>still not using gpg

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Bad thread, try again but include something about a video card to get more replies.

Video cards only for the VR or game are . What really matters is gpg not gpu.

Because i dont want spend hours and hours explaining how to use this shit to my normie friends and colleagues.

I've got nothing to hide.

Then delete your speech freedom, you have nothing to say

There is literally a chrome add-on that sits on top of your Gmail inbox. Tell them to use it

GPG encryption is almost same as clothes you dress. If you don't have anything to hide, you may not be naked when you are walking on the street.

I use gnupg at work. Useful for encrypted off-site back-ups, keeping private key also off-site at separate location.

i have scripts running that automatically package an sql database and images into .gpg files nightly, so I can just copy them over onto a drive. 4096 rsa encryption ensures nobody getting into that shit. If a drive gets stolen while it is off-site, destroy private key and the data becomes garbage.

HIPAA back-up solution for a small practice.

use gpg, but the -r is always myself

As much as I agree with the principles, I just don't give enough of a shit to set this up and use it.

Kind of like Linux.

nu-Sup Forums everyone

If someone told me I would look it up and definitely do it because it is so easy.

Trying to get even my most computer literate friends to do this would earn a reply akin to "Nah, I don't really want to. Nothing to hide/too hard/what's the point"

What the fuck does "nu-Sup Forums" mean

Email encryption only works if both sides are using it. How do you convince average people, say your friends and relatives, to do all of that?


You point out important point. at this point, we dont have concrete answer about it... do you have some good ideas?

"Nu-Sup Forums" or "Neo-Sup Forums" are terms used by people who believe that Sup Forums's old glory days have passed and the userbase been mostly replaced by newcomers who have inferior values and interests compared to those of the older users.

> not generating your keys yourself and sharing the public key with your friends on paper format.


It's hard to believe that someone who uses "pleb" would have offline friends to share things on paper with, but if you say so.

That's what key-signing parties are for.


You memorize and cite this information in your day to day engagements with your idiot friends and relatives. If they decide it is too much work, they're a part of the problem and they deserve all of the bad things that come with mass surveilance and the fallacy that "I have nothing to hide".

Because we all have something to hide whether or not we want to admit it. We all disagree with certain laws. Without encryption, existing laws have the capacity to be 100% enforced, which erodes our ability as a people to evoke changes in leglislation.

So fucking use pgp, fuck.

Literally all of this shit means nothing to any of the people in my life that I would be persuading. You will only look like a weird fringe autist by saying this, especially with the air of frustration you showed.

I have a dumb question about private/public key encryption algorithms: If Bob encrypts a message with his private key and then encrypts it with Alice's public key, then Alice decrypts with Bob's public key then her private key, will Alice get the original message out?
In other words is F'(G'(G(F(n)))) == G'(F'(G(F(n)))) ?

No, the operator F' and G' are not commutative.
