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Technology #554
Why are plebs so obsessed with distros, window managers, fonts, desktops, stupid things that don't really matter?
Name ONE tv show or movie that shows the EMACS text editor
Geforce GTX 1080 TI
Why did MySpace fail/get replaced by Facebook? And why hasn't the same happened to Facebook yet...
/guts/ housefire edition, post the combined TDP of your CPU(s) and GPU(s) along with your specs
Why is this browser so buggy?
Sup Forums, I'm looking for a tablet device to take on the go just to read my huge collection of .pdf and .epub files...
What's the best gtk based DE and how does it compare with KDE?
Is an i5 4690 to weak to pair with a 1070? Thinking of moving up from my 970...
Do PSU's wear out over time and produce less power?
Haven't had to restart my computer in 3 weeks with windows 10
OK are reference cards really THAT bad?
Guys I can't fucking decide. Is Matte coating worth the $30 difference per monitor?
I tried Google but it's a no go
Tell me about your parents, Sup Forums
Getting Into Pc Gaming
I'm about to install Arch, what am I in for?
You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a Zenfone 3 Ultra
Any mini ITX fags in here?
Vulkan API
6 Terabyte hard drives
Why should I use GNU + Linux?
Summer again
I want off of AMD's wild ride
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
What are the pro and cons of Librebooting your BIOS?
Wew lad
What CPU cooler is the best cheap cooler out there?
Best file explorer ?
Use loonix
Tell me about the first time you got a Sup Forums related job
Is there any way to keep skin oil from eventually wearing down at mice? I'm not talking super gross worn down...
Github project doesn't have a README
I need to revive a 1070 thread that got archived since I'm torn between a 1070 and a 480 for wqhd...
So this is going to be my next cell phone. Am i an austic?
Sup Forums humour thread
Which was the last c# version that is not a complete botnet?
It's the year 2025. Almost everything you use today is a smart-device. You need to charge your phone, laptop, watch...
Can your browser read those fancy meme emojis? Glorious Opera yes
Can an algorithm be racist?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What the fuck am I supposed to use to block ads on sites like Porn Hub...
Escaping the Botnet
Why do these exist?
Oh boy I sure love me some high quality AMD graphics cards
What are some of the best and unusual web browsers?
SOMEBODY, Please fucking stop me
I'm a poorfag trying to get a decent computer with decent specs
Daily Gnome 3 vs. KDE Plasma 5 thread
How to make Kali Linux more cozy?
No GApps = No Pokemon?
Do you think Steam or Debian will be able to make Linux desktop mainstream? What is the arguments for your opinion?
Acer XB271HU / general high end monitors
What keyboard do you use for your Android?
/csg/ Chink Shit General - Temp Thread
Is running a Tor relay literally the best way to protect yourself on Tor?
How often does Sup Forums upgrade their computer?
Gorshill on suicide watch
Setup tread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
This will go extinct in your lifetime thanks to Apple
Arch vs Gentoo
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I just installed my first linux distro (linux mint), any first-timer advice for linux?
Google Cardboard General
Tfw Applefags
/PTG/ Private Tracker General
Small Questions Thread
Which aftermarket GTX 1070 are you guys gonna get?
So Vivaldi is out and stable. What's your opinion on it?
Homescreen bread
Hey user, I bought a new CPU
What's the point of BSD?
Red pill him on Java Sup Forums
Install Linux
Alright Sup Forums what's your score?
Is this enough thermal paste?
What went wrong? They were a giant until very recently
"gyehehe, stahp it, Applejack, that tickles!"
Why does Europe have such shitty software developer salaries?
Nvidia 1070 low peformance?
Bad Programming Practics
What Music player/streamer does Sup Forums use?
I have a somewhat large (~5TB) pornography collection
Is it even worth it to replace mac with arch on this ?
Western Digital Shills btfo
Common core
Master Race Reporting In. Why aren't you on my level faggots?
Is this the best 1070 for overclocking with its 2x8pin connector?
"gyehehe, stahp it, Applejack, that tickles!"
100-200 Dollar Laptop Thread (Poorfag Thread)
Why is chrome such a whore? I've got a 3 tabs open and it's using 237MB of ram
Script Kiddie
What is the best chan apps for Android Sup Forums?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Why didn't you guys tell me about this? I decided building a gaming comp since everyone told me how easy it was...
Developing Android apps without Intel compatibility
Do you have a go-to brand for hard drives?
Download HEVC 10 bit encoding
PSP thread
Im going in
I bit the bullet and holy shit Sup Forums this is the best version of Windows ever
So, I want to try Linux, which one is the best?
Windows Subsystem for Linux
Who else here is Computer in bed masterrace?
Buying a pre-built desktop or building a pc?
ITT we pretend to be Android users
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Sup Forums app
What Really Caused the 480 Power Issues
Backspace in Chrome no longer works as a shortcut to go back
Passively cooled CPUs
Stupid question
Desktop pc
How the fuck do you make firefox to loop .mp4 files?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Reset iPhone 6
Phone jack wiring
Trigger Sup Forums
Ordered and payed 1 got 2
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Are functional programmers the most entitled idiots on the planet?
Database maintenance, please check back in 10 minutes
Tfw you realize CAPTCHA is just google's tool to develop maps
Can Sup Forums improve my build?
Go to a conference
Is there any reason to browse Sup Forums apart from doing it for the (You)s?
Tfw you fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
Sup Forumstells me to use naked browser for privacy
Case or CPU
Playing around in vim
Tfw my phone is still in Hong Kong
At what age did you grow out of Anime Sup Forums?
Together we build a budgeting gaming PC
Has Sup Forums accepted the best in cell service yet?
How does one go about returning a lost iPhone...
Why does Sup Forums laugh at python?
Ask someone who has worked at Google for 8 years anything
Speccy thread? Lenovo G50-45 laptop
Should I upgrade to Windows 10
Maki's pussy!
So which one are you planning on getting? Thinking the Nitro or the Strix myself
Which DE should I choose?
So I'm dropping Google and all Google products
Are audio cards a gimmick?
I need help I can't remove this goddamn graphics card. The switch doesn't go up or down. It's locked in...
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Sup Forums pol needs your help
Hi g
Sup Forums will discuss this
/spg/ - Smartphone General
8 pins fix everything
Will HPE (formerly HP) ever open-source HP-UX?
I just bought a 1080 FE for my new pc build. How fucked am I?
ITT: Buyer's remorse
Tfw paying $80 a month for 200 mbps plus mandatory Modem rental
Try out Deluge
So the Dallas shooter was 'expired' by a bomb armed robot. Is this technology the future of policing?
Paypal Alternatives
Speeding Up My Fucking PC
MacOS Sierra
Tfw Sup Forums is been ruined by general threads
EGPU General
Am I paranoid for not wanting to use my phones fingerprint scanner?
Apollo 11 source code released on github
/gay/ daily cock sucking thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How do windows users uninstall apps if they have no uninstaller?
I'm 26 and never had a job...
Western Digital
Why don't you own a nexus phone user?
What's that cable
Hi Sup Forums
What went wrong with Phonebloks?
Can any of you code monkeys make this shorter?
Tfw you fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
Small Questions Thread
RX 490 is a bi GPU
Lets do some Java!
Question about 60 frames per second
Do you approve of the move to flat UI design schemes?
Who here Android + Mac?
Lumia 550
Gsync and Freesync requiring specific monitors is awful...
Things to do with old IDE HDD?
Just bought a 5 fan laptop cooling pad. Did I fall for it?
Google Alternatives Thread
Is the obsession over ESD the biggest meme or what?
Pro/gramming Challenge
Sticker thread
Why was Vista so bad?
What's the most ergonomic way of typing, Sup Forums?
GPU autism?
Hello fellow keyboard warriors
What's Sup Forumss favorite website other than 4Chins?
Graphics Card
Is this a joke?
These are all ideas that WILL be stolen by future linux distros (if they haven't already)
Megaupload return
Daily reminder if you
So I was summoned as a witness by the police...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/wt/ watch thread
GNU uses non-free CSS on their website
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
After market versions when
Facebook Messenger adding E2E encryptions
AMD RX 490X when?
Speccy thread: storage edition
When, Sup Forums?
Why doesn't anyone create a FOSS alternative to Photoshop?
I have a $50 amazon gift card. Whats the coolest tech related item i can get for around that price...
Memes you're glad you NEVER fell for
/bst/ Battlestation Thread
Why aren't our CPUs at 100% usage all of the time? For example, 100% usage caused by checking for interrupts...
Unrelated I'm almost impressed that it's this fucking easy
What are some recommended apps for an iPad Pro?
If hillary clinton can set up her own email server why am I not allowed to by my ISP?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Chat app
GTK Themes
Fell for the 64GB ram meme
What is the best media player? I currently have pic related, but I want something better
Win 10
Apple fags in the suicide watch
Anyone fall for this meme? They say sitting is the smoking of our generation...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Be me
Why is it acceptable for a company that practically controls access to all the information on the internet to make...
I'm not attracted by video games anymore...
ITT: Worst Sup Forums meme you fell for
Google will release its own smartphone this year
Let's rank programming languages by good vs evil and lawful vs chaotic! Here's my ranking:
Ayo Sup Forums, what's in the box?
Post your god-tier calculators
Compares it with gtx 960 which is already shit
Do you seed/share torrents?
Newfag here. I've recently been enlightened by Sup Forums and have decided to switch from VLC to another media player
Sup Forums, I want to get rid of the botnet, of windows 10, I want to feel the freedom for the first time...
RX 480 / 1060
Sup Forums I'm trying to find a simple Laptop Stand that I can slide a mechanical keyboard and hands under because I...
IOS on iPad Pro 9.7 inch :^)
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why don't you have a gaming laptop Sup Forums?
Sup Sup Forums
What does Sup Forums do for living?
Which one do I buy?
Hello, Sup Forums. I come here with issues related with Google Chrome that appeared around 3 days ago...
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
VLC is shit they said
Sup Forums whats the best value for money VPN?
Comfy thread?
Thinkpad T420 y/n
Windowfags will never get such beautiful mail client
Youngfag here(over 18) who didn't get into computers until late in my life
How do you coordinate your social media accounts?
Shopping List
Homescreen rate thread
Thank you base pcper you might biased as hell but at least you actually did it right this time
GTX 1060
What's your opinion on Edge?
Hey Sup Forums I made a build for my friend for his first gaming pc...
What is Sup Forumss opinion of Apple's MacBook?
ThinkPad Quality
How stupid would it be to buy a reference 480 and mod the reference cooler for better cooling?
New Linux Font Rendering
Best thing to use other than Google? I want to completely get off all their servers/browsers
Beaten by Nvidia in the high end
What shell does Sup Forums use?
Small Questions Thread
Mfw I have two smartphones
You bought a 980
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What could you do with this bad boy?
Post your favourite handgun and a keyboard (or some other piece of technology)
Louis giving Apple the hammering they deserve
Moot is at it again
Will systems programming ever use something else in our lifetime?
Project is hosted on Sourceforge
Can Sup Forums help me get a functioning GUI on my Raspberry Pi running FreeBSD?
ITT: retarded products
Linux for the end user if a piece of shit
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
A shop in my country is selling this GeForce video card (GTX 980Ti) under the brand "Gigabyte"...
Coolest thing I can buy on Amazon for $25 or under?
Tfw you fell for the RX480 meme
1995 was 31 years ago
No control at all over updates in windows 10
What are some good apps worth downloading from F-droid Sup Forums?
What are some programs that are comfy to you?
Why does anyone with a 3 year old Android phone need a new one?
Windows 10
Is it just me, or is Ubuntu 16.04 buggy as fuck...
RX 480 pci-e was fixed in 16.7.1 drivers and gained %4 average performance boost in games...
Redpill me on "why my privacy is important"
Your favorite programming language
7zip vs Winrar vs Winzip
Is this series even worse than the 900 series? The GTX 970 of course being the worst card in recent memory...
What did they mean by this?
Plug and Play problems
VR Build
Tfw Mac will never look this good
Screencap Software
Will 1060FE be a decent buy?
Fingerprint Thread
GNU uses non-free CSS on their website
I have an idea
Why didn't you tell me how good Plasma 5.+ is? This shit is more responsive and more functional than Gnome
I use Windows 10, deal with it
Why don't you have 32GB of RAM in your laptop?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Should this board be renamed "smartphones"
Apple watch
HD 7950 Thread
Installing a program on Windows
Samsung unveils world's first UFS memory cards — the successor to microSD
Normie shit and things they do
Memes you did NOT fell for
Which ROM is your favourite?
We are making a Off-The-Grid Database
My brother's going to buy a Blackberry Passport. What could I tell him so he could changes his mind?
Why didn't AMD release any cards to compete with the 1070 and 1080?
If any1 wants a shell script that downloads everything from, let me know :^)
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
What's your fuckin smart-phone?
Has technology really advanced in the last 50 years?
Why is there so much Sup Forums shit here? Can't you faggots take it elsewhere?
Can someone give me an opinion on this build? I will mostly be playing games and maybe stream on this PC
How do we go from this
Who here waiting until Windows 10 is no longer free to update their Windows 7/8.1 OS?
How can we kill the Samsung cancer?
Wy do YOU hate your job?
Speakers or headphones?
What is a Raspberry PI usefull for?
How many fingers do you type with?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Sup Forumsutsuru
New AMD driver for Windows, Version 16.7.1
Still considering AMD
I'm developing a fantasy Sup Forums stock exchange codenamed Meme Exchange (memex) for now
Hey ^^ How are you, Sup Forums-chan?~
What's Sup Forums's favourite antivirus?
How do most websites catch ban evaders who are dead-quiet about what they're doing?
Looking to upgrade my phone a iphone 4S
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
Guess The Box
Is there any advantage to using MongoDB over postgreSQL? (or no-sql vs sql)
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Android and the future
What do you use to carry your laptop and stuff?
Why is linux better than windows?
Is Silicon Valley comfy...
Lightning Browser is the best Android browser ever made
Does Sup Forums like video cards?
What's the most convenient/cheapest way for light gaming (TF2, some other free fps and retro games)...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Floens, you said you would do a release last weekend
Speccy thread
Apple Launching Public Betas of iOS 10 and macOS Sierra Today
Get 2560x1440 display
Is this the worst video card of all time?
Are '''''''gaming''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''laptops''''''''''''''''''''''' still a meme nowadays?
How do you do, fellow students?
Anyone here interested in anonymous IRC and AnonIRCd servers...
Time to buy new phone
Lets see those trays, nerds!
Can someone explain what exactly is Vulkan? At first...
Can I safely assume that everyone in my school using a T420 is actually from Sup Forums?
So a more expensive (custom ones will NOT cost 249), a bit faster card then the RX 480 with less energy comsumption...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What did Steve Jobs do?
Fell for the computer science meme
Hi Sup Forums...
Fuck the GTX 1080 and RX 480
Burner phones
MicroSD officially deprecated
Posting the best Antivirus
Linux is better than Windows
Laptop not working after vaccuming
ITT: Obsolete Tech You Refuse To Let Go
So is this shit a meme or an actually good phone?
GTX 1060 6GB $249 Comes Out July 19th
I wanna learn hacking
Lets write a program
Seriously, what the fuck. I had issues with Microsoft before, but this just reached a new fucking level
ITT: name the things that Apple got right
My Galaxy S4 is running Android 4.3, but to my understanding it's supposed to be able to run newer versions then that
Is this guy unironically worshipped as tech Jesus or is he a meme? I just don't get it
Sup Forums humour thread?
Uni freshman here, taking CS 101
HD 7950
Help Sup Forums how do i unblock Sup Forums?
What exactly is going on here? Does it use a connector extension, or is this a shopped card?
Why do people say OSX is restrictive?
Is Adaway the best way to block ads on Android?
Okay Sup Forums, long time lurker here, finally getting the balls to switch over to Linux, and get off of Google Chrome...
Has anyone had any experience with these Silverstone mini-itx cases. Are they too loud, too hot...
Does the brain have a kernel?
Image sorting/tagging program
Pale Moon
Welcome to /fht/ - Friendly Hackintosh Thread
GNUzilla and Icecat
Have you guys ever been to an internet/gaming cafe?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Honestly Sup Forums why aren't you using opera? it's based on chromium, little botnet...
Post all the wrongs of Android
Let's try this again. Write a C++ program, one line per post
A new proto-meme for your consideration
Apple gets a lot of hate here but you have to admit the mac pro was an excellent design when it was announced in 2013
Are they worth it?
Small Questions Thread
The rx480 meme
R7 260x
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Help bro's
Bankrupt before 2017
The feud between the creator of PCLinuxOS and Distrowatch continues
Fucking up at tech job
The police killed Murdock
ITT: Your PCs Uptime
What are some must-have apps for Android? And I mean anything: browser, messaging app, etc
Tech Iliteracy
How do I use tor without getting b& from my beloved Sup Forums?
Apple hate thread
Battlestation thread
/fig/ - Friendly iOS General
How long does it take to upgrade to Windows 10?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Sup Forums
Jesus Christ I fell for the LaTex meme. I fell for it hard
My XFX r9 390 that I bought less than a year ago is getting to 52C on idle. What the fuck is going on?
Post a picture of what you're doing rn
The Podcast Thread
So, I got bored and downloaded the old hacked myspace user/pw table
/bst/ Battlestation Thread
You have 25 seconds to give a reason why someone who isn't a criminal or suffer from a serious mental disease would...
Fingerprinting Thread
Mfw bought rx480 on launch
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Portable Music Player
How fast is your hard drive?
Are gaming chairs a meme? What chairs do you guys use?
Is C written in C?
Story time
Unpopular opnion: windows 8.1 is the best version of winshit
What will make you say"technology has gone too far"?
/wt/ watch thread
CentOS or Debian or Funtoo
Why aren't you manchildren using the greatest operation system of all time?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Anybody have any shell scripts they made that you wanna show? Post em'
If I want to speed up my compile time (suppose large C++ projects in Visual Studio)...
Around 2 months ago, my S7 screen cracked. Got it replaced. Today was the first time I submerged it in water and
How bad did I fuck up?
Make my Computer Great Again
Post your smartphone home screen. Add a lock screen if you will
Dat buetiful looking Unity 8
I hate this industry
Who did it Sup Forums?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
HummingBad malware said to have infected 85M Android devices, be generating $4M/year
Where is my $379 GTX 1070
Thank You for Using Adblock
Hey guys. Building a budget gaming PC. These parts look good to you?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why are iPhones such huge pieces of usable shit?
When you tell Pajeet to go poo in loo but you forget you're not on Sup Forums
Jobs thread
What's with antivirus software and edgy user interfaces?
Anyone using Sierra beta 2? is it usable? I don't feel like wasting my time if it barely works
How do random numbers work?
RMS thread. Post RMS
By optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness...
Tell me your scary technology stories, Sup Forums
Does redshift/flux/CM Lumen help you sleep better?
What's your favorite linux distro?
Ok g/ im learning to solder and last week i got a cheap soldering kit to get gud at it
Camera still protrudes
How small of a filesize can you get an image?
Even though this is technically a game I feel it belongs here more than on Sup Forums
Just built my first computer, installed graphics card drivers but I can't play, for some reason...
There is an entire board dedicated to a single video game franchise
Are there any good AMD CPU's?
CD/DVD burner
Want to order pizza online
Is eatadick6969! a safe password?
100$ build edition
Sup Forums I need help ASAP
ITT: Linux mint fags - MATE, Cinnamon or KDE
Is this the worst video card of all time?
Stallman BTFO
Geekbench thread
Hi codelords of Sup Forums, i am an agriculture professional, i'm an agronomist...
Sup Forumsuts
What kind of trick do you use to hold your mouse's cord. I got my cable around a clock...
If you don't have social media like Facebook...
So Sup Forums
Why do we still mount graphics cards directly to motherboards?
He doesn't have a S7 Active
mfw "This web site needs Internet Explorer. This website uses technology optimally supported in Internet Explorer"
Literally why
Hyper loop
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What browser should I use?
How much do you work, Sup Forums?
Tfw just installed ubuntu on my mac using parralels
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Hi Sup Forums I'm about to purchase a GPU. I'm torn between a 780ti and a 970
/netsec/ - Net Sec General
SLI 280x or 1070/1080
Post and rate
Bayesian is a technology, right?
/hst/ - Home server thread!
This site requires javascript and cookies. please consider updating your browser
1080/70 display port fucked for VR
What's your music player, Sup Forums? Is there anything superior to foobar yet?
Can't understand why people still buying and using this shit
Want to switch to Linux
"Advance Fee Fraud" "419 fraud" "Nigerien Prince Scams"
Android Apps
He doesn't have a sword crafted from ram and processors
1: Based on data running ’Total War: Warhammer’, ultra settings, 1080p resolution. Radeon Software 16.6.2 74...
/sqt/ – Small Questions Thread
Why don't you like functional programming?
What are your thoughts on Brave browser?
You will never type with her
How do you imagine the future of the internet?
YooCare and Ransomware
Explain to me why 144p exists on YouTube...
Encrypt your home folder or encrypt the whole system?
Nvidiots on year long suicide watch
For maybe 3% better performance:
Vaping General
What extensions are you guys currently using?
Reddit supports emojis
What should I do?
But first, surrender full control of your phone to us
How come no one talks about this? windows 10 is riddled with redundant remnants of previous operating systems
Speccy Thread
Sup Forums told me this mouse was good
Remote Desktop vs. KVM switch
Install deb7 on old laptop
How does Sup Forums protect there data
Guess the card
Post up your collection of mods, addons, extensions, whatever...
¿The best Sup Forums browser for android?
Is it possible to fully de-botnet Windows 10? I only need it for DX12 support
Post those Desktops pt.2
Why not just get the Nitro RX 480? The pci express issue is gone, the card performs perfectly well for 1080p 60fps
Radio thread
Sup Forums humor thread
I'm building an electric longboard. what is a good clickbait video title?
Penetration test. Try me, fuckers
/csg/ Chink Shit General
HELP! (Please)
Wtf I hate google now
You failed us, Sup Forums + Unique Distros Thread
What am I in for?
/bst/ battlestation thread
Got rid of cell phone
Rehauling Phone
Which is better if I just want to dual boot it with windows to tinker with in my spare time?
ITT: Pieces of Shit
He fell for the "don't use 'goto' meme"
NASA prefers MacBooks over Thinkcraps
Need monitor
Pick your poison
Fukken dropped
Why is it so shit? Will it ever get good again? I hate having to use chrome...
Is 4K OLED the endgame for TVs?
Well Sup Forums it's here. The s7 edge FINALLY got root. Anyone here gonna join me and do it...
Sticker thread
Single Board General
Purchases you regret?
Been thinking of getting a 1070 to replace my 390 but ran into this
Quick Sup Forums
Poverty/shitstation thread
Tfw you fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
Best Anti-Virus Software
/nsg/ - netsec general
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Don't just stand there, get to work!
Should I go study Computer Science, Software Engineering or Electrical Engineering?
/fucko/ General Thread v0.7.6
DDOS pls
Uptime thread?
Small Questions Thread
Sup Forums here
GNU/Linux and Macos will never look this good
What went wrong Sup Forums
It's R9 380 vs GTX 960 all over again
/ptg/ Private Tracker General
How can Linux possibly be the best operating system if it's fucking shit and Windows is far simpler to use and...
How is this better than the existing mobile site?
I don't really understand S.M.A.R.T. values that well. How much more life do you think I can get out of this?
Quitting Sup Forums
Extreme poorfag here, what's the best (used) laptop I could buy for $50 or less? Just need it for writing essays...
Broken CRT Issue
/IG/ - Integrated General
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
Finally decided to join Linux master race full time
How do we stop webdevs and brogrammers?
I know that tor is awesome but wich os is the most secured?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
How to create a botnet?
Ultrawide = meme?
Is this the worst video card of all time?
Is there a flashlight app for Android that doesn't destroy battery life?
Sup Forumsuts, /guts/
A South Korean Copy of Snapchat Takes Off in Asia
What is the Fastest applications program in Windows 7 Intel i5 PC?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
ANY linux distro will never be able to play a wide range of PC video games affordably without shelling out extra cash...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
1080ti - August 17th - Up To 16 GB HBM2, 50% Performance Improvement Over GTX 1080
Something to do ! FUCK !
What is the Linux equivalent to BonziBuddy?
IPhone SE Thread!
Why are these the most comfortable ear buds?
"Download RAM" has been memed into reality
Need advice for new android tablet with PLASTIC case material
Hello Sup Forums, I am a scientist and today I am in a science development from Shenzen...
Used aircrack-ng to break into my neighbors wifi. I have a 2M connection now which I can use for torrenting shit
How well should you know a language to put it on your CV?
/cmg/ - computer mouse generel
"Pajeet", "Designated Shitting Streets" and "Use a fucking toilet" posting is racist and belongs to >>>Sup Forums...
What do you mean, I can't draw that much power from the motherboard?
Which is the best aftermarket GTX 1070?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Future Career
Can anyone who's familiar with facetime comfirm if this number was connected or missed. it's highlghted in red...
Ok Sup Forums I have too much empty space on the walls of my home office. I'd like something funny...
Post those Desktops
Thinkpads are a meme
Windows 7
Asus T100
Find perfect laptop for gaming at decent price
Why wont Intel step up their game in the gpu market? There's only two other competitors
Guys I need your help...
/wt/ - Watch Thread
OK, I'll make this quick. I'm an idiot and dropped my OnePlus One. Screen is broken and is completely black...
As a birthday present my father bought me a bought winrar version
Password Manager
Which one is zero
1070 or 480?
Post your face when it turned out most neuroimaging research results from the past two decades belong in the fucking...
Why do people still fall for the more than 8GB meme?
There is something worse than ads on Android app?
Wtf, images have malware now?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
An Hero?
Why would you buy a gtx1070 over the 980ti?
What distro is the best for hacking?
I was editing a video of me and my family having fun on the 4th of July and now you what my data. You monsters
ITT: Write correct algorithms with comically bad in as few lines of code as possible
Summerfa/g/s Cup 2016
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Well, fuck. Just dropped my OnePlus One and it is pretty fucked. Looks like I'll probably need a new phone...
Certain arrangements of 1s and 0s are illegal
/ssd/ - SSD General
Apparently they shitpost about GPUs in worst Korea, too
What is it about autism that makes people refuse to move on from the past?
Speedtest/Pingtest thread
1070 Palit Super Jetstream or Gigabyte G1 980 Ti
Y-yes fbi sir i really dont remember the password used for encryption ^^
Post your SSD and HDD speeds and what type they are
Old Computer
Small Questions Thread
Please may I have a photo of the Sup Forums server? Thanks
Is there anything more cancerous in tech than WASDfags?
Post inspirational people
These good specs for a gaming laptop?
AMD is the RC Cola of computers
Kernel Development Thread
I hate this shitty board so much...
Who here is in the >16GB ram club?
He bought a $600 dollar phone to call, text and browse the internet on
No simple solution for quickly switching between two operating systems in a dual-boot setup without losing your session
I'm working on a project and need to find someone to help code the parts that I don't know how to do...
Fizzbuzz thread. In the language of your choice write a program that prints "fizz" for multiples of 3...
What's a good antivirus after common sense 2016? Malwarebytes is no longer free
Windows isos and codes
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
He doesn't use Bing Rewards
/fag/ - Friendly Apple General
Sticky notes software ?
Phone camera rate
Lian Li cases
Poorfag here. Does anyone know when the RX460 will be released...
What is the best Laptop cooling solution?
How did AMD get 62fps when review sites couldn't even break 60fps?
Screenfetch Thread
Who made Fraps?
Do you turn your computer off every night so it can rest?
GTX 1060 vs RX 480 thread
What encryption tool are you using?
Why is AMD so incompetent?
New homescreen thread. Last one just 404d
Undervolting the 480 to make it PCIe compliant improves performance
Water pitchers
Macos or Windows will never look this good
Let's write a Java program, one user per one line
"Sir, I don't see Windows or Apple on your laptop device, just this Arch app. Is this some kind of security software...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Inxi -F thread
All right Sup Forumsentoomen you keep saying the raspberry pi is a meme so put your money where your mouth is and lets...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What overkill specs on smartphones are we going to see during these upcoming spec-competition years?
Sup Sup Forums, im working in PC service, stacionary, in crowded area, i make some photos of PC's that came by...
/asm/ - Assembly Language General
How are you sitting in front of the PC?
True black iPhone 7
This shit drains too much battery. What are some lightweight music players for Android?
Herman Miller Aeron
Why are you still using outdated technology?
Fingerprinting thread
So my grandma is being terrorized by some faggots in her commieblock. Every few nights, they keep ringing the doorbell...
When did you realize that free software really is the last hope?
How is this allowed in 2016?
Show me your music player, Sup Forums
For those who have used both android and iOS
Sup Forums approved image viewers
NASA scientists and engineers use Ubuntu
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Alright guys! Fizzbuzz time
Predictions for the future of technology
What's the best mp3 player?
I might get banned for posting this here but it's the fastest place where I'll get any help
Please help Sup Forums. I come from /fa/ so I don't know what's going on
Jobs Thread
Post CS memes
Xbox Thread
What old school tech thing do you miss the most Sup Forums?
Gtx970 vs rx480. what to buy
I really wanna have better image quality when I watch my anime but MPV is just too complicated for me...wat do
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...