What am i doing wrong,and how can i fix it?

What am i doing wrong,and how can i fix it?

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Install Gentoo

explain? I’m new to C# and programming

You're programming on OSX.
Install Windows.

>gathering data


help me nou kk zooi dit is een toelating test

I'm guessing the problem is with you only supplying 4 parameters to display but trying to display the 5th element (that doesn't exist)
Console.WriteLine("Hallo, ik ben {0} {1} en ik woon op {2} en mijn telefoonnummer is {3} ", voornaam,achternaam,straatnaam,telefoonnummer);

also, read this:

thank you so so so much it worked!

Zero based betekent dat je begint te tellen met 0, voornaam is dus index 0, niet 1. Fucking high schoolers get out reeee.

i... I’m sorry....

Dit is zeer belangrijk btw, vergeet dit nooit. Vanaf nu ga je altijd beginnen met 0, als het niet werkt kan je er + 1 achter zetten om te zien of het niet zero based is, maar dat komt zelden voor.

will do

you fuckin illiterate pajeet monkey, get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Neger je hebt je index getallen verkankerd
Je gaat van {0}, {1} naar {3}, {4} en zoals al gezegd zero based begint met de eerste index als 0, dus 4 staat gelijk aan je 5e index. Omdat je maar 4 argumenten hebt, gaat dat niet. (Er is geen 5e argument om naar te indexeren)

Btw waarvoor is dit een toelatingstest? Ben nieuwsgierig.

ITT: kids are angry that they don't actually know the first thing about programming, and start shitposting out of embarrassment and frustration.

Just be patient, kiddos. I'm sure someone will eventually having a "ricing" question for you or something.

haha kankernoob

Sure showed them with your OC


There's your problem.
You're running OSX.

ja voor applicatieontwikkelingen

Why would any sane person use windows for programming?

Count to 3


its the only sane environment for c#

druk in de toekomst gewoon op show details neger

>those var names
What in the name of FUCK are you doing, Hans?

never ever use variable name in mother language. unless you really have to.
sorry but i can't understand you Klaus


>Why would any sane person use windows for .NET development

thats dutch not german you shitskin

try not skipping the {2}.

doesn't matter since both are muslim countries

Also your using OSX, install a real OS you Starbucks shill


>Why would any sane person be a .NET developer


I'm sorry, but I don't speak Nazi.

Sup Forums saves the day again! hooray!

>Xamarin Studio

If you're gonna use an IDE at least use one that works