Why does anyone with a 3 year old Android phone need a new one?
I dare any of you to convince me otherwise
Why does anyone with a 3 year old Android phone need a new one?
I dare any of you to convince me otherwise
That's how I felt With my g2 but then the software update cucked it. I have g5 now
Why does anyone needs to buy new technology? Probably because its a little faster, has some new features, looks better, its smoother, etc
Im an Android developer and fucking hate KitKat
Battery and memory.
My Moto G now barely lasts half a day and apps usually crash because fuck you, no matter if you changed roms/factory reset.
Virtual reality. Falling behind in android updates and getting cucked out of Nougat.
Not having the latest hardware, screen, and other shit.
If you don't have a contract that allows for a cheap upgrade to new models you need to git gud
Maybe because they're not a poorfag like you?
I would say the one drawback for Android with me is how updates can fuck over the phone. After being really happy with my Note 4 only for its battery life and performance to be destroyed by the lollipop update I gave the iphone a try with the 6s plus. Unlike my android phones, the iphones battery and performance stayed consistent with updates.
Thing is I still like Android better, and plan to sell this fucking thing when the next line of Nexus phones launch.
For those wondering, I literally tried everything to uncuck whatever the fuck lollipop did to my Note 4 before selling it.
Starting to have the same issues, battery is fine for the most part on mine, I still don't have to worry about it dying on me, but Maps crashes 50% of the time, and trying to stream music when using map navigation is nearly impossible now.
Phone VR is meme shit and spherical video. Actually impressive VR that isn't a gimmick requires a high-end dedicated GPU from next year.