Yfw out of all the country in the world you have to be born in India

>yfw out of all the country in the world you have to be born in India

>>Sup Forums

Could be worse mate. You could be a nigger.

> getting to wife hot 15 year old desis
> getting to fuck around with e-waste til forever

idk man, sounds cool to me

Heads up, could be worse, I guess..

You do not choose where you are born. But you can choose how to act.

Yeah, do that in North Korea.

Far from the worst country you could've been born in.

It's okay. Some of the most manipulative and devious people I've ever met were from India.

You can make it, brah.

You can only hide being a brown emotionally unstable narcissist for so long. Eventually you will forget your sunblock and someone will trigger you.

Next thing you know you are shitting on the sidewalk and imagining your revenge.

sounds like a great bollywood film plot

now see, if hitler had won the war shit like this wouldn't happen. fucking idiots just wouldnt listen

Too bad they burned Hitler. We can not clone him now :/

Merely cloning would not do. Hitler would not have been the same, if he'd passed those art exams. We'd need to break him first.

Yeah, OP could've been born as you.

There is more to the world than Sup Forums stereotypes, user.

like what?

-t. confused

At least you're not british


It isn't a Sup Forums stereotype. I watched a BBC documentary about sanitation and infrastructure problems in India.

like stereotypes from other boards

I remember being actually pretty shocked because I thought it would only be a rural India or slum problem but the guy was stepping in shit 3 feet from the door of the international airport and there were farm animals in the city.

Contrary to what you might believe everyone isn't rich in America, Only like 20% of the population is wealthy, Everyone else is basically living in poverty or at least one paycheck away from it.

Kill yourself, that's the only way out of this shame.

Or you can do something more noble. Nuke yourselves

Don't have a cow, man.

why are you so based?

Welp atleast you don't have to search for a wife and you aren't

So you can pretty much fling feces everywhere and not being charged with a crime.

It is a third world country with a billion people. What are you expecting, Dubai?

statistically you are most likely to be either Indian or Chinese

sounds like we need to start killing these fuckers in case reincarnation is real

I'm just saying its a stereotype that isn't a bigoted skewed racist viewpoint like you were insinuating because its true.

Poor people in USA are poor mostly due to their own stupidity.

>its a stereotype that isn't a bigoted skewed racist viewpoint like you were insinuating
Wew. I did not know I insinuated all that!

I dunno, I really like being Indian. We have large extended families and visit with cousins like every day. I don't have to bother finding a wife for myself if I don't wanna, I can just focus on studying.

And India has been fun to travel around because it's so diverse ecologically, culturally, and even developmentally. Aside from Mumbai the cities as cesspools but maybe I got used to it for better or worse and learned to look past the pollution and litter. I guess it's not for folks with delicate sensibilities.

I don't doubt public defacation is a major problem but I've honestly never seen it happen on the streets where I lived. Maybe the folks were just more civic minded in Mumbai and Delhi (moreso the former).

Do you use a toilet?