Mfw literally every good .com domain name is taken by goddamn squatters

>Mfw literally every good .com domain name is taken by goddamn squatters


This shit should be illegal.

Other urls found in this thread:

You fuck off

They're paying for it, they can do what they want with it. It's like having a vacant apartment, whoever pays the rent money on it can do whatever the fuck they want in it. isn't

cant into creative domains bitch, EUROFAG

top kek

Oh go lmfao

>not .pizza

How would it be illegal?

Websites don't answer to one nations laws

You LITERALLY have a black history month and consider mexicans and armenians white, you also have a white population of 60% which means over 100 million shitskins and your president is black. He is black. You have a leader who is black. You are led by a nigger. Also your pornhub is plastered with cuckold porn and 'hot girlfriend fucks behind partners back' and 'step sis' porn. Kill yourself. The dollar is also weak as fuck and you cunts all earn pathetic wages. You think you've made it when you earn $40000 a year which is pathetic money. Kill yourself twice. Your entire music industry and culture is niggers and all the teenagers want to be black and the women fuck niggers. It is truly pathetic and embarrassing and I hope the dirty Chinese destroy you in hellfire.

>all this racism

Top kek, how does it feel knowing minorities built a more successful empire than you ever will Sup Forums?

Enjoy your impoverished cultural backwater

I just never understood how it is profitable, there's a domain that I kinda want that has been held by squatters for like 6 years, why?

They're hoping it'll become more valuable for some reason and then they can sell it more than they pay for it.

fuck off tripfag

jealous of Americas success or what?

Angry that we don't live like you? That you can't treat us like a third world colonial possession? That you can not shame us into servitude?


This is America son. This is OUR website. You are here by OUR grace. Never forget that. Now go take your estrogen pills and bow down to the Islamic invaders like your socialist overlords command you to. We lead the world in cultural achievements and scientific progress while you jealously look on from outside our gates, cursing us in foreign tongues just as the barbarians of old.

We are the United States, look upon our works and tremble.

nah I didn't read a single word you said, I just browsed Sup Forums when I saw your stupid autistic name and decited to comment "fuck off tripfag"
shame you wasted all that time writing that reply/shit that I still won't read

Kek, i seriously hope this is pasta

Let's report this manchild

>jealous Yuroshit

Announcing reports is against the rules

If you want it to be illegal you'll have to give control over domain names to a country so they can enforce it. Have fun with that

I did not announce, I asked you dumb weebshitter. Kill yourself

The intent was clear

atleast you are making this easy for me

There is nothing wrong with my intent, manbaby

oh and let's not forget that autistic name my chubby basement dweller

Fuck off you degenerate makifag

You're intentionally announcing reports

I have a pretty nice body


Only new fag redditors like her

Dumb makiposter. Did you get scared?

Try to be imaginitive then you fucking spastic

Then go back to Å•eddit you fucking moron.

There's only one cute tomato

Who's that ugly bitch supposed to be?

they want 3000 dollars for it hahahaha

at least niggerdigger is safe

Your mum lel

.io is the new .com

>I have a pretty nice body
you can't just say that and not post it, come on now