Did you guys see this?

Did you guys see this?

What does it mean?

I'm scared.

That's not Zuck's desk. Zuck has a strict no-computers policy at his mansion.

My Skype keeps trying to start itself.

I think they are onto me

whats the big deal here? my cam and mic are also covered with tape and i use thunderbid.
i think many people actually do that, and i dont know why hes suchca special case he gets all this attention because of this.

now that i think about it he might even reiqure that little extra layer of protection because hes passwords are so shit

and the hells wrong with that stupid goddamn nickname
its like hes asking to be called a cuck

Any good resolution of this?


Nope its the cisco vpn client

Can't disable hardware and posts happily on Sup Forums about covering mics with tape.
I'm assuming you're aussie because that's a prime weekend post.

>mic jack covered with tape
>mic jack

How can he say those things? The picture is too small.

I first thought the 'comment' said #cuck