Sup Forums told me this mouse was good

Sup Forums told me this mouse was good

>Click buttons make a terrible spring noise just by touching them
>Scroll wheel sounds like a machine gun
>Smooth wheel mode is uncontrollable
>DPI feels like a mess

I bought it last week. Coming from a Razer Naga meme, this feels like a real mouse finally.

DPI control is really comfy also.

Sup Forums only care about the flawless sensors for gaming.

I have one and i like it. The only thing is of you leave it in the sun for a while the scroll sensor shits itself and starts scrolling down. Also the smooth scroll is meant to be fast.

I really want the G402, it's the cheaper cousin.

>Falling for Sup Forums memes

I liked the Naga Hex a lot more, still not used to playing Dota with this but I'm sure it'll come eventually.

Well, you had to learn some day. The G400s taught me my lesson.
Two points here, lad. Never trust Sup Forums and never trust Logitech. If you don't have a shitlist of liars to be extra careful with, start one. There's your first two.

Sup Forums you lied to me!

>gaming memes
you deserve it

>not using the best mouse made

I had the various Logitech Mice. Don't see why they have the cult like following. Bought pic related for $50 and never looked back.

Bought the same mouse yesterday. It's pretty based, stop being a little bitch OP.

The only complaint I have is the weight, too damn heavy

I have a G502 and regularly recommend it on Sup Forums.

I bought it before it was a meme.

It is made for people who like insane DPI, not for people who like being metaphorically comfy.

I suggest you get a trackball if you want comfy instead.

Do the buttons buzz when you lift your hand off the mouse?

Fell for the trackball meme recently, couldn’t be comfier.

>tfw i bought zowie fk2

Best mouse I've ever owned, tbqh.

I have a cheap logitech wireless mouse m280 and it has exactly the same issues. I feel bad scrolling during the night not to wake neighbours up.

I have this mouse and it's goat. No meme features like adjustable weight or anything else like that either.

I have it, it's pretty good. Only complain is sometimes I can accidentally click on the sniper button. Anyone know how I can disable that?

>paying more than 20 bucks for your gaming mouse
Wtf is wrong with you

Good, there's already mouse thread

Okay so I'm planning to get a new mouse. I can't decide between a trackball or a vert. mouse. Which would any of you recommend? I want to keep it in the $50USD range. Wireless is preferable.

I Have it too, i just reassigned it as a pause/play button to control my music

g502 any good for palm grip?

zowie fk 1 and 2 dont look it, corsair seems too small as well.

coming from a deathadder btw and honestly idgaf about brands or minuscule DPI differences as long as it feels good in my hand.

>counting only 9 buttons just from looking at the pic
>into the trash it goes

shit mane, having two buttons on the side for my thumb is challenging enough, what am I supposed to do with a bazillion buttons on a friggin mouse

don't palm grip

zowie mice are Godly for claw grip, but not much else. I'm exclusively claw grip so I'm a zowie fanboy. Based on what I hate, most logitech mice are good for palm grip.

How do you manage to pull that off? I outright have trouble reaching for the button comfortably.

Does anyone actually use claw grip? I think it's just an inside joke by pros to try to make new players look stupid.

Everyone I've seen who claims to use claw is actually using fingertip.

We dont wanna hear about you ocupation's techniques you whore

Not sure if trolling.

For gaming its the best mouse I've ever owned and my accuracy has never been better.

For general use though I use something comfier, plus I don't want to wear it out too fast.

Bought it half a month ago.
>Click buttons make a click button sound when clicked
>scroll wheel is precise and only makes machine gun sounds when not used in the correct position for wheel spamming
>smooth wheel is very good and practical, alternate between it and the clicky one constantly, which feels very natural after a while
>DPI feels like any other DPI in any other gaymen mouse

>DPI feels like any other DPI in any other gaymen mouse

congrats you don't get an opinion