Post your shit, services it runs and other interesting info (special purposes, power consumption, mods etc) Here's my HP T610. Takes only 15W under full load. It has two 2TB HDDs inside and one 16GB SATA SSD acting as boot device. Soon I'm gonna replace the SSD with 128GB mSATA one (via half SATA to mSATA converter).
What about you, desu familia?
Bentley Moore
Here is the full report if anyone is interested
Alexander Lewis
also forgot about this meme thumbnail
Elijah Price
Blake Anderson
What do you use it for?
Gavin Morales
15W under full load? Damn, that's impressive. Is it just serving as a NAS? I'm assuming with that power consumption it can't push too much power.
I'm running 2 E5-2670's + 64 GB ram Mobo: Supermicro X9DR7-LN4F-JBOD Case: Supermicro SC846 Backplane: 24 slot SAS2 backplane 3 140 MM Noctua Fans intake over HDD's 2 80 MM Noctua Fans Exhaust ~85 TB of HDD over 15 HDD's
Power Consumption: ~150 Watts on average
Functions: Hyper V Host Musicbrainz proxy for headphones Sickrage Plex Server Emby Server Domain Controller/DNS/DHCP File Server Torrent Box
Oliver Sullivan
My server's OS USB drive shat itself yesterday. Didn't really lose anything, but I had to spend yesterday and today reinstalling shit.
I'm running Emby, Subsonic, OpenVPN, apcupsd, rtorrent + rutorrent (on nginx) and Samba on Debian stable. It currently has a 6x3TB RAID6 array for data storage.
I'm very happy with it, but the USB flash drive failure was quite unexpected, so now I'm trying to find potential alternatives for something more reliable that still uses USB, since I have no extra SATA ports available. Maybe I should try to find a basic SATA controller, but after reading about Marvell-based shit, which is both cheap and easily available, I'm not too sure I want one in my server, those seem to be quite wonky.
Easton Reyes
well, host os (debian) handles nas function (samba) and two vms - one windows embedded based responsible for filtering seeds/peers and torrent service + webgui to communicate with clients (torrent webui+ addoon for firefox), i also sometimes use it as a terminal server. Other vm is for all other services including web based shit (wordpress site, ampache with full access to multimedia files stored on the server, phpsysinfo for status and roundcube for webmail), mail server + spamd, game server (l4d2 server). It also communicates with my car through integrated wifi card (pinging when in range and tracking if its moving, pretty dank security solution). CPU handles all this shit pretty good. System drive and two 1,5TB shares are encrypted, so it uses a lot of cpu time, yet its completely usable for max 5 local users (and remote users if you count ampache and l4d2 server)
Daniel Edwards
if I may ask, what do you use to track your car? I have an android head unit (essentially an android phone in my car) with GPS as well as internet via a mobile hotspot. I'd like to do something similar to your setup on that if possible.
Jayden Reed
bump, I'm getting one soon, I want to know what people are running on 'em
I'm not a huge media guy, so what'd be in it for me?