What does Sup Forums use to buy shit?

What does Sup Forums use to buy shit?

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amazon is the welfare of the Internet, so yes i use amazon.

Depends what I'm buying. /thread

Amazon, Ebay, GearBest, FastTech, and AliExpress are my go-tos, plus local Craigslist/Facebook/Kijiji for used stuff.

Whatever is listed as cheaper on pcpartpicker.


It's easy to "buy shit" when you live with your mommy. When are you moving out, losers?

sounds like someone is projecting?

Pretty much just Amazon and eBay. I think I bought something from Overstock.com a few months ago. 90% of my daily diet is Soylent, so obviously I buy a lot of shit from them.

I usually don't bother with retail stores anymore. My credit card statments are pretty much just one giant string of Amazon.

ebay, craigslist, amazon, chinkshit stores.

all my cables come from monoprice. I only trust monoprice for chinky cables. especially 1/4" trs and XLR instrument and mic cables.

I have about $200 worth of monoprice music cables and it would have cost about $1000 at any retail store around, even shopping used

It's easy to "buy shit" when you're not pandering for welfare while flipping burgers at McDonald's. When are you getting a real job, poorfag?

It's easy to buy shit when you have a job.

its even easier to "buy shit" when you dont live with your mommy.

Was gonna just say fuck it and hit the road the summer and be homeless but i decided to stay until after the election in Nov.

If Trump is elected and manages to get some basic labor jobs for me to do then I'll get a job and maybe a house or apartment.

If not im just gonna say fuck it and leave take my chances on the streets.

>If Trump is elected and manages to get some basic labor jobs for me
The only way "basic labor" is coming back to the US is if it pays less than Malaysia. If you think you're in poverty now, wait until then.

Instead of waiting for Trump to try to rape the economy, you should probably just work on getting some actual skills. There's a lot you can do in a few months.

dude if the next president somehow creates jobs for you it wont be for another 2-4 years

Have you tried looking for currently existing basic labor jobs for you to do? Somehow I dont think Donald Trump, even if he is president, will just give you a job.

there are tons of "basic labor" jobs that cannot be outsourced. There are also tons that exist in America today, user is just too lazy to find one.

>want to buy a thing on amazon
>no one ships thing to europe
>only way to get thing is to pay a huge markup and buy it locally
fucking amazon why dont you ship to europe

>get some basic labor jobs

It's easy as shit to get hired doing ditch digging/hauling/other bullshit at a construction site. The turn over rate is so high with those types of employees as well, if you stick around you might get noticed and taught a more technical skill.

I know it varies state to state, but here in Washington construction is booming and they can't find enough workers.

I dont have a college education and cant get one because i had to drop out of high school for personal reasons.

I can't find any work. I've been a neet for the last 5 years since the last economic slowdown basically wiped me out.

Im not without skills though, I can code and i have a few apps on the playstore that make me chump change.

I have a few other app ideas in the works and if im lucky i might be able to make something that will provide me with some income.

If not im not sure how much longer im going to be able to sit around here...

There really aren't that many that can't be outsourced. And the ones that can't, can usually be done by actual legitimate retards. And the US government makes minimum wage exemptions for retards. There's no way you're going to get the job when they can offer one of them $1.40/hour[1] to work instead.

You aren't going to land a shitty labor job by waiting for one to fall in your lap. And in the next few years there will be even fewer of them as technology obsoletes a ton of career paths. You think it's bad now? Wait until self-driving cars make the entire transportation industry redundant.

Trump conned you into thinking Mexicans were the reason you couldn't get a job. But it's much more than that. And he's not going to magically create a bunch of jobs for any of you. That's not the way government works.

[1] watchdog.org/83209/policies-tax-dollars-enrich-goodwill-execs/

Amazon USA and I am from Ukraine. I hate you ameribros for having it. When those jews open one in my country?

Get your GED and go to Community College. You'll get a few certs and your associates, it's a start.