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Technology #552
What's the best version of Windows 7? Do any not prompt you to get 10 repeatedly?
Does Sup Forums use any microphones? Which is the best?
Why can't AMD ever just win for once, lads? Why is everything they release a complete fucking disaster...
Anyone know why waking up the PC on OSX is so fast...
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Android gaming: The tech behind it
Why is the laptop battery life worse under Lunix?
Want to try linux
Forget about the underperforming RX 480 for a moment
There is literally no difference in gaming or everyday use between DDR3 and DDR4
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is there any other merit to use VirtualBox other open source meme?
So I just picked up one of the review copies today and I am warning you that the RX480 is the worst card I have ever...
Need help Improving my desktop game
What monitor aspect ratio does Sup Forums have?
AMD Radeon RX 480 Performance Leaked: On Par With GTX 970, Mediocre OC
GTKucks will defend this
What music do you Sup Forumsirls listen to?
So .Net was released for Linux. What is the point of using Java anymore?
Fell for the Sup Forums AMD hype train
Libre Office
Let's talk about how GPL is the worst license in the world and screws the developers right in the ass
Your primary OS
To buy or not to buy.... Will it be better than my 970? If so, by how much?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Forums fags on my Sup Forums
Nokia dindu nuffin
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
Sup Forums humor thread
Is this the WORST meme of all time?
Be on tmobile
Hey Sup Forums what should i upgrade?
GeForce GTX 1060
"I'm not blocking ads, I just choose not to request them."
1 more day
What is the technology equivalent of this?
So I took Sup Forums's advice and sold my 970 in preparation of the 480 but thanks to the embarrassing leaked...
Tfw $115k/yr programming job offer straight out of college
Wet phone problem:
Sticker thread
Rx480 can't even compete with a gtx 980
There are people on this technology board who defend iPhones
Serious question
Why aren't there more smartphones with e-ink displays?
Is that a pirated windows and pirated software on your computer? i'm gonna need to see your id
Install w10
Rx480 launch
Study computer engineering
Why are hackers so brazen and stuck up?
MS was BTFO'd
Is there any point in using linux if you are not a hobbyist?
Just bought 3 of these. What do I do with them when they arrive?
Anyone else hopping on this bandwagon?
Fucking windows 10
Who /not f'd/ here?
/bst/ Battlestations
I am a 23 ChemE process entgineer, I've used Matlab and Solidworks. And I game a lot...
What's a Sup Forums apporved mobile browser? Currently using dolphin but kinda sick of it. What do you use?
Why does Google not understand how humans look?
Falling for the Apple meme
Why do normie share this picture so much?
Wouldn't it be better for AMD if they just focused on making GPUs or CPUs so they don't get rekt by having a war on two...
Case thread R8 or H8
I feel like I might as well confess this since it's anonymous and it doesn't really matter...
One step closer to bankruptcy
Quick reminder, C is the only real programming language, and any other programming language is pajeet/sjw tier...
Is the Android custom ROM community dying? Seems like a lot of the major ROMs are dead...
Ok guys, I'm just as much nerd as the rest of you except for ONE thing - I've never used Linux. Literally ever
ITT: It's the stone age
Mfw remembered to install f.lux on my new distro
Is this software viable...
Who here on Sup Forums works a job that's tech related...
Sup Sup Forums, after 2 FUCKING HOURS, I finally installed arch, but now, what do?
Tech gore thread
I really want to like Linux
Why does OpenBSD not have jails, like FreeBSD?
People buy AMD GPUs for budget builds usually because they're supposed to be better value
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How can I make my t420 into a hackintosh?
Fuck you Google
Sup Forums, are there any companies that make good desktop gaming PCs without the annoying bright colored cases?
What is the most powerful smartphone processor on the planet right now?
My computer broke after my sister spilled salt water on it
Have you made your switch to Whatsapp yet?
How fast (or slow) is your HDD, Sup Forums?
What was the last Sup Forums meme you fell for? for me it was "mpv is the best player out there"
Hey Sup Forums
Good evening, Sup Forumsentlemen. Which ISP does Sup Forums consider the best?
Is that dvi on there?
Which should I learn C++ or Java?
/Google Now General/
What does Sup Forums think of Win10 being 'last Windows ever'?
It's 2016
Why do people still use this after all the shady shit they have done?
Building a pc
Best Chromium fork
Daily reminder that:
Can Windows Vista be made as responsive like Windows 7...
2 days
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Linux... just... no
Is this seriously the best the FOSS community can do when it comes to UI design?
Best girl edition
Why does AMD always disappoint?
Redpill me on the Chip/Pocket Chip
Lads, I bought an air-conditioner
Tfw its 96 degrees outside and your cpu is starting to overheat
Gentoo vs. Arch
Post your idle temps
Aesthetically pleasing tech
Is it worth getting an AMD-FX 9590 and a 970 in this day and age...
Hey user can you crack me the password of a Facebook account?
Who cares
Hmmmm what could this be?
Ok let's talk about programming AI
What are your thoughts on LaTeX, TeX, or WYSIWYG editors like TeXmacs?
Guess the name of the graphics card followed by your steam name and you might win a spare copy of MGS V, glhf
4. Open a command window or terminal on your computer
That'll be $26,95 plus tip
CRT still strong
Got a new number due to being harrassed with too many telemarketer calls
Why do americunts don't use SI-units?
Price quality vs price quantity
Using any product made by little children
Any ultrawide bros in here? Just got my X34 and I'm blown away despite some minor bleed in the corners
Please greentext your gentoo install experience might fall for the meme
The Big Debate
Are there any alternatives to firefox?
Proof that you're a true Sup Forumsentooman and have installed gentoo
ITT Sup Forums makes Art
Are digital watches a meme?
Fuck me man, when will the Apple cocksuckers finally release a new Macbook pro?
What a fucking joke of a company
So...what are the cons of using pirated windows?
The Perfect Smartphone
Educate me on the degree requirements to work in America Sup Forumsuize
What memes have you fallen for?
How does one into System Administrator?
I love my big phone
Tfw you buy a 144hz monitor
Yfw you load up your SSD powered rig for the first time
What was the point of this? Was it to ruin the petition or just to piss people off?
Just got a E5-2630v3 ES here goes
Have to download software
Yfw certain combinations of 1s and 0s can get you charged as a felon
Guts thread
Me and my sister are looking to buy a TV
Tfw fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
Why would you go to an internet cafe in the year of our lord 2016?
Requesting top tier Sup Forums humor memes
ITT: We discuss why Google can't into visual design
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
DPT – Daily Programming Thread
Should I buy it?
How long till Microsoft buys Canonical?
What's an "okay" 1080p card?
Is Intel literally a meme?
So my current mouse is failing me and I need a new one, what are some good dependable gaming mice...
Startpage vs. DuckDuckGo
Is it worth picking up a 970 now that the 1070/80s are out? Was thinking of picking up a 1070...
The SE is objectively the best iOS device available. Prove me wrong
Screenfetch thread
Tfw have $230 burning a hole in my wallet
Water bottles
/mkg/ - silenced Topre edition
Is there an endgame for technology? like a 6inch 48 hour battery, 4k resolution, bezelless touch screen...
Why does AMD always flop?
Breastfeeding is technology
Why do people feel the need to upgrade their hardware every year? Do they enjoy wasting money for minimal gains?
/CSG/ Chinese Shopping General
Sup Forums pro tips general - /gptg/
GNU/Linux Aesthetic Thread
Post home screens of your superior Android devices
Should I just get Windows 10 or is it better to stay on Windows 7 forever?
RX 480 is AWFUL
/ptg/ - private tracker general
So I just inherited a mid 2014 retina macbook pro, and have had problems getting the wireless working under linux
RUMOR Google is working on its own phone to go head to head with the iPhone
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Help me understand something
I5-6600k or i7-6700k?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
They didn't do anything wrong Sup Forums
Where are the small androids?
Get quiet case fans and cpu heatsink
Why is it that after like 8 years notebook OEMS still haven't cought up with apple's trackpad...
Has any of you fags tried this for real ?
Which is a better ecosystem, iOS or Android?
What is the most money you've wasted on a computer?
Hello Sup Forums
What was the last keyboard shortcut that you found out about?
What are some good android music player?
What printer and paper should I use to make a fake certificate?
How does Sup Forums get their weather? Do you have a specific app you use? Do you just use a website?
For Pride 2016, Apple gave its employees this rainbow watch band
Why do you use Linux?
Anyone else with an LG G2 get cucked by lolipop?
Why is windows closed source?
IRL- Botnet
Apple A10 SoC does hardware VP9 decode/encode
People buy AMD GPUs for budget builds usually because they're supposed to be better value
Vidya Tele
What are your thoughts on Chromebooks?
How the heck did Nathan build ava and the other machines by himself...
Why are so many programmers, system administrators, security experts, IT personnel...
New pc
What web browser does Sup Forums use?
I bought this
Visit website
Anyone know how to turn on a Dell poweredge r410 without the front panel
Hello, I am the only usable rubber dome keyboard
Gpu /upgrade/ thread
What browser does Sup Forums use?
Computer seating
Does chrome have any redeeming features?
Is a career in IT and CS a meme? What area are you in and would your recomend?
Is G-sync worth buying a $500 monitor?
What features would you like to see in Nano?
How do you hack McDonald's wifi so you can use it to access Sup Forums and porn sites?
Summer temps
/ptg/ - private tracker general
What has software allowed you to achieve in life?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Which data structure is the most energy efficient?
EDC General Thread
We should be like Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Let's add OS flags to every post, down to the distro if using linux
Fingerprinting thread begin
Hey Sup Forums, am I good?
What Sup Forums-related YouTube channels do you guys frequent?
Why can't freetards into UI design?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/lsg/ - Loudspeaker General
How do you feel about the new Samsung fridge that takes pictures of the food inside the fridge and sends them to your...
How come Graphic cards keep getting better but processors have seemed to reach their peak and are only getting better...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Holodecks are technology
What is so special about the Raspberry Pi?
When someone says "linux", what distro immediately pops into your head...
Show off your air fleet
The last great android is now 3 years old
/bst/ Battlestation
Would you guys gladly buy Apple if the devices were not marked up so high?
"Pick your favorite ortholinear" edition
End OS Cuckoldry
How do you want your midrange GPU to be, Sup Forums?
What's the technology equivalent to cooking your steak in an oven?
Tfw my passion is being an artist
Mfw didn't fall for the thinkpad meme
/wt/ watch thread
What do you have coming in the mail? Pic related
User is that a Patek Philippe?
Ask interviewee to write a program that calculates the average of a list of integers
I am a compE and EE. I am also teaching myself how to program and server maint/admin...
Is Fedora encryption safe?
Why is Windows 7 so light weight? I'm sitting here on a Core 2 Duo T7300 that's throttled to 800mhz...
What reasons are there to still use Windows?
Is gentoo really a meme? I installed it in a VM and while some things are cool (like eselect news...
Yo Sup Forums i wanna impress some friends i haven't seen in a few years...
What RAM type was your favorite?
Why are old computers so comfy?
Decent free VPN
How long has it been since your last scan Sup Forums?
I'm writing a bitcoin trading bot, and my friend is doing the same. Tfw he uses Javascript in a browser...
Is this a normal thing? My first smartphone an Samsung Galaxy S2 worked so perfect...
So I bought this computer and it's coming in a few weeks, what are your guy's opinion on it...
Redbull me on Goy-Sync/Freesync...
Share your firefox addons and rate others
Actually best smartphone
3 days
Chilled GPU watercooling prep
Are VIM and Emacs just memes?
Will this browser ever get good again? I'm using it right now, and it's just sluggish...
Outside of the Bay Area, where are the best tech cities to work?
What is Sup Forums's favourite tile window manager?
The Chinese have gotten into the Antivirus business
Does anyone else here have this old gentlemen, or phone older than 2yr...
Debian or Ubuntu?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Daily reminder
So this comes out today:
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Boring Sunday Edition
IPhone access denied
I use duckduckgo, so my information is private!
Someone payed me 50 bucks to help them get past login screen on their laptop they forgot their password to
China Claims World’s Most Powerful Supercomputer 7th Year In A Row
He fell for the larger than 128GB SSD meme
Excel Shill Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
For a 1080p gaming system built around a 1070, should I go with an i5 or an i7?
Hey Sup Forums. So you are building a house. Money is no object
Sup Forumsuts, /guts/
Why isn't FTTH standard in all first-world countries yet?
Gaming Mice
What does your Sup Forums look like?
Hey Sup Forums in the midst of building my house what should I add to it? besides cat 6 everywhere
It's almost like Pajeet Koduri is sabotaging his own work
Hey nerd, better have that homework ready by next class
Retro vintage computer thread !
/ptg/ - private tracker general
I thought MacBooks were the ones that throttle?
MITX build
Did i mess up
Mom still using an old windows vista dual core laptop
Guys, how would one go about decompiling a windows .dll such as advapi32.dll
With all this talk of audiophiles being retards that piss away money on magic...
Best and smallest mini itx cases
Best video player trade
Why the bloody fuck is this motherfucking shit allowed? Whoever came up with it should be taken from the grave and shot
What type of website should I maek
Fat32 is starting to suck
Internet Speed Thread
He thinks linux gives him freedom
Just got a Raspberry Pi 2 model B, give me a project to work on with it
144hz is a placebo
Use iPhone
Be ENTJ and going to study CS
(Home server Thread)
Hey Sup Forumsuys
Make torrent
Write a program to print all permutations of a string
Gone, but not forgotten
Hello, Sup Forums, so I've been looking to get a cheap disposable PC to take on the go that can play older games...
Name a better mobile browser
My friend wants to sell me these used PC parts for $170. Is this a good deal? I don't have a PC yet. AMD A10 5800k
Android phone lag
Playing witcher 3
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Do you know what the Turing Test is, Sup Forums?
Self Checkout
Post your laptop specs
Is using a custom rom and then don't flash the google shit worth it ?
Best torrent client for android
Oracle employee AMA
Speccy Thread
/bst/ BattIestation Thread
Will sex robots really happen in the future?
You will never have Amada's fang brush against your dick
User what are you listening to
Fucking wifi
Tfw you fell for the "AMD has better performance per dollar" meme
Is Google really that bad?
Reminder to sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y or sudo pacman -Syu depending on your distribution
Just doing random internet things
Install debian
Modern Dumb Phones
Computer Illiterate Stories
Post the worst program you ever used
Floens, new clover release when?
How to be completely anonymous? do free VPN's work that well...
Post the worst program you ever used
What's up Sup Forums
Court rules search warrant not necessary to hack computers
/gst/ - Sup Forums statistics thread!
Gonna try Manjaro now. KDE or XFCE? What's your choice? I'm going for KDE I think
Alright Sup Forums, what is your favorite distribution?
What did the mods mean by this
Minutely reminder
Discuss pic related. Coding camps vs CS degrees
Sup Forums Career
What technology is NOT a meme?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Sup Forums Reply Notifications?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
AMD RX 480 Hits US Stores, Supply 25x Larger Than GTX 1080 At Launch
Sup Forumsreentext stories
It's over, Intel is finished
Sup Forums CSS
MacOS superiority thread
PCI Slots
Opinions on golang as a general purpose language?
3570k here, I'm semi tempted to upgrade to skylake
Using a non-functional langauge for your concurrent program
ITT: snake oil
Comfy IRC rooms
Opinions? Werks better on my machine but it's still quite unstable
Sup Forums memes you fell for
Remove flash
Why use zsh or fish over bash?
Windows 8 blackscreen, won't boot, can't f8
Show me your Sup Forumshettostations
Non-meme fans
What does Sup Forums think of Chromium browser?
So much for reaching 1070 performance with 1600Mhz OC. Review cards aren't making it past the 1400Mhz mark
Which is the superior portable storage medium?
ITT: shit tier apps
The huge myriad of languages available to learn has left me feeling confused...
How long until we get 4k anime?
Literally why?
What's the most normalfag programming language?
What the fuck Steam!? Does anybody know how to fix this...
I have been an android user since about 2008. I'm upgrading from my Galaxy S5...
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Microsoft is so hip and quirky. I'm going to upgrade right now
What does Sup Forums use to buy shit?
Maki pussy
This triggers the AMD shills
Friendly reminder that writing C in 2016 is the modern equivalent of writing assembler from scratch
Best wifi card Sup Forums? Ethernet is not an option due to where my router is located
Can anybody on here help me build a Gaming PC for around £500-800ish? I have no clue what im doing with building a pc
This thing just came with my new keyboard. What the fuck is it?
Show me one computer that's better than a macbook
Out of pure curiosity...
Zen is going to be so great. Cheaper and more powerful than Skylake plus with crazy OC potential
I need a standing desk. Are there any around the $100 price range...
Will I get made fun of at college as a 26 year old for having a "tough book"?
What will happen when he's gone?
What is so inherently great about Linux that makes it better than Windows?
Why are the two best 15" laptop alternatives on the market complete and utter shit?
Does anyone else think that there should be some sort of license to purchase/own a computer?
If GNU/Linux is so great, why does it only have 1% marketshare...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Is it possible for someone who only has extremely basic knowledge of coding to be able to optimize Gentoo for whatever...
What do you use to find covert microphones and cameras that they have hidden in your apartment?
How to fix overheating GPU?
At what point are you allowed to call yourself a hacker?
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
Effective June 1st, Comcast is raising the monthly bandwidth cap for all Internet customers to 1 terabyte (1...
You're never free edition
10-bit HEVC
Sticker thred
Give me one good reason not to switch from Windows 10 to Ubuntu
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Telegram communication app
Just saw this on my Facebook timeline. How do you feel about this, Sup Forums?
Home screen thread
Be me
College major
Lasted me a good 7 years
Sup Forums will have you believe they know tech
Best way to improve Android battery life?
What are you downloading right now, Sup Forums?
ICloud Thieves Selfies
Using laser mouse when you can use pic related
Why is this happening?
Why aren't you guys Hackinoshing yet?
When will 1366x768 stop being a standard on laptops? Even 1080p is dated now
Has anyone ever met a software engineer with a few years under their belt who wasn't a bitter asshole...
New Laptop
If windows 10 didn't have all the spying stuff would it be the best windows ever?
Obsolete technology
Is SSD + HDD worth the hassle or should I just get a 1TB SSD?
STOP the press
Sup Forumsuts, /guts/
I thought the Nexus 6 was supposed to have shitty battery life
IT Jobs
"Bug" in DRM allows user to save videos they paid for
If torrenting suddenly became as obsolete as Limewire what would take its place?
Go online
Aussie here. Have i been completely fucked over by changing from ADSL2+ to the NBN...
So how bad is it going to get for the internet in the next 4 years?
Homescreen thread maybe?
Does a better setup even exist?
Android File Explorer.exe
I think Windows Phone was pretty neat. I used a Lumia 950 for about two years and the live update tiles were cool
How ot install a .sh file ob lubuntu?
Did Googles site design just change for anyone else?
Is more than 4 cores a meme?
Handmade Hero
Minding your own business
Looking for tech support on google
How do i learn game development? What games should i start creating?
ITT: Use less than 25 words to tell me about your killer app idea
Anyone else Dark Room master race?
Fanless/silent experience
Are sound cards a placebo?
You're limited to one sata drive per channel
I'll start
C++ or Java?
Why is google pushing this stuff so hard?
Speccy thread, wont upgrade for 10 years edition
Differences between camera manufacturers
ITT: underrated Linux distributions
Why do people keep meme'ing about C++ being hard?
Who? Me?
Gee Bill! How come your mom lets you have two control panels?
We should force chink moot to change Sup Forums servers to GNU/Linux...
Why do companies do this?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Sell me on the home server meme Sup Forums
What is the technology equivalent of cooking steak on a stove?
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
Where does this "magnetic tape is a cheap backup solution" meme come from?
Will Composite video ever die?
Electronics Gore Thread?
What tech boards on reddit are you subscribed to?
Where were you when you lost all hope in freedom. The Orwellian future is upon us
/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread
Hey guys I installed linux since everybody talks about it here, did I choose a good one?
I am trying to tranfer data from a laptop to my desktop. The laptop is locked down pretty good...
Why aren't you using a 6 inch phone?
Lossless Audio
Budget PC
Windows 7 updates
Who else fell for the "an i5 is more than enough meme"?
US judge rules FBI doesn't need a warrant to hack computers, no diff
How much progress, technology wise have we made in the past 10 years?
This thread is about the appreciation of watches...
Wanting to go from GNU/Linux to Botnet/Windows
Tfw you work at apple
Is there anything you can do to protect yourself from ATM skimmers...
Ubuntu Font Rendering
Fixing a fucked up monitor
MSI has shown us that the ever bulky and oversized gaming setups can be condensed like consoles have been since the...
Rx490 slightly below a titan x
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I'm taking the CompTIA A+ 802 exam soon. Any tips/resources for last minute study...
What would it be like if we shrunk an old CPU down to modern manufacturing dies?
Is system admin still a good career option for someone who just wants to be left alone by normies in peace...
Why are Google and other tech companies anti-family and pro-fag rights? Everywhere you look, they keep pushing faggotry...
Nvidia Pascal Thread
Today I begin my long journey
Could Sup Forums work together to build an open source/hardware robo-waifu ?
Wants all software to be free and open-source
Want to order pizza online
Should i buy it?
Pirated windows 7
So, what other than price is wrong with a Mac book air? I could triple-boot Windows, OSX...
Ip Changes
What does Brexit mean for GCHQ spying on other EU members? Can we finally declare war over this misuse of technology?
If Sup Forums loves AMD so much, why are so many of you using nvidia and Intel?
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
Ok lets say you were in Nathan's position and had unlimited(billions) amount of money and the all massive data from...
Is this a meme or do people actually use these?
Home server thread?
Bought a second-hand laptop and got fucked over
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Sup Forums fail thread
Tfw brother specifically requested I install windows 10 on his gaymin computer
Google = SJW/Fag/Trans Champion
What is the best cooling solution for your GPU and CPU?
Tells everyone they have scripts disabled
Why do people even buy a GPU? I've got an i5 with intelHD integrated graphics. I use my computer for heavy gayuming...
What happened to Microsoft's UI designers?
How hard is it, if possible at all, to control someone's webcam? Or following someone's skype conversations...
I built a computer back in '09 and have been using it for the last 7 years. I have an orignal i5-2500...
Why does Sup Forums dislike Nvidia graphics cards?
Am I a programmer yet? lol
Did you guys see this?
Are you nerd enough to recognize it?
Hourly reminder
Rate my first selfmade PCB ever
No way, a backup solution that doesn't suck donkeyballs!
Wired has been shit for a while now, but the current front page was the last straw for me...
Have you ever turned on a computer before?
/guts/ thread
Electricfag here
Walk into pc hardware store
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
What's the best corded mouse?
1000 core cpu
/bst/ Battlestation Thread
/bst/ Battlestation Thread
What does Sup Forums think of Debian?
What buttons were the great?
One port is not enough. You need more than one port, for example charging and connecting your phone...
How long would it take to learn a programming language (Java, javascript or C++)?
I just got hit by a pretty bad virus hidden in a torrent which windows defender could not detect and task manager could...
Mfw you disable f.lux late at night because you don't think it's doing anything
Why did you spend more than $80 on a phone?
What case would you recommend i buy to the following pc build?
Is there point in running free libre Linux distro next to nonfree ones?
Which VPN does Sup Forums use and like for torrenting and browsing?
So Sup Forums I'm a complete newfag in need of a new phone and I can either become an Apple shill or go with the Galaxy...
So I'm building a new computer and have everything I need apart from the graphics card
Anyone know if the 480's fan is not gonna be shit...
Rust-lang or Go-lang?
I'm saving up to get one of these. Nobody seems to have Windows phones in here. Is it because they're shit...
Software you can't live without
What does Sup Forums know about blue light filtering?
From knowing nothing about coding to programming Augmented/Mixed reality software
I like pie
Why is this allowed????
/wdg/ - Web Development General
How is it possible that on my high performance workstation with 16 Gb RAM, 4.5GHz overclocked 2600k and ssd...
You have to start learning the language below your post
Recent ransomware attacks
I want to ask you this, Sup Forums. If you could use emojis in your Sup Forums posts, would you?
What am i doing wrong,and how can i fix it?
Who's had a screw-up while trying to install a new processor before here?
/mpv/ - keep it awesome, insane
Yes, we know everything is already from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest...
Linux Is Shit
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How long until HTML6 comes out?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Yfw out of all the country in the world you have to be born in India
What's the best non-gamer mouse?
I need some help. Im trying to find some to any info on this videocard...
Mfw mark zuckerberg blocks laptop camera with sticky tape
It seems that FireStrike has really pushed these cards to their thermal limits...
Where do u guys get ur music?
Jesus, this card is fucking £208 right now, what is going on
Speakers General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Do you have to be good at math to be a good programmer?
Android Roms?
/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread
Mfw ios still has no file system
This has to be one of the stupidest things ive ever seen, just put a battery on the truck, my god
I hope I'm in the right board, I'm going to ask about old technology, Sup Forumsuys
What's Sup Forums opinion on Aaron Swartz?
ITT: 10/10 non-free software
Slow Thinkpad
Meanwhile in Sup Forums's Institute of Technology
In celebration of brexit, let's have a british technology thread
Who is gentoo for?
Britain has left the EU
I predict RX480 will be the best selling GPU of 2016 easily
Organization of Porn
I am a proud GNU OS user. Does anyone here use a true os that respects your freedom...
He doesn't use an IDE
Cheap chinese tablets
Google Already Gave Up
Does anyone unironically put manufacturer stickers on their rig? Why?
Laptops with junk in the trunk
ITT we post tech related shit that confused us when we were young and less tech literate
Home screen thread
Literally build a nice gaymin PC
Sup Sup Forums, do any of you know javascript?
Steal video game from internet to see if it's fun before buying it
User using Raspberry Pi 2 as his Desktop PC reporting in. Ask me anything
Waifus at work
Autonetics D-17
If I had a bullet I would kill this fucking NSA cock-sucking faggot
Hey user, I see you're running non-free software. Care to explain why?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
It's so beautiful
Why aren't you using Manjaro, Sup Forums. I've tried Debian, Arch, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Fedora...
Does a laptop battery degrade if you keep the mag safe plugged in?
You have 60 seconds to give me one good reason to use Emacs over Vim
What are the tangible benefits of waiting for non-reference RX 480 cards to be released...
What distro do you run, and why?
Brand new Linux desktop, what essential software to install?
Which technologies and operating systems died too soon?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
BSD And Other Things
What is the most tech illiterate thing you have ever witnessed?
BST comfy edition, post comfy laptop setups preferably outside
True or false
Tfw you didnt fall for the bitcoin meme
Just bought a new proliant dl380 g5, its neat plan on maybe making a vps...
Is Windows really this much of a mess to develop?
What's your favourite little feature more programming languages should have?
C is a horrible language. It's made more horrible by the fact that a lot
Boss forces me to use a macbook instead of my riced t420
What the fuck? Opera comes with a free VPN
I just got an email from AT&T that they're going to put us at a fucking data cap of 600GB/month
So my dad just handed me a free Raspberry Pi or whatever these things are called
Trips decides what distro I install
Display thread
Why are people praising the 480 as the next best thing since slice bread?
More of these
Has your knowledge of technology improved you dating prospects?
Vintage Computing General /VCG/
RX 480
Going to college next year
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
Which aftermarket gtx 1070 should I get? What's the best manufacturer?
What is the most effective steps that someone who is not technologically gifted can easily follow to obtain maximum...
So if Sup Forums likes Richard Stallman, even if it is on an ironic-unironic spectrum...
Sup Forums, how come pacman's upgrade process is very quick, but apt's is very slow...
EDC/ Autism awareness thread
Why Win3.1 UI is so based?
Here's some interesting information Sup Forums
Problem with the Joyetech AIO
Anyone remember this piece of shit from the first iteration of OS X...
So I just moved into a house where I share an internet connection with a few people...
What tech company will you never buy from again?
Should I get a GTX 1070 for more overall power, or the RX 480 for the amazing price point? I CAN'T DECIDE
Anybody here using Seagate?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
The 8GB RX 480 is available for notification on newegg
Why aren't you using a mac?
Android Vulnerability
Windows 10 user here...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Are there any other decent torrent clients...
Returning to the PC AMD or Intel?
Fast, secure browser
/bst/ Battlestation thread
RX 480
/spg/ - Smartphone General
How does Sup Forums dress?
One port is not enough. You need more than one port, for example charging and connecting your phone...
New Boston dynamics doggo
General CPU Thread
Screenfetch Thread
OS Progression
What is this thing in my company van? Am I being listening in on or am I just paranoid?
Is it too late to start learning programming at 21? At what age did you start?
Get off plane
User's first build
What does Sup Forums think about delivery robots? Is it going anywhere in near future?
He says he can't read CAPTCHA so that he can't start to beggin the Twitter
Gnome or KDE?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How hard is it to hack someone's router remotely?
Type the following without looking at your keyboard:
So when will we see a new mice with a better sensor? Tired of these ugly ass mice with the best sensor on the market...
If you want to run something as a user, you have to first start it as root and then drop privileges
Linux is a sinking ship! Your time is limited before you're at the bottom of the systemd ocean. Luckily...
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
ITT we rename this board
Programming Team Name
Please tell me how adding extra metal around a plug, in this case gold-plating it, will somehow improve signal quality
The world’s largest fried chicken chain has come up with a wacky new idea that will fill your stomach as well as your...
/sqt/ Stupid Question Thread
What will Android N be named?
I'm 23 and I just started seriously programming, I've been programming since I was 16 though. is it too late?
How do you save Japan?
It's 2017 and it's been proven that P = NP
I just bought a HP Envy 2 in 1, with NVidia GeForce. When I open it, it throw this
How Is Opera Always The Best Browser?
Show me your stickers Sup Forums
So I see you're running Gnome
Well im a CS student , its my 2nd semester now
Recommend RSS reader that
I need a laptop for studying and I have $2000 budget. Why would I buy anything but macbook pro retina?
How much bandwidth do you use, user ?
What is the literal point of this? is it worth caring about at all?
No root/sudo access
Is this accurate?
RIP Nexus 5
Is 144hz a meme?
Sounds like weak-ass useless shit outside of a datacenter
Anyone extremely insecure about their intelligence...
What kind of reactions can I expect when I use my thinkpad in public?
Mfw turn off reading mode after 2 weeks
After being robbed recently, I've decided that deep web marketplaces are my best option at this point, however...
Why can't everything be free like my free software?
Would you have liked Ubuntu more if it hadn't been revealed to be part of an Amazon botnet?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...