forums hates gaming.
Neo-Sup Forums loves gaymes. See all the GPU threads around here?

Sup Forums is blinded by the options on the market which represents the absolute best bang for the buck -value. The notion that you could pay more for something that is better even if the value for money decreases is often completely disregarded here for some reason. It's like anons are evaluating each others' purchases by their own wallets and standards only which frankly is idiotic. I find it funny how we get so many threads of someone asking whether a purchase is "worth it" as if someone else than themselves could provide an answer to that.

>Stop liking thing's I don't!

Literally yous guys.

That's not true at all.
If it was we'd have a bunch of tards shilling Celerons.

Because I am all poorfags with no jobs

Buy things I don't like not online fucker well see what happens

There was a tard that was pushing the Haswell Pentium G real hard.

IIRC the definition of a luxury item is that when you raise the price of that item, the demand for it rises.

Apple did just that with the IPhone. Every half competent monkey knows that it's overpriced, but you get one to show that you can get one.

you get one cause lagdroid sucks ass

>Every half competent monkey knows that it's overpriced, but you get one to show that you can get one.
That pretty much falls in on itself though with cell providers giving them away for fuck all on contracts.

Yes they do pay the iToy off, but generally over a few years. A homeless person could buy an iPhone if he only had to pay a few bucks a week for it over a few years.

it's just a lazy insult meant to undermine the OP

>buying a cheap thinkpad every year is definitely better than buying a macbook for and keeping it for 5.
Nobody is buying a new one every year you idiot. They last forever. Only thing you even have to think about is performance which is never an issue for some people who don't do demanding stuff with them anyway. If anything, it's the macfags who upgrade every year because the new reveals are shilled so hard.

>you can't be productive with an AMD CPU
This is what /̶g̶/̶ Sup Forums actually believes.

Some people on Sup Forums spend all their time researching what is on the market.
Then someone come in, asks for their help to find a good product that does X.
While they are responding, the person who asked for help types it in a price matcher site and sorts it to get the most expensive option.
All the time and research the other user spent is thus wasted.
He knows it is a waste time, just like everything he does in life.
He then gets mad at the one who asked him for help for giving him hope that he was useful for something.

>he "built" a "rig"
>it "performs" on "benchmarks"
>pretends to be an architect or mechanical engineer
>even has a few expensive programs installed as an alibi
>actually only plays proprietary video games
>still thinks KB, MB, GB, ... are base 2, not base 10, because Microsoft tells him so

You do whatever you want with your money, not my business.

Because Sup Forums is retarded, if you don't spend your money on yourself and you die tomorrow, those that inherit your money will spend it anyway

Better to spend it on yourself and feel happy about it

Because I'm a mountain jew and like to hoard all my money so I can buy more cheese.

>if you don't spend your money on yourself
How much lasting joy does that latest backdoored Jewtel CPU really give you?

Fucking this so much.

Why are idiots like OP so impressionable they cant think for themselves.

You're misrepresenting the argument. People complain when someone buys a 8-core i7 when all they need is a 4-core i5, and people complain when people buy the most expensive ASUS router on the market when a much cheaper router that runs openwrt would already exceed their needs.

Who "needs" a 4-core i5?

I'll give you advice; Most quality posters have moved on from this loosers den.

Sup Forums in nutshell.

Comes in extremely handy when doing some compiling, video editing etc. and most modern games can use 4-core CPUs nowadays.

Just get an AMD Opteron or FX-8350, and a proper operating system that is not biased towards intel, i.e. not Wintendo.

I'm still stuck on an old Phenom II m8

I'm hoping Zen will be good as I'm ready for an upgrade.

ayyy lmao,

>just change evrything man!!!!

Oh and by the way, I'm on Debian. It's just that I'm capable of understanding the reasoning of others.

> Why do Sup Forums hate the shill?

I hope you enjoy Visual Studio infecting your EXEs with malware

Microsoft uses Telemetry to make Windows better, so I'm not complaining. I don't have anything to hide.

What the fuck? You can't disable some of that stuff?
Even with Enterprise?

>more expensive == moar pwoer kiddy logic
>not having an own opinion
>relying on Sup Forums
>not realising you dun goofed
pick one

Well now that it's been discovered, Microsoft "apologized" and you can disable it,
but it was enabled silently and by default.

how did he get homeless?

too much overspending on "luxuries"?

this is exactly how people stay poor.

Because everyone has their own price/performance limits and most people are autistic as fuck and have no way to understand other people's views. Especially online on an anonymous imageboard.

Like when you see someone pay $1500 for a camera which is only 5% better than a $500 camera, you think what the fuck are they doing, but to them they justify it by actually..Using it, so much so that in their mind that 5% feels like it is worth the money. And it just might be, if they use it a lot.

I like my cheap cougar fans, they work well. I bought an Android phone which is the same price as the iPhone. I purchased an AMD 8320e.

This being said, i make lots of money, and don't care what others spend their money on. I do wonder what kind of mental state one must be in to care about that.

>Can we all agree that products are high in price for a reason? They're premium products that warrant their price tag.

that actually made a lot of sense

Yea practically what I said I understand questions regarding pros and cons of something but not the question of worth because it's not up to someone else to decide.

What's that image from?

This example is very nice, it has a little hyperbole in it to emphasize the point.

If there are cameras with this exact situation then people indeed are helping others by recommending something that has only minor flaws compared to the other one. You don't even know them and are saving them a thousand dollars, that's a lot of money no matter who you are. It will be nice to suddenly get free 1000 dollars which is what practically is happening, the one recommending the cheaper one won't even get a cut from it.

There will always be people who are rock solid professionals and need the absolute best in order to secure their workflow. However it's very unlikely that an user asking for help is one of them, so helping them save tons of money is a lot nicer than forcefully shilling the better option and putting down the other option. This is what's usually happening, some people shill the most expensive one and others say it's overpriced. They both may tell the facts but if it's not reviewed objectively then the louder one will be more convincing.


These are the exact sorts of positive responses on Sup Forums that make it worth sifting through the bullshit and keep me coming back.

More specifically regarding OP's example I'd say comments like that are to help buyer's remorse set in faster for the stupid mistakes that were already said to have been made. This will help the person make more conscientious decisions about future purchases, as well as those reading for curiosity/entertainment.

>>"H-Haha, tough luck friend. You could've bought four cheap Cougar fans for a third of the price!"
>being this ass mad from yesterday's thread still
