would this play fallout 4?
Nope. You'll need at least a GTX 1080
ok cool anything else you would recommend
my bf plays it with a 300 dollar furyx?
Maybe so.
why the fuck would you want to play Fallout 4
That computer's going to fry my Canadian friend. Don't cheap out on the PSU when you have enough a literal housefire under the hood.
All the way to mexico
so get a better heat sink?
This tbqh famalamadingdong.
No mate, get a better Power Supply Unit (PSU). Go for the EVGA G2 650w. You need to give yourself a bit of headroom.
The reason for doing this is if your PSU fucks up, it fries everything in your computer. You wouldn't want to have to buy a new computer after 6 months because of a power surge now, would you?
Get at least a 600w psu, and a better cooler because FX cpus run hot as hell
Yes it will run fallout 4 but its a shit game anyway
ok so would 80 dollar EVGA SuperNOVA 750 do
>Wait for AMD ZEN
Yes, it will. Why are you getting an AMD processor, though? Just get a 6600k.
Not even once
Because the niggas blatantly poor and paying Canadian prices.
Literally nothing can play fo4 without dropping frames
this is only 150 how much is that one
my bf's computer can, i seent it
when you go into specific areas i mean, its a poorly optimised game.
Really why would you want to play it anyway? its nothing like older fallouts and is way too easy
Get an i5 4590 or an 6500 or wait for Zen. Don't get the 8350 at this point.
fuck off degenerate homo scum
>buying a pc now
>getting a 3.5
>getting an 8350
why would you. is this a meme