Reminder to sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y or sudo pacman -Syu depending on your distribution

Reminder to sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y or sudo pacman -Syu depending on your distribution


>no yum
>no dnf
What is your problem? Are you racist?

>not su -

There's no point in using anything other than an ubuntu or arc derived distro unless you're a fedora

>Not fedora tier


>not using the mother of all distros Debian

It's not, mate. Now go back to your Windows file manager and take a screenshot of the new tabs feature!

this. ubuntu for servers, arch for workstations/PCs

Or maybe you use Linux for business-related purposes?

>Not zypper

Nice meme, pajeet.

>not using the grandfather of all distros slackware

>no pkgin
Show some damn respect, loonisfags.

>using a fundamentalist luddite distro

now thats one i havent heard of

>Not adding an alias to your .bashrc to not type so much.

alias update='sudo apt-get update'
alias upgrade='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'
alias upgrade-all='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'
alias acs='sudo apt-cache search'
alias agi='sudo apt-get install'
alias agr='sudo apt-get remove'

>not making a script with apt-get update, upgrade, and dist-upgrade so you can call it daily

I do something like this desu

>still using apt-get

>using the slow abomination that is aptitude

>not using unattended-upgrades

If you care about the speed of your package manager you shouldn't use anything Debian.

>not hacking into your distribution's test machines and nfs-mounting them as / so your OS is updated with every committed change

>not understanding that fundamentalist luddites had a very different philosophy than what the word now carries and simply wanted their jobs

Neo-luddite would be better. And also fuck off because neo-ludditism will be the last hope of this dying world