which was the last c# version that is not a complete botnet?
Which was the last c# version that is not a complete botnet?
.NET Core
good for console apps, but no UI yet
> Programing language
> Botnet
Wow, when was the last time you had your tinfoil hat checked?
>which was the last c# version that is not a complete botnet
>C# botnet.
The hell bro. Is python or C botnets too? Are you memeing me?
hi kids. please try the vs2015 installer, then come back
C# != Visual Studio.
You can do C# in notepad, dumbass...
How is visual studio a botnet?
it forces you to connect to ms from time to time. otherwise won't work
vs2005 doesn't; vs2015 certainly does.
Anything past 1.2 is confirmed botnet.
What data does it send?
No, it does not. Unless you have a key that requires it.
MSDN keys for 2013 do not require any interaction with Microsoft beyond initial activation.
and what should I use instead of VS for Win32 programming? I'm paranoid now.
Use SharpDevelop
>using anything but VS for Win32 development
Sup Forums really is full of kids now
You retarded nigga?
this Also last VS I ever used and still have installed is VS2010 so I have no fucking idea what 2015 version is doing now.
But seriously bro, you don't need VS if you don't want it, you can write C# code anywhere.
yeah, i thought so. thanks pajeet
I got 2010 installed too bro, I got a free copy of 2012 and proceeded to throw it in the trash when i saw how shitty the UI was. Now apparently it's full botnet login required to use etc. Sort of sad to see MS fall so far.
>i have no idea what i'm talking about
Only children and retards use C# over C++.
I pretty sure the telemetry bug was specific to VS 2015 Updates 1/2 and C++.
AFAIK C# has never had that issue, but supposedly it's all fixed in update 3.
Besides this telemetry feature does Visual Studio do any other sketchy shit?
it adds telemetry to anything you compile in it
There are full web application and webapi templates for .net core available in vs2015.
Are you referring to application insights telemetry? I would be surprised if Microsoft is slipping in their own telemetry to phone home but would love to be proven wrong because I would think that's hilarious and would also be a huge mistake on their part.
>the telemetry bug
Fuck off, MS employee.
But it's like writing a desktop/mobile app with PHP...
I'm just repeating their claims.
I'm learning C# right now
static void Main(string[] args)
int x = 1;
while(x == 1)
string[] array = { Console.ReadLine() };
foreach(string i in array)
Console.WriteLine("Hey " + i);
Sublime Text and WIn32 API
Quincy 2005. No plugins needed, has win32 built in.
>telemetry bug
I love VS, but i lol'd at this
It CLEARLY wasn't a bug.
Visual Basic is superior. All C-inspired languages should die in a fire, I'm tired of them looking all the same. We need more BASICs and Pascals.
Clearly, but that's alright.
web UI =/= desktop UI
last version that doesnt have login shit
OP here.
Thank you guys, this is the answer I was looking for.
>pic not related. well, kind of