Rainmeter Skins

Anyone here use Rainmeter?
if so, post some skins and links to such

>inb4 rainmeter is just clutter

>using rainmeter


what the fuck is the point of rainmeter? do you just stare at your desktop with no windows open for hours?

I recommend not using Rainmeter

Same reason you have a desktop wallpaper.
You just want it to look nice at a glance.

I see my desktop wallpaper twice a day, when I turn on my computer and when I shut it down.

That's helpful

Having 100 diagrams about your CPU usage doesn't look nice though

Yes, i'm a-fucking-ware. But you have one don't you? You don't just have a grey slate.

Just some helpful information and adds some individualism to it, something fresh is all

I have one, but my wallpaper uses exactly 0% cpu, less than 10MB of RAM and no network while I'm not looking at it.

I only use it for this gif though.
I'm rich enough to afford a computer where i don't have to worry about resource usage in most cases.

>uses it to make is desktop look better
>adds GIFs

What's up with some retard asking about rainmeter every day? I never believed the whole summerfag thing but you guys are making me question it

O woe is me. Having to suffer the 0.2% cpu and 25 mb ram usage.
Are you a RAMlet, user?

OP here, had no idea some other anons were already making threads about it regularly, different person here though.

Not like i have to justify my tastes to other people. but here you go.
I think it looks nice, therefore i have it.

Anyone remember this?

Having to expend resources in something you only see in startup and shutdown

[autism intensifies]

>Guess what keyboard i use.