Speccy thread: storage edition

Speccy thread: storage edition

b8, r8, h8, congratul8

Just finished making my first build.

Looks pretty good. How do you like the 1070?

So far all I've done is run dota 2. Seems to be able to play at 120fps at absolutely everything maxed out.

Installing GTA 5, going to see how well it works.

nice 1070

Just one thing I dont understand is why Speccy claims my monitor is 60Hz, when it's 144

I dont think im missing any drivers

Check nvidia control panel and make sure it's set at 144

Hello guys

I am wondering I use this computer and I would like to know if it could be done to get a cheap ass GPU with hdmi so I can use 2 screens, 1 my main and 1 hdmi so I can show off screen on tv in livingroom 4 feet away

Does this shit ass PC support a GPU with HDMI so I can dual screen one screen in livingroom?


it's running at 60 hz right now, go to desktop ,
right click, goto display settings, then scroll down and click advanced display settings, then scroll down again and click display adapter properties , then you will see this window but you gotta clock the monitor tab .

or do it through the driver like this user says

Thanks guys. This is incredible.

Smooth as a pair of shaved balls.

yeah people who say they can't tell the difference between 60 and 120 are either visually handicapped or lying .

120 - 144 is hard to tell , i can't

kind bump

thanks alot

its because im at a friends house and he can only watch youtube on big screen through ipad and its slow and a pain in the fucking ass so I would like to hook that screen up to this computer he has

thanks alot!!

>storage edition

My laptop.

dat athlon x2 pulling WEIGHT NIGGA

It's a prebuilt from 2011, what do you expect?

pulling weight means carrying the team on it's back .
that's a good thing

>tfw on vacation and have to make do with a laptop


Ya it runs cool too.


Still waiting for the 480 price to drop in my country. Maybe I'll just get a 380.


So this is my build, going on 4.5 years now.
I'm looking into buying an SSD for my OS. What size should I get? I want it to be cheap as possible, but I don't trust those $30 SSDs on Newegg, unless someone has something good to say about them

250GB is enough for post people. Either one 250GB SSD or two 120+SSDs in RAID 0, whichever is cheaper.

Sandisk or Kingston 120gb ssd. They are around $40, I have the Sandisk SSD plus in my desktop and the Kingston uv400 in my laptop.

I was looking at that or the Adata ones, I was just a bit surprised at how cheap SSDs seem to have become

>storage edition

upgrading this december can't fucking wait 5 y old laptop I just thought i7 was cool like all the kids back then