How do-able is cancelling home internet and only using phone internet and wifi at hotspots when /out/?

How do-able is cancelling home internet and only using phone internet and wifi at hotspots when /out/?

depends, what do you use the internet for at home?

watching youtube, watching shemales / bbw, chan


>downloaded 200 GB on my shitty Comcast connection yesterday
If I tried that on a cell network in the US I'd have to pay about 3000 USD.

i knew a guy who did this.
he fucking hated it. stick with what you got if you can.

>work at an isp

There are people on legacy plans that have 15Mb for £10 a month.
The fuckers are on rolling contracts and I tell them to never switch no matter what we offer. Not sure how long I'll last.

You could try to leech internet off your neighbors if any of them have open WiFi.

Whatever you do, though, don't break into their WiFi. Even though you can break into a router with WPS enabled(90%+ of them) in under 12 hours, DONT DO IT. It is highly illegal and you will go to jail.

>How do-able is cancelling home internet and only using phone internet and wifi at hotspots when /out/?

My hardline internet is spotty, 75mbps but ~100ms ping and drops out for a few hours every once in a while.

I have a t0mobile phone with unlimited data and a third-party tethering app connected to my router as a 4G modem, which switches in anytime the cable goes down.

I rarely notice the difference and typically rack up about 5-10GB per month. Ping is still ~100ms and speeds are good enough for browsing, torrenting shows and overwatch

>t-mobile unlimited data
is it really unlimited or is there a big slow down after 20 gigs?

>I'd have to pay about 3000 USD.
What a shit plan you have.

I would only have to pay 2000 USD.

A decent router and antenna will help

If you're in the U.S., it's pretty doable with T-Mobile if you just stream video and music and browse the Web with adblocking.

Most major streaming services are now under Binge On and Music Freedom, and they can also be used on tethered devices without hitting your data.

Totally doable.

It's really unlimited, but I have heard this is not the case in certain areas.

You guys are why I come here

Binge On is 480p. My phone is 1080p.

This is really the dream for me too. I work strictly online I can live wherever I want. I could be in a sailboat right now if there was an affordable and decent mobile internet

Legitimate question, are you serious? I routinely go 100-150gb on my Sprint phone and I've never heard a word about it. Unlimited data for $100.

sprint is CDMA

Why is that relevant?

s7 is gma

how would you get caught?

How badly do you want to live in the dark ages ?

Does your cell provider offer unlimited data ? How fast is the speed ?