Finally decided to join Linux master race full time.
What distro would Sup Forums get?
Finally decided to join Linux master race full time.
What distro would Sup Forums get?
Other urls found in this thread:
xubuntu i quite comfy
I found xubuntu to be shit. Mint was the most pleasant to use.
Depends on what you want.
If you want a just works or gaming experience id go with a flavour of Ubuntu (search youtube or google images to decide which one)
If you want an os to mess around with and configure as you'd like try arch or gentoo.
>What distro would Sup Forums get?
Sup Forumsentoo of course
>What is your current operating system?
>What are you doing on your computer (Office Work/Internet Browsing/Programming/etc)?
>Why do you want to switch?
>Do you want to invest time building it or you want it already functional?
If not completely new: fedora
The correct answer is cinnamon mint.
>Windows 7
>Disconnect from botnet
>Doesn't matter
I used to use Ubuntu, switched to Debian stable a while back. Haven't had a crash since, just had to fix a settings for computer beeps.
The benefits you'll get from programming on GNU/Linux will make it worthwhile.
What are your thoughts on Mint's limited security updates?
getting tired of this meme
youve obviously never done any work on windows, or sucked ms' cock and didnt think to do things like slapping a decent terminal onto it instead of shitty cmd, convinced ms' way is the only way
Well if you are reading for the big learning curve you can go for Arch or Gentoo.
You will be partitioning and installing your operating system in text mode.
I personally wouldn't recommend this for beginners.
If you want something more similar to the Windows experience try Linux Mint Cinnamon.
Try to get yourself familiar with the terminal because you will be using it a lot in Linux
If completely new, Fedora or Ubuntu or other Ubuntu derivative.
If pretty new, Debian.
If pretty new plus you want to be cool among the neckbeards on Sup Forums plus you don't care about quality, Arch.
If mentally retarded, Manjaro / other shitty Arch derivative.
If Nazi, ApartheidOS.
If faggot, Hannah Montana Linux.
If not new and want proven stability and/or free software meme, Debian.
If not new and want to be part of meme that may turn out to be good, Void.
If not new and want to use distro that is technically a meme but is actually pretty good, Gentoo with git tree instead of the default rsync one.
If the Windows method of package downloading (finding shit on sketchy websites without a package manager) is enjoyed, slackware (is actually a good distro though).
If potato computer and/or you masturbate to the beauty that is pkgsrc because autism, NetBSD.
If cryptofag, OpenBSD.
If edgy hipster plus want decent desktop OS, FreeBSD.
If using a BSD nobody uses is desirable, DragonflyBSD.
If me, Debian minimal laptop with meme tiling wm + slackware server + FreeBSD server + Gentoo desktop with meme tiling wm aesthetically identical to laptop.
>Ctrl + f "Mageia"
>zero matches
Shame on you all
Opensuse for life
Nothing feels like programming unless it's UNIX.
>Install Oracle VirtualBox
>Try all distros till you find the one you like the most
>Install preferred iso to hard drive
Debian Testing or Stable
I found Stable outdated and Unstable... too much unstable
kys macfag
>What distro would Sup Forums get?
Puppy Linux
Le ECKS DEE haha newfag BTFO top kek!!
Source on your drivel
I forgot to say that LFS is dank and you should try it. It takes a little while to set up (thus why I'm not running it rn) but it's really something beautiful and it's worth it. I'm just lazy and I've been meaning to get it going on the Gentoo desktop, which is pretty new.
Slackware and Crux are pretty cool
You're saying Debian Testing is more stable than Debian Stable?
Almost EVERYTHING released to GNU/Linux supports in some way Debian. Debian also has the meme: so old it is stable.
But since it is so stable, none new software is on it (even the new hardware support).
So you go for Ubuntu. Ubuntu is Debian based -> runs everything as Debian does. But it has repos WITH NEW software, newer kernels and much more guides (still guides for deb will work on ubuntu too in like 90%).
But Ubuntu has become a bit of evil + it's experiments of DE made a lot of people ragequit myself included.
So you go for Mint. It is tweaked Ubuntu in green color. Some parts of it are pretty good which you can't get in Ubuntu easily. I am on it for 6 years now and it just works like win fanboys claim. Just don't try to play games on it. We have double boot for it. If you feel dangerous and fancy pick Cinamon edition. If you feel like having win Xp feel, pick Mate.
Linux Mint or don't come back later crying.
Not OP but I appreciate your responses. I just got a C201 Chromebook and I'm gonna try to figure out coreboot/libreboot and install a distro. I've been leaning towards Debian lately and you've pretty much solidified my decision.
I just started using linux and so far I've tried ubuntu (didn't like it much - unity is shit), debian (meh), Mint (not bad), and manjaro. Right now I'm starting to get comfy in manjaro cinnamon, but I'm not sure why. Is there any reason to use it over mint? Am I being memed by manjaro?
Can anyone reccomend a distro that is beginner friendly, but doesn't hold my hand too much while I get used to using the CLI, etc.
They capitalized Unstable, to refer to the Debian Unstable rolling release. They were saying Debian Unstable is unstable
> I want freedom from Apple and Microsoft
> I want freedom from having to think for myself and choose a distro
Debian Testing has newer software than Ubuntu releases typically do
Void Linux
Yeah, despite all the hate it gets from Archfags, Debian really is a good distro. And this is coming from somebody who more often leans toward kek/10 source-based rolling release cancer.
It's just really stable, it works, and every program ever is always packaged for Debian, even if it isn't in the "hur dur muh AUR", because Debian and it's descendants are pretty old and really widely used.
Plus (if you're the type of faggot who cares about this kind of thing [but if you were leaning toward Debian I'm going to assume not]), a bare Debian minimal net install without a DE is just as minimal as an Arch install, and it offers just as much customisability, seeing as how the only part of the Arch install handbook that offers any opportunity for variation is the partitioning step, and the easy Debian installer gives as much customisability as parted/fdisk but with less hassle.
Otherwise, GNOME (or one the other DEs you can get with Debian) is great if you like it, and DEs seriously do offer a pretty cool seamless experience beyond what you get with something like Windows.
Holy shit this reply was long. I'm just going to add that Debian's logo is sexy and doesn't make me cringe like Arch's does nowadays since it was ruined.
Just go for Fedora.
Me again to add a little thingy. The only thing I don't like about it is systemd, but I guess it's good to keep up with modern technology because honestly someday soon there's going to be no way to escape it. I shitpost daily about how systemd is bad news, but it's unavoidable.
We made eudev to escape systemd-infected udev, but someday, not too long from now, when every program is made to work solely for systemd, we're going to end up with a whole bunch of forks of systemd-infected projects and none of them will be able to keep up with the main branch systemd ones, and they'll be full of holes and broken and insecure and buggy as fuck, and then those will just rot. I am relishing these last years of sysv and openrc and runit etc.
Pic related: me when aforementioned day comes.
Stick with Manjaro but ditch Cinnamon and go with the default environment. It's literally the best distro out today.
Ah, thanks. First time I've heard of it.
God damn you got informative.
I'm about to read up on what exactly systemd is and how it compares to the alternative(s). Is there somewhere I can find a solid explanation for so many people being against it?
This is The second thread I've seen today which is an exactly repost with the exact same fucking first posts too.
just update sid once a week = testing
apt install apt-listbugs
does not refer to frequency of crashes
debian is the only linux distro. no other distro matters at all except maybe gentoo. they're all just linux
yes very good job it's a troll thread. well done. you probably didn't consider the popularity of the question "what distro should I use?" among neckbeards
These threads happen multiple times pretty much every day.
Hide/ignore if it bothers you. I like scrolling through them for info & debate.
debian has a big commitment to free software if you want to be very anti-botnet,
if you're a paranoid schizophrenic, i'd recommend gentoo. be sure to examine every last line of the source before installing!
If you're doing a chromebook, look into galliumOS.
there's a lot of potential problems with it, but you will likely not ever run into a problem with it
Manjaro is nice.
Go for any Ubuntu type thing for your first time. Right now I would recommend Kubuntu, older machine xubuntu. Ubuntu base is solid too I had a friend think it was macOS lol dum grills.
How do I download this? Their SSL certificate expired again and I don't want to travel back in time.
I tried Debian, Fedora, Mint and Ubuntu.
I liked Mint the most, because it's pretty easy to get things done, looks neat (cinammon has the best design IMHO) and isn't as anal as ubuntu when it comes to codecs and proprietary stuff.
Windows the fastest growing server OS.
>If mentally retarded, Manjaro
Manjaro is pretty good though
It's Arch but more memic.
Just looked up ApartheidOS and it turns out the last revision is named after a kike.
Is there any real OS for racially aware individuals?
Sup Forums needs to stop with the linux meme, by using linux you cut yourself off from 90% of software all in the name of "privacy" and "free software" while you post on Sup Forums the google botnet and play nonfree video games.
just stop.
Based on the threads in the Sup Forums catalog I don't think they are missing out on much by switching.
>"B-but gaming"
That's Sup Forums's thing. Most of the Sup Forums fags that still care about AAA pre-ordered games, dual-boot.
Most of the users on Sup Forums are rice-babies with their main concern being: ricing out their desktops, phones, and battlestation. Most don't do anything productive enough that they'd care about losing software when switching to Linux.
This is true.
please choke on your shekels
.003 rupees have been deposited in your designated shilling account, Rajesh.
Should I install one of these on my Macbook?
It's not my main computer and I want to do it mainly for the same reasons as
I would say. Don't remove OS X entirely though 'cos Linux isn't always for everybody
Mint hijacks Firefox's search engine. At least it did a few years ago. Heads up.
And as a general rule, run an OS with an actual security team and newsletter.