Certain arrangements of 1s and 0s are illegal

>certain arrangements of 1s and 0s are illegal

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=animal rape

>certain arrangements of molecules are illegal
really makes u think

>certain arrangements of my dick and your mum is frowned upon

>certain things are legal

it really doesn't take much to realize law is bull

>certain arrangements of 1s and 0s are worth billions of dollars

>law is bull

>certain arrangements of letters are seen as shitposting

>using certain images in your post can render your arguments useless

>what is an overflow?
Go to bed, kid.

>certain skin colors are better than the others

>/dev/urandom will someday generate a complete CP image
>worse yet, it may have happened and no one noticed

>library of Babel all over again

>certain arrangements of 1s and 0s are patented
>certain arrangements of 1s and 0s are art
don't know what's worse

>certain arrangements of atoms are illegal

>don't know what's worse
The former, obviously.
Software programming can be an art, as in can be looked at and admired on how good its readability is.
Patents are only hindering progression.


dont think he meant software with art, more like digital drawings

>Being a paedophile

>Implying that's the only illegal thing in existence

>Being a bigot

>In some countries a drawing of a naked kid is illegal
>a drawing

>Being a paedophile
Might as well just hang yourself now.

How's it any different than any of the other 'sick' fetishes out there?

>recording certain things is illegal

Well shit.

It's more natural than anal. So this makes sense.

This thread?

Because it's abusive.

Well, comparing it to animals; at least they can understand sex and consent.
Comparing it to rape; its almost as bad, but fucking children is worse because they've not got the intellect to understand what's going on properly.
At least adults can either learn to cope, kill themselves or whatever about rape.

So is rape. What's your point?

If anal is so unnatural then why do you moan in pleasure as my cock effortlessly slides in and out of you every night?

You should hang yourself if you're a rapist too.

>Average animal has a better ability to consent than an underaged human bean.


You can hang yourself with my dick.

>child molester

pick one.

It is not, all of them should be prosecuted

>animals can understand consent

What the fuck LOL

But they can. Are you too retarded to understand behaviour?

Those two things aren't exclusive, so I'll pick two.

>animals understand sex and consent

What do you think happens in mate selection? The female will consent to sex or otherwise they will reject the potential partner.

pi should be illegal

it's possible that the symmetric session keys used in your Sup Forums connections combine to create a CP image

with your powers combined, I am...

Animals usually just rape each other dude

That's just instinct. Human children understand the act way better than any animal could

>he honestly belives this crap
dude, look at yourself


Kek, watching half an hour of national geographic doesn't make you a biologist dummy

Who are you quoting?


youtube.com/results?search_query=animal rape

lern to greentext newfag
meme arrows are used for more than quoting

meme arrows? greentext? that makes no sense! Quoting is for quoting!


Solid evidence m8

also, I realize ur a troll
good luck with life m8

What are your qualifications? 45 mintues?

Convert to rgb and enjoy ;^)

At least an hour. The difference is, I dont make ridiculous claims about all animals' sexual behaviour.


>gets called out on retardation

troll confirmed

>it's possible that you've stumbled across certain illegal 1s and 0s without your knowledge and they sit in your cache or temp folder
>this happens to everybody
>it's actually possible to get in trouble because of it
remember to delete temporary files!

I'm afraid to do it

Its not certain arrangements of 1s and 0s are illegal, its certain arrangements of 1s and 0s that are a result of or cause of injury is illegal.

Sup Forums pls go

Sup Forums pls go

how to

horsefucker pls

to be frank, if the dog is trying to stick it's dong in you, is it the on being raped?

>not named the Fedora Olympics

>certain shapes in ms paint are anti-semetic

Shhhh. The world doesn't need to know.

i don't even know how

>spelling pedophile like an idiot

Sup Forums is such a shit board I swear

What if we could simply copy these 1s and 0s and use it ourselves?

Because you hear what you want to hear in the basement of your moms house.

I came here to post this and invalidate your logic

You guys don't understand. Numbers don't actually exist, they're nothing more than abstractions, ideas. Outlawing an arrangement of something that doesn't exist is meaningless, you're essentially complaining about nothing. Get over it.

Lmao, senpai. Animals basically rape each other, only humans invented the concept of consensual rape and when rape is consensual it's called 'sex'.


It's pædophile, you uneducated scum.



>certain arrangements of 1s and 0s resulted in my penis arranging itself inside a vagina

Control the code, control the world.
