What's a good desktop to put on Arch when I install it?

What's a good desktop to put on Arch when I install it?

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One you like the aesthetic and functionality of?

At least give us some details about what you need faggot.

Why not just a wm like Openbox, i3, dwm or Awesomewm? I feel like a lot of people use de's and don't actually need them.

I preferably want an actual DE, not a WM (i3, awm, etc.), I'm thinking like GNOME, XFCE4, etc. And I would like to blur stuff, so I may go XFCE4 with Compiz Reloaded. IDK. That's why I'm asking for suggestions by other people.

If you're into KDE their compositor actually does have quite a few effects like that without requiring you to look in to compiz. Gnome can also work with compiz and is easy as FUCK to use, xfce is fine but it takes so long to get to a reasonable level.



xfce4 is broken, you click on the start icon and it automatically closes unless you click it "just right"


XFCE4 or i3

Everything else is shit.


so you go and install arch, then want to use a DE instead of a WM?

did you miss the point of arch?


CDE. It's opensauce now.

Can you please expound a little more on that retarded remark?

Unity or Deepin

KDE of course

KDE Plasma 5

>the point of arch
There's nothing you can do with Arch that you can't do with Ubuntu.

>I feel like a lot of people use de's and don't actually need them.
Pretty much my realization after using i3

I navigate around faster and feel more organized with i3 and no launcher beats dmenu or rofi

>did you miss the point of arch?
>point of arch

Nice fedora.

$yaourt -S mpc-qt

Humor me

Suicide would be better

Just compile it instead of relying on the untrusted AUR

Go ahead, compile it yourself. Post results. I will be waiting.

The compilation takes less than a couple of minutes.

GNOME - Surprisingly complete and stable, not state-of-the-art in usability
KDE - Polished, looks pretty good, not very space efficient or consistent
Unity - Usability, well-documented and maintained, may not look very good to your taste

just use aweseome WM

>Completely missing the point

What's your point?
I use packer though

An Arch user admitting Arch is a meme/rice OS, basically.

Every computer, unless it's a server. Then just go with debian.