Haven't seen one of these in a while.
Phone camera rate thread?
Post images taken on your phone camera and other anons rate the quality out of 10, and don't forget to mention what your phone is.
>redmi 3
Haven't seen one of these in a while.
Phone camera rate thread?
Post images taken on your phone camera and other anons rate the quality out of 10, and don't forget to mention what your phone is.
>redmi 3
These used to be pretty popular
Here is my pic taken with my s6, ofc using everything auto.
Looks like you could just reach out and touch the sky
my HTC One M7 has a broken camera every picture/video I take is purple...
What do you guys think?
Redmi 3 pro guys. Battery life is fucking amazing, camera is pretty good for still shots
>Photos from under a bridge.
>This is literally a troll thread.
Nothing wrong with my bridge.
Nexus 5X with default camera.
Fuck off to /p/ retard
>camera rate thread
>every photo I take is more than 5mb, so can't be posted on 4chins
HTC One M9 running Android 6.0
HTC Camera app. Bokeh mode.
The pictures can take a little fiddling to make them decent. This one is suprisingly exceptional, relatively speaking.
>lg v10
Crop that shit
>xperia Z3+
The lights are actually yellow in here and it's darker.
Galaxy pepe 7
This is 5.6x zoom with shaky hands
Sony Z5
Lumia 950 coming through.
I think you're an excellent photographer
Hometown, S3
And another one for good measure.
iPhone SE
my beat up old russian tanker watch
Holy shit I want it
Where do I get my hands on such a watch ?
It was a gift but I tried to find a similar one.
Xperia SP
Not the best picture I've taken, by any means, but what the hell, the other stuff's personal.
Bookmarked as fuck, thank you kind user.
s7 I would edit it and flip it but shitty free apps might compress the image.
It's already compressed to shit.
iPhone 6S
Cat that was up for adoption while I was volunteering
How to fix as you can see I tried cropping with light room to cut down file size and it went to shit.
>ITT user posts pictures like this is /p/
Sony Ericsson k750
Yeah, before you point out the similarities, I do carry two separate phones.
>I do carry two separate phones.
At least it is easy to see your autism
Nexus 6
By shooting in a raw format to bypass your phone's shitty compression and post processing.
No, this won't magically make you better at photography. But it will let you get rid of that "painting-like" look that you get from overly aggressive noise reduction and bad compression.
>Take photo in raw format
>Open in Photoshop
>Scale down a little
>Save as whatever
>Congratulations, you have achieved the best possible image quality from your phone
Nexus 6 again
RAW images were so much better on my Nexus 5
Nah, it's nothing like that.
The k750 is my work phone, I use it pretty much for calls only.
Man, maybe I should really get a Nexus; the lack of SD card won't really bother me.
LG G4.
Had to resize it and change the compression to fit within Sup Forums's file size limits.
6p should be even better than this. Personally I'm waiting with baited breath for the 2016 nexus line up and praying to lord Google that they don't let HTC fuck things up.
Those hills look awesome.
Nexus 6P
Nexus 6P again.
comfy af, where do u live user?
Oi ya cheeki wanka how you recognise it?
I live there LOL, walk my dog under the bridge and to the Regional Park from time to time
I mean it's decent, but do you have any with ass spread?
>not adopting this beautiful creature
You fucking monster.
Huhwhat ?
>a neighbor
Here's my pupper
iPhone 6s
>hollywood sign
Get ready to be sued.
He's talking about the cutie in front.
Show ass plx
Awesome! What part of France do you live in I've always wanted to visit the Eyefull tower man! Looks so fucking majesticZ
Yep, sjw central of Ausfailia
Nice. Also use the Redmi 3. This is with the stock ROM right? Wanted to use CM on this phone but as is always the case camera is absolute shit on it.
LG G4 with HDR on
Original pic was ~6mo
> post overexposed crap
> talk about photography
Dumbphones dumbowners have no idea what proper photography is, was and will be.
Yeah, stock rom, stock camera app.
Took this with my nexus 6p. I think it's pretty nice.
I cannot deliver on this, but here's a picture of something else.
Hairiest pussy I've ever saw, neat!
Gross nig nog pussy. Way to be a real faggot op. Cucklife.
iPhone SE
Photo resized to 80% because the file was too large
One more without resizing
Location giveaway
Moto g 2013
My phone cam pics are >4MB so I can't upload, latest gen moto g.
S3 mini.
Both are stock camera app. Second one post processed
Nexus 6p
That your home? Depressing bro
Nexus 6P
Redmi Note 3 Pro (HDR and compressed because original filesize 10.4 MB)
Nexus 6P again
Nexus 6P just two more
Nexus 6P last one
u jelly?
Not that guy, but how is that depressing? It looks like a nice place.
Redmi 3 pro. Never turn HDR off, photos look like shit without it
why do you eat shit?
But I don't :')
It's italian suburbs
Huawei P9 comin through
nice photo and bike
Low light with Nexus 5x
My pajamas focused, moto x style it was 10 MB so i made it smaller
Here are some edited to fuck and back