/csg/ Chink Shit General

Yes, we know everything is already from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, eBay and similar sites.

This weekend I will making a CSG Rec Infographic, What are some MUST include items? I'll compile a list using your input and start work today.

Want to contribute to the infographic? Take the best possible photograph you can take of your chink shit and includes some of its pros and cons.

>IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon

>Discord channel discordapp.com/invite/013cBVIg9iQEILoeV

>Chink Shit Wiki:

>Chink Shit Randomiser:

• user got a training balisong • user got the Piston Air, a JJRC H98 and a cheap lapel mic (please post a review of all three)
• user gets himself a late bday present a 64gb shark • Myth confirmed, user makes webm showing sharks are waterproof • user got some Marvel Legends in the mail its Pizza Spidey warns of /toy/ elitism not long after a /toy/ user shows up showing exactly that other anons don't understand what his problem is
• Dafen_user finished his written guide, needs help making it into a infographic • user's early impressions with his Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro • user got his €1,50 mouse and USB fan+light for his powerbank • user's been hoarding chinkshit packages in a corner for a massive unboxing • Chinkshit.com user has chinkshit of his own to show off • user buys small emergency chargers that might be unsafe

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:

ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2047675.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xruler metal.TRS0&_nkw=ruler metal&_sacat=0

everyone post penis


>Want to contribute to the infographic? Take the best possible photograph you can take of your favourite chink shit (this can by anything from memebuds/headphones, chink SSDs, powerbanks to quadcopters and include some of its pros and cons.

i've also got a story about getting chinked on shipping, although it was on amazon. i bought this little trinket from a shop that was supposedly domestic, but maybe they were dropshipping it or something. anyways its been two months since the item shipped out and i still havent received it so i contacted the seller and the seller responded with shitty english so i figured it was a chink. the shipping info he gave me said that the item was shipped from china and was received a month ago even though i dont have it and i never received a "you missed the package" slip. basically i was thinking the tracking was fake/he was full of shit. i filed a claim with amazon and he begged me to close it. tried to chink me with "close the claim and i will refund you" and i told him he can refund me first before i close or i'll let amazon do it. he refunded and i got my money back.

>be browsing through aliexpress app
>keep viewing figures
>suggestions now filled with WWII SS figures

And chink smartphones too of course.

Maybe include the price you paid for it so I can add a lowest price its been on sale for vs. 'current' price to the graph

sounds good to me

Are there any other apps besides the Aliexpress one?

It's nice to view chinkshit when bored

You know its a meme when...

Are there any decent chink amp/DACs? Or just an amp, I basically just want a hardware volume control to put on my desk, but I'd like it to also be an external DAC.

How bad is the stuff on wish.com?
I just bought a 5 dollar watch, i know i can expect shit, but will it explode?

he also told me to refuse the item and have it shipped back if i ever receive it even though tracking already says it's been received, so i think he knew that he was giving me a bogus tracking

A cheap solution would be to buy a USB sound card/audio profile. There are some that claim to have well known chips (like the CM108) but I didn't have any luck when searching for reviews.

Not even the stores of the companies that make those know what they are selling.

Wouldn't it be 5V 1A like every USB device plugged into a PC?

12v 4A power supply
>very light weight
>can supply 4A for long period
>can supply quick 10A (milliseconds)

Worth every penny
>chinkshit.com backend used to run on this particular power suply - now the backend just blew out (the PSU is good)

>not the best price

No, the voltage output on the 3.5mm jacks is different depending on the quality of the product. Normally you'd want a high one for both microphones and speakers. Especially microphones.

I'm looking for a watch with a square face like this. Anyone tried anything similar?

Bought this watch for 30$. The brown version.
Hopefully it's good, are watches from Ali at this price range usually good?


Can Chinese e-liquid from Gearbest be trusted? Do any anons have any experience with it?

I don't want to inhale lead/cancer/etc.

I use it to smooth out excessive skin in my feet. Same as more expensive Veet. Same replacebles fit.

Cant remove heavy skin - use hand tools at start.

>not cheapest

Opening chinkshit with appchan just gives me a bunch of errors

Fiio is great when it comes to dac/apms. I have the e10k and its amazing, The othere models are nice too check them out. The e10k is around 70$.
The fx-audio dac-x6 is realy good as well.
You can look into smls, be be careful becouse they are notorious for poor build quality.

>shit dont buy
>does not do true rms

I wouldn't trust anything in liquid form that comes from dubious sources in China but I never actually tried and that's just the western propaganda speaking through me

The guy is a retard and made it so you don't get redirected to Sup Forums.org.

Here's a video on this youtube.com/watch?v=DuLABU6tI7Q

>accurate to 10% usually less than 5%
>worth the price

Have you opened it up to see how unsafe it is?

Least it used a grounded plug. What did you do to test 10A?

Always been nervous about cheap chinese switching power supplies (mostly since I don't know that much about them) that would be left plugged in for a long time (like driving led strips)

You are more likely to get diacetyl than lead or other industrial poisons. It is the chemcal flavorant that causes popcorn lung (and buttery flavors) but it's being phased out slowly.

good for use when your not in a hurry. lacks alot of important parts that would make sound more easy to hear.

You can make out human / dog hearth beat parts and rythm with this if patient is good (with dog use the leg vein).

Totally worth it.


Could those be rebranded flukes?

what's the currently cheapest grey mipad 2 (windows version)?

pls guys I'm desperate for (you)'s


(you) (YOU) (you)
Good luck with the watch, that's all I can say.


I wouldn't trust it. I mean it's probably fine, I doubt you would die from a 30ml bottle, but that sorta stuff I personally prefer to pay a little extra and order from somewhere in north america (mt bakervapour is super cheap)

I would mostly be worried that it wasn't prepared very carefully so the nic content varies and could be contaminated with other chemicals (since it's probably made in the same place as lots of other things)

So am I user.
But those are not easy to get by


Fix chinkshit.com
It's unusable

i will when i get to it, now i wanna make reviews

>Want to contribute to the infographic?

My latest purchase with some memes. Will look for some good.

What are the cheapest, bass-focused (I'm a faggot) headphones I can get from China? Specifically headphones, I can't stand earphones or shoving stuff in my ears in general.

I switched to flavourless - I found after a few days of using a flavour I wasn't tasting anything but everyone else would smell it (my mom would get headaches from some of the flavours I used) Plus if flavour stuff leaks everything smells like "candy raspberry lollipop desert"

the popcorn lung (no clue what that actually is but I have heard of it) is just a happy bonus.

It's a confirmed scam, please remove from randomizer

Metal rulers buy them
they are free and good
>ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2047675.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xruler metal.TRS0&_nkw=ruler metal&_sacat=0

Thanks user, I'll consider these

clean your keyboard nigga

why os figurines so expensive even in china? like there is a cute megaman plush that I want but it's like the same price as hmv.

not having a job sucks man


Milhouse is not a meme.


dont buy, you have to take like 6-10 measurements and take their avg to get good results. i have compared this to in vein mesurements.


My new chair enhancement.

very consistent results
shit calibration.

Might be good if you know your target.


>tfw want to buy this to explore my behind
>tfw don't know what to tell my parents if they wonder what I bought or if they see it

pulse meter is very good and accurate
Oxygen saturation is not good, gives good indication of CO poisoning tho.

Would not buy

Tell them you want to see mom in the shower

Can someone put up the /csg/ shark mousepads? Canada post strike got delayed 30 days so it's time.

Volume meter (missing pop filter)
>totally shit for any use other than proving loud is loud and silent is silent.
>still got good setelent in law case
>does avg and high low measurements and other shit but as the sensor is not good all readings are shit.
Worth a buy.


Bought this because of you Sup Forumsuys
And it works, so I'\m pretty happy


after careful calibration in laboratory, still shit. can tell acid from base thats about it.

Its this.

>can tell if its windy or not
>everything else is shit
>not consistent (tested in lab)

suprisingly good for its price. everyone should own one for this price.
>its no leica

First images replies here This store does custommousepads from ~2.5$ aliexpress.com/store/1949585

just no

Just ordered these, hopefully they aren't shite. Don't wanna get chinked.


Thanks gonna do pink, I'll go with arts bovine.

> all but HZ accurate to 0.5%
>i have used it up to 1000Volts
cheap and good mother fucker

Has anything interesting and noteworthy happened in the past week here? I was gone on vacation, and the wifi in my hotel sucked. At least I had some chinkshit waiting for me when I got back.

>Ganzo G729

I ordered this off of ebay for $23 CAD.

Blade came razor sharp, it can shave hair and the edge stayed the same after 2 days of light use
Solid construction and it doesn't feel like its going to break if you hit it against something
Locking mechanism is pretty nice
Blade unfolding is smooth
Belt clip side can be changed or taken off


Has a little bit of side to side blade movement but you could probably tighten it
The screws that hold it together are two different sizes
The springs in the locking mechanism are too tight and need to be adjusted
The handle may or may not be a bit rough for some people to hold

All in all it's worth the price if you need a cheap, somewhat durable folder.

Fuck i meant Gearbest not eBay, oh well.

>just ordered of gearbest
>return to /csg/
>see this

Fuuckk I need to order more

>good quality
>would buy 2-3 times.

10 cent chinkshit came today
Really loving the OTG adapter

good product idea
Works as punch and soup thingy. Resistant to heat

Nice doge.

>no driver required (except win 98)

>Resistant to heat
it might not melt like spaghetti, but it will still give you cancer

Tera is good
gearbest is shit

hero doge,
>has donated shit ton of doge blood
>is a therapy dog
>has saved a human life
>alot more


Where do I confirm receipt of GearBest items?
Can't seem to find the button.

S-Still no answer on
>my is /meizu/ a meme question
;~; I guess I won't get it..

downsize your images

I make quick reviews for you,
you get a better internet

why dd you quote my 500x375 image


Wemos D1 mini

Amazing for the price, much better than arduinos. Can be programmed with the Arduino IDE.

+ Uses the ESP8266 chip
+ Micro-USB port, no need for any USB-Serial adapters.
+ WiFi, this alone makes it much better than arduino
+ 80Mhz, 4kB EEPROM, 4MB flash
+ WiFi AP-Mode, WebServer, mDNS, lots of options
+ Some shields for IoT projects (Relay, LED, Temperature, oled display, sd-card)

Tried relays, led and temperature, all ok.

- The temperature sensor is too close to the chip, therefore temperature readings are too high unless you bend the sensor away from its shield.

Bought for roughly €3.50 each on ali. (Shields differ in price).

This, where the button at?

Never had a gf and don't have money for prostitudes so I perform dom on myself. Pic related came with a set, would recoment.



>backend used to run on this particular power suply
do you host the site locally?

>mfw my camera has a max resolution of 640x480 so this user will never shitpost at me

I got chinked:
This regulator board has a 60 V capable step up IC, but the caps are 35 V... therefore i can't use it to power my ИB-15 vfd, which need 50 V...
ИB-22 works tho (it only needs 30 V).

Oh, and i got two of those, the second one had the coil desolidarized from the PCB...


anyone know where the high resolution shark came from?

How can I buy from alibaba?