Out of pure curiosity, Have any of you received a letter from your ISP complaining about you torrenting Japanese cartoons?
Out of pure curiosity...
Other urls found in this thread:
torrenting sucks
xdcc for life
>tfw brazil
>tfw ISPs literally couldn't give less of a fuck
too bad the connection speed is worse-than-australia tier.
Torrenting is faster then xdcc though.
I'd have to ask my neighbor
Never have.
I thought I would after japan started taking a proactive approach to enforcing their intellectual property in the united states, but I only watch things that have zero chance of ever being localized in the united states, such as yuru yuri.
The US ISP providers don't seem to care. I know Viz and Funimation started a manhunt a few years ago, but it quickly dwindled and I haven't herd much from them since.
Seems you'll only get a notice for downloading porn or Hollywood made films here in the US.
Now importing Jap goods into the US is something you really have to do your research on, otherwise you risk being labeled a pedo and could possibly see yourself doing some time behind bars.
Japan only cares about Japanese consumers. As long as the Japanese consumer base doesn't start watching fan subs and stuff and stealing their DVD/B-Ray bucks they don't care.
Which is why they've been cracking down on some fansubbers and hosting sites. A growing number of Japanese were watching and downloading raws instead of buying the disks. The heat seems to have died down though.
Is that why they DDOSd nyaa and horriblesubs for 2 weeks solid back in 2014?
What's a country with fast internet and a government that doesn't care about piracy?
I'm considering moving.